We could not locate which school district ZIP Code 29413 belongs to, but we will update this once updated district data is released. There are no public schools nor private schools with a mailing address in the 29413 ZIP Code, but we have located several schools which are nearby. ZIP Code 29413 also has 6 universities, colleges or post secondary education institutions nearby which would be a short commute to.

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29413 is a part of the Charleston-North Charleston, SC Core-Based Statistical Area (CBSA) and it's CBSA code is 16700. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) defines this as a Metro area. Statistical Areas are defined as either Micropolitan (at least 10,000 but less than 50,000 people) or Metropolitan (50,000+ people). See more Geography & Statistical Areas.

The Map above shows the boundaries and what geography it covers. More Demographics are available below, including charts for population by race, population by gender, population over time, house value, income over time, and much more. Local Public, Private, and Post Secondary Schools shows which schools are nearby.

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Grinding, roaring, knocking, or popping sounds from your wheels can indicate a bad bearing. These can be constant or only noticeable when you turn.

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Median Age: The Median Age of all people from the 2020 Census. Median age is the middle age of the population. Half the population is older than the average age and half is younger. Median Age can relate how young or old a geographic region is compared to others. 0

While 29413 may be known by these alias names, the USPS advises not to use them when addressing mail to this ZIP Code: Chas.

2015422 — My truck (2000 4WD) recently has started this humming noise so I figured I was gonna have to replace the wheel hub assembly.

Female Median Age: The Median Age of all Females from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. The Female Median Age is the actual average from the 2020 Census. Median Age is the average age of the population. Half of the population is older and the other half is younger. This is self-reported by individuals when asked about their sex at birth. 0

The 29413 ZIP Code is home to 25 businesses, employing 167 people. That is an average of 6.7 employees per business. Annual payroll for these businesses is $5,933,000. See Other Demographics.

JOHN DEERE J20C. Posted in Safety Data SheetTagged 2023/06/MSDS-MAJHYDJ20C-Premium-Tractor-Hydraulic-Fluid-J20C.pdf. MENUCLOSE. Home; Products. Technical Data ...

29413 is classified as a PO Box ZIP Code. Its primary use is for Post Office box delivery. It may include some mailbox delivery as well, but this will be the minority use.

29413 is in the Eastern (GMT -05:00) timezone and does observe daylight saving time. It only has the 854 Area Code providing telephone service.

Zip Code 32940 EASY URL: 'ZipCode.org/32940' for Melbourne zip code.

ZIP Code 29413 is located in the city of Charleston, South Carolina and covers 0 square miles of land area. It is also located within Charleston County.


Male Median Age: The Median Age of all Males from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. The Male Median Age is the actual average from the 2020 Census. Median Age is the average age of the population. Half of the population is older and the other half is younger. This is self-reported by individuals when asked about their sex at birth. 0

MOOG hub assemblies are performance proven, quality tested and are available for a broad range of foreign and domestic vehicles. Their application-specific ...

Legal Name Shanghai Yangzhen Bearing Manufacturing Co., Ltd.