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I only would use this for answer choices when I was having a harder time eliminating options. I would strike through the worst option first, the next worst option next until I was left with the least worst option.
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5. The vehicle pulls when you brake. Another symptom of a worn wheel bearing is if the car pulls to one side when you apply the brakes. This can also indicate seized brake calipers or collapsed brake hoses, so it’s best to get a brake inspection at a trusted auto centre.
For #1 (the dense and complex), the strategy is to chill out. If you find yourself thinking “wtf does this word/sentence mean?” just chill out. Every premed who has ever read this sentence/word is thinking the same thing. That’s THE POINT. You aren’t supposed to know what it means. Just get any piece of info that any normal person could get from it and move on. Only worry about a hard word if the question specifically asks you for it. If they ask you, that guarantees that a normal person would be able to make a reasonable inference from context to the correct definition. DON’T TRY TO BUILD YOUR VOCAB. THAT’S A WASTE OF TIME. Everyone else will get hung up by these insane sentences, and AAMC actually WANTS you to get stuck too. Move on. I can almost promise you that you won’t be tested on understanding that insanely complex sentence on the actual test (some prep FLEs will but they're just sadistic). Let AAMC get rekt.
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Willa bad wheel bearing cause wheelwobble
The first question that you need to ask yourself is: will I use a prep program or will I self-study? To answer this, you need to dig deep. Are you self-motivated? Do you hold yourself accountable? The question isn’t “am I driven?”, but how do I learn best? Most people will say… If you are self-motivated then you should self-study, but this (IMO) isn’t true. This isn’t even a black and white question. I, for one, am self-motivated but I need structure too. So I chose a hybrid method of studying--a prep program that gives you structure but lets you customize through self-study. It was perfect for me. And the best part? It’s completely FREE.
Your goal when taking FLEs is to get your timing down so that it feels like second nature. Feel the rhythm of each section. For me, I tried to finish with 5-10 minutes extra to review in C/P and B/B, no extra time in CARS and I always finished with at least 30 minutes to review in P/S. Just find what works for you
Can a bad wheel bearingaffect acceleration
For your diagnostic test (an FLE to see your starting point that people take within your first week or two of studying), you want to just have fun with it. You’re going to bomb it. Don’t worry. Get a feel for the timing. Take longer breaks if you need to. It should be enjoyable. But as you get closer, your objective with practice tests is to try to recreate the environment of the actual test as best as possible. Progressively start stressing yourself out. I would purposefully show up late and in a rush to where I took them. Start telling yourself that your future is riding on this. Take the tests in a quiet environment on a DESKTOP COMPUTER. Pro tip: the dimensions of the screen on the actual exam are not full screen but it’s more squared with blacked-out margins. This throws some people off because the CARS passage seem longer because you have to scroll longer. So start practicing with a squared screen window. As you get closer, start taking the actual allotment of break time. You don’t have to be a Nazi, but get closer as you go. They give you the option of earplugs at the testing center, and so consider buying some to practice if it works for you. You should be experimenting with testing conditions every time. Experiment with what you eat and drink. Experiment with your timing. Experiment with earplugs. Experimentation is your friend.
At Parts Geek, our average wheel bearing cost is between $10 and $30. Many things will influence the total cost you pay to replace your wheel bearings. For ...
Honestly the least helpful thing for me. I bought the PR books because they have more detailed info than is normally covered on the MCAT. If you are aiming for the 100th %ile then I would strongly consider buying them because they teach you a lot of the low-yield things to get you over the final hump, but they don’t have many pictures and are dense. Probably a 7/10 in terms of helpfulness for everything but CARS. Their CARS book is COMPLETE TRASH. Terrible suggestions. I was also given the Kaplan books but never used them. I skimmed one and it seemed very unhelpful. I also stopped reading books altogether after about 2 months of study. But hey, some people swear by it. For me, I learned much quicker from Khan Academy videos at 2.5x speed, FLEs and Anki.
Can a bad wheel bearing cause tire wearreddit
Uneven tire wear can be a sign of other problems (a wheel alignment may be needed, for example), so it’s best to get a professional to check it out.
Resources Overview If you take one thing from this section, understand that there are only 2 gold standards for the MCAT. AAMC and Khan Academy. AAMC actually paid Khan Academy to make official prep videos for the MCAT, so everything on those videos is fair game. They’re not comprehensive, but they are as close to AAMC material as you will get for content. Everything else (PR, Kaplan, Altius, etc) is great but only supplementary at the end of the day.
In this section, I have no hard-and-fast recommendations. This is all just what worked for me. I tried to take harder tests (so not the Next Step tests which people say are closer to AAMC) which was frustrating at times, but that way I could build a bigger Anki deck of missed questions. Especially if you are shooting for 520+, I think taking harder FLEs really helps. For my strategy, I generally tried to find the least-wrong answer instead of the correct answer. The AAMC loves throwing in question and answer stems with one critical word that is not quite right. If the answer stem is perfect but there is one word that is technically wrong, it’s wrong. There are great examples of this, but often the right answer isn’t obviously right, it’s just not wrong.
Can a bad wheel bearing cause tire wearwhile driving
For me, the whiteboard was YUGE. Especially when looking at relationships in B/B. I would use arrows to show correlation (up arrow) sugar (down arrow) glucagon, and show pathways Protein A → Protein B ---| Receptor X → Disease C. The arrow with the flat end would tell me that protein B is inhibiting receptor X. This way, the whiteboard helped me a bunch for questions on what the effect of a change in a system would be. And of course… it helps to do math. I think the highest yield thing you can do for C/P is get really good at dimensional analysis.
Can a bad wheel bearing cause tirecupping
u/dmonsta’s advice for #2 is genius. If you are bored to tears... take a 5 second break and let your eyes have a rest. Look at the wall in front of you. Don’t even focus your eyes. Clear your head. These 5 second pauses were huge for me. I would do them every time I ended a passage. Not only would it give me a microbreak, but it allowed myself to let go of all that pointless info that I just learned about Portuguese literature under Napoleon. It didn’t carry over and I would stop worrying about it.
1. There’s unusual tire wear. Abnormal tire wear may mean you have a problem with your wheel bearings. If you see unusual tread wear on your left tire, you may have a faulty left wheel bearing. Keep in mind, you can’t replace just one wheel bearing. If the left side goes, you need to replace the right side, too.
Can a bad wheel bearing causevibration at high speeds
Here at Minit-Tune & Brake Auto Centres in British Columbia, we’re always pleased to help our customers get the most out of their cars and trucks. To that end, we’ll add a relevant blog topic from time to time to keep you up to date and getting the most out of your vehicle.
I’m the kid who got the 528. A lot of you asked me to do a write up because of that, but honestly, I’m just happy everything happened this way. If I (of all people) can get a 528, you can totally succeed too. I really want to help you succeed. I spent so much mental energy trying to understand this horrible, horrible test and so I’m really glad my score gives me a platform to pass that knowledge on. Feel free to message me with any questions at all. I’m also a student at UCLA, I can meet up with you sometime this next year to tutor or talk strategy. Just message me privately.
C/P - No special strategy here. But I did really well in physics and TA’ed for gen and ochem so maybe that’s just me. If you can get good at quickly doing dimensional analysis and rounding, this will open up enough time for you. I found myself rushing through the first 20 questions because I was nervous, then getting complacent during the middle 20 and spending too much time thinking things over, and then needing to rush on the last 20 questions. Ochem is very minimal. Mainly just Ochem lab stuff and Ochem in biochem. Gen chem is big. Physics 1 is more important than electricity and magnetism, but it does come up sometimes. Honestly, I felt like half of my actual test in C/P was just more biochem.
Highlighting is a total preference. I completely switched it up all the time and eventually found out a system that worked for me. Feel free to try it out, but find out what works for you. My only piece of advice that I think everyone and their grandma should do is this: HIGHLIGHT WHENEVER YOU SEE A NOT OR NEGATIVE MODIFIER IN THE QUESTION STEM. They are usually capitalized, but there were so many times that I forgot it was a not question because I spent so much time looking at the answer choices. HIGHLIGHT THEM AND WHEN REVIEWING, REVIEW IF YOU EVER MISSED HIGHLIGHTING A NOT/NEGATIVE MODIFIER. Here is what I did…
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Anki. Another beautiful gift. It’s too complicated to explain over text, but it’s basically like Quizlet except with spaced repetition to put info into your long term memory. Spaced repetition is king for storing large amounts of info learned over a long period of time (cough cough med school) so most med students use it now. Put the time in to learn it now. I would say that this is the way of the future for medical school going forward. You can start some great Youtube tutorials because Anki is hard to figure out at first but the videos helped me a lot. Watch a ton of videos on it. Definitely figure out how to use image occlusion and close deletions. That’s all I used for card types. But here is the list of addons that I ended up using. Customize your keyboard too to go faster. MAKE YOUR OWN CARDS. Don’t ask me for my decks because I won’t give them to you. They are all the terms that I personally didn’t understand. Half of them wouldn’t make sense to you anyway because I did them in a shorthand that only makes sense to ME. Your time is much better spent trying to build your own deck instead of spending a million hours grinding through someone else’s cards.
Wheel bearings last a long time. Their average lifespan is between 130,000 and 160,000 kilometres. How and where you drive and the quality of the bearing itself will determine the longevity of the component.
Either the actual test day is the most stressful moment of your life or you are a legit sociopath. I was FREAKING OUT, PEOPLE. I drove to check out the testing center the day before. Straight up nerves. I tend to have a hard time sleeping, but the MCAT was another experience entirely. I took melatonin to try to get some rest, but for the two nights before I did not sleep. Like I could honestly account for every hour of the night. Not falling asleep just led to me stressing more so it was even harder to fall asleep. Horrible. But it’s ok! Even if you’re tired, it won’t make your mind forget all the content that you learned. For game day, your goal is just to get excited. It’s finally going to be over. Be confident. You put in hundreds of hours. TRUST YOUR STUDIES. If you come to a question and you are unsure, go with your gut. You may have remembered subconsciously. Poop and pee beforehand. Multiple times. It should be totally flushed out down there. Get hyped. When you get to the center, they start checking you in right away. Even if you’re early. Be early. But you don’t have to take a number right away. Wait until you’re ready. They scanned our palms for security which was weird. They offer you earplugs. When you sit down after a break, they start you immediately--even if you still had 2 minutes left of your break. If you run a bit over your break, don’t worry. They give you ~2 minutes to just read the info start screen of each section so your time will only be deducted from that. If you have that time, use it to calm yourself before starting. Don’t rush yourself. Breathe.
P/S - Again, content, content, content. I actually went too deep into content by the end and would overthink things in the final weeks. I felt like I knew so much about the most random psych terms that I found myself overthinking and opting for more complicated answers too much. So my P/S scores suffered. On the day of the test, I had to actively tell myself to just trust my studying and pick the obvious answer. It worked I guess, but it’s sort of a crap shoot. I would say stick to the KA videos or the pages. I watched all the KA videos twice and that worked great. You can try Uworld and question sets from other companies, but honestly the AAMC question banks are perfect for figuring out the level of detail that you are expected to know.
I was terrible at flagging. It seemed like I would always flag questions that I got right in the first place and not flag the questions that I missed. So when I went back through to review them at the end, more often than not I was changing my right answers and not looking at the questions that I should’ve. Over time, I personally came to mistrust my own flagging and started flagging fewer and fewer questions. When I tried to limit myself to only flagging 4-8 questions that I knew I was shaky on, then the percentage of incorrect questions that I correctly flagged went up.
Khan Academy was great (and free!). I got a chrome extension called video speed controller so you can watch them at over 2x speed (I would watch them up to 3.5x speed on subjects I understood well) to save me hundreds of hours. This was YUGE for me. I would make anki cards as I went which was a perfect system for me. They also have great CARS passages but I will talk about them lower down.
Can a bad wheel bearing causealignment issues
B/B - Whiteboard was king for B/B. In addition to blasting passages with my highlighter, I would also take the time to write down the order of pathways because lets be real here… there are SOOO many abbreviations. Sometimes knowing too much about a subject hurts you here. I am a neuro major and so I could always make the case that it could be option A or C brain area that could be causing the problem etc. But just stick with what they would’ve taught you in BIO 101. Content is also king for B/B. They can ask you about so many topics from so many angles, and so it’s worth just making a trazillion flashcards and going hard. By your last month, don’t focus on memorizing even more intricate details about a topic, but work on synthesizing them all together. How does cortisol relate to insulin or to mitotic division? Stuff like that.
When I first started and would get destroyed by CARS, I would lose confidence in myself and need to go back to the passage for every question to make sure I was right. This blows. It also sucks time away and only adds to your stress. By the end of my studying, I would only go back to the passage for one question each passage. Again, it would mostly be because I was nervous and didn’t trust myself because I would rarely need to change my answer. The most important part is understanding the author. The AAMC rarely asks you about what was in the passage, more like what the author would think if A, B or C happened. Often times you will need to embody the author's views that are totally contradictory to your own. Maybe they love eugenics. Maybe they think it’s awesome that the Nazi’s killed babies. Maybe they’re a republican and you’re a democrat. What they would think about X is the right answer, what you’d think about it will be the wrong answer.
My only real piece of advice with this is... if you need more time on a question, DO NOT flag it and then come back to it later. You already put over a minute into the question right there, your mind is actively grinding it out, and so don’t break up your mental concentration by coming back to it in 45 minutes. Grind it out until you feel good about your choice, or just give up. If you give up, you can still flag it and come back hoping that your subconscious made some progress in the meantime.
2. You hear strange noises. Loud grinding or roaring sounds from the wheels are another sign of wheel bearing problems. If a bearing loses its lubrication, the metal inside grinds against the metal, producing an awful noise. See a mechanic if you hear these types of sounds.
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Take. Your. Motha. Flippin. Time. Read carefully. If you’re a slow reader, read at your normal pace. If you are a fast reader, you may even need to slow down. For my final FLE’s I would think to myself “woah I am spending too much time reading this passage” but then have a private LOLOLOL moment as I blew through the questions. Try this. It may take a dozen passages to retrain your brain, but I hope it changes your life. The reason being is because every enshrined med student god or test prep money drain will tell you “iT’s aLL aBoUt ThE mAIn IdEA” but it’s really not. Reading slowly helps you digest their subtle arguments. You miss questions right now because the AAMC throws in subtle differences in answer choices. Reading fast will leave you pissed off at the question because AAGAGGAHAHH TWO OF THEM ARE RIGHT!! Reading slow? You will have a good laugh with me when you don’t even need to read the options twice. You’ll be like lol I bet everyone else will fall for that trick answer. Again this isn’t fool proof, but message me in two weeks when your scores start climbing.
Again as this redditor explains, if you read slow and focus on the author, 90% of questions will be so clear to you. You’ll have a good laugh with us because CARS actually is manageable. CARS is still a piece of crap and deserves to be burned at the stake, but at least it’s not impossible. You should be thinking about the answers like... "no, A is the opposite of what he said, B is irrelevant, C is kinda weird but not necessarily wrong, D is the opposite of what the author said. Must be C" Feel free to comment with more suggestions.
I cannot recommend strongly enough that you buy all of the AAMC material. You’ll need to if you end up using MCAT Self Prep. It’s worth every penny. MSP integrates it in, but if you don’t use MSP, save your 4 AAMC FLEs until your last month of studying. Take your first three official FLEs 3, 2, and 1 week away. The order doesn’t matter. Then take your last AAMC FLE (one of the scored ones) three days before test day. 2 days before - review it and any flashcards. The day before - rest. Then... it’s game time. AAMC has given us the opportunity to take thousands of prepared, official questions. Make sure you do them all. The FLEs are incredibly close to the actual test. FLE 1 - 521 FLE 2 - 521 FLE 3 - 524 (You can see that I wasn’t scoring 528s. Again, I just got lucky.)
For CARS questions. Before you get there, have a rough idea of what is going on. You don’t need to write anything down (I never did for CARS), but have a one-sentence summary floating around. If the passage was too complicated to be summarized in one sentence, that’s fine. It doesn’t work for every passage. You also want to have a good idea of the author. You don’t need to picture in your head what they look like, but that type of thinking goes a long way. Are they a judgmental jerk? Are they a wooey hippy who loves the expression of emotions through bodily dance? Would they vote as a libertarian or a progressive? As we all know, CARS answers are the crappiest in terms of how vague the right answer can be. So you don’t need to form a perfect image of them. Allow some room for ambiguity.
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I learned this from u/dmonsta and he made a great comment a while back that you will still run into two types of passages #1 - the passage arguement is so dense and complex and uses language from 14th century Finnish thesauruses or #2 - where it is so BORING and you are half asleep reading about the dust on a painting of some Russian architecture in 1672.
Learning when your wheel bearings need to be replaced can help you prevent dangerous driving situations and keep your car safely running.
Never drive for any extended period with worn or broken wheel bearings. Here are some indicators that they need to be replaced.
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I, contrary to popular opinion, made multiple decks. A deck for C/P questions that I missed, one for B/B, one for P/S and one for each of the content sections of MCAT Self Prep (Orgo, GenChem, Biochem, Physics, P/S, etc). I gradually merged them into 3 decks (CP, BB, PS) for the final month. I really liked this method. I wouldn’t say everyone should do it, but it made a lot of sense to me because I could practice getting in the C/P mindset and then switch over to the P/S headspace. It wasn’t just one big jumble of facts, but different states of mind. Please, don’t make a deck for CARS. If you want to improve your vocab, just read higher quality writing like the New Yorker or something. Or just do more passages. But trying to memorize big words is silly and I can almost guarantee you that they won’t show up on the actual test. Super low yield. But yeah… Anki is clutch. I did about 16k reviews in total. It sucked but you develop the discipline if you keep it up.
3. The steering wheel vibrates. Worn-out wheel bearings will cause your steering wheel to vibrate. It’ll begin at slow speeds and get worse as you accelerate. If this occurs, get your steering and suspension checked by a mechanic to determine the nature of the problem.
I took a FLE every 3-4 weeks during the content phase and then 3-4 tests per week during the final month of practice. I bought the 10 tests from Altius. They were great because they sucked. They were really hard. Some of the questions were so specific and stupid that nobody would ever get them. But overall it was noticeably harder than the actual thing which is what I needed. It was like training with ankle weights on so when it came to the AAMC FLE’s, I felt very confident. I also took 2 PR FLEs and those were next level impossible. Honestly, they’re not worth your time. Too hard to be helpful. In total, that means I did 16 FLEs. Most of the top scorers will say that doing FLEs is the best way to prepare for the MCAT. I agree. Especially for the month before test day.
So we all know this, but let me just preface this by saying that my advice does not hold any more weight than others. Ask your friends. Ask others besides just listening to me. I just happened to get really lucky. On my test day, I guessed on questions. I googled a question right after finishing to find out that I missed it. It’s normal. I’m normal. I just happen to be a statistical outlier. But that being said, I put hundreds of hours studying and trying to understand the MCAT. So, I have some advice. I hope that I clearly differentiate in this write-up between what I happened to do and what I recommend for you all. It blurs a lot, but if I say I recommend something, then I mean it. Take any of my other statements with a grain of salt. I’m not trying to sell you anything, but I want to tell you honestly about what I really believe to be true. I’ll talk about the resources I used, my trajectory in FLE’s, how I tried to simulate the actual test, and my experience on test day. I will also include pro tips like getting the video speed controller chrome extension, the right way to format your window for taking FLEs, and many more nuggets.
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Can a bad wheel bearing causevibration when braking
Needle roller bearings are a special type of cylindrical roller bearing. You are almost guaranteed to find needle roller bearings in gearboxes, vehicle drives ...
If you have the resources, find an Illuminati study group. They will just edit your score to be a 528 which is what I did. If I were you, I would also start making blood sacrifices to the lizard people in your local area as soon as possible. You really want to keep them happy or else they may wear your skin to take the test for you. You don’t want that. Lizard people really suck at CARS.
The second and final question that you need to ask yourself is: how much time am I willing to dedicate to this beast? As hundreds of thousands of premeds will tell you, once you start studying, the MCAT will hang over you like a cloud. You’ll guilt trip yourself for not studying when you could be and for not studying while you’ve scheduled time for it. This doesn’t mean that you have to hate your life during the process, but it can and should stretch you as no test has ever done before. So the question remains… How many hours? How many months? For me, I studied 500-600 hours over 5 months. I wouldn’t recommend anything longer than 6 months because let’s be real, you won’t remember what you studied 8 months before. If you are studying during the semester (as I did) plan it out as early as possible to deliberately make that semester as light as possible. You want to do mainly content until you are one month away from the test date, and then the final month should be primarily devoted to taking full-lengths. Whatever you do, I would highly recommend devoting at least 2-3 weeks before the test to do nothing but MCAT. I took 4 weeks of full-time study (50 hours a week). I did 3-4 FLEs each week and the other days I just reviewed what I missed and other weak areas. All those FLEs back to back gives you stamina. The 8-hour test should feel like a 2-hour test by test day. Not a breeze, but it shouldn’t leave you mentally drained. That’s your goal.
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CARS: I highlighted nothing. Never. Not even important names or anything. I’ll talk about my strategy for CARS later, but the highlighter just caught my eye and I couldn’t skim the passage when searching for an answer as effectively. I would, however, highlight important words in the question and answer stems to keep my tired brain focused.
Well, you all are beautiful humans. I spent quite a few hours on this, because it would’ve been exactly what I wanted at the start of all of this. Feel free to share this with anyone else that you know who is struggling with the MCAT. We all have to help each other out because at the end of the day you aren’t competing with anyone. There are tens of thousands of applicants. It’s not ORM vs URM. You are only competing against yourself.
4. You experience wheel wobble. A worn wheel bearing loose inside the hub will cause the vehicle’s steering wheel to feel different. In particular, your car’s steering may feel “loose” and not very responsive.
Since I got no sleep, I took a ton of caffeine over the course of the test. About 20-50 mg before and during every break. I crashed like a zombie after it was all done, but I never felt sleepy or crashed during the test. A friend, the one and only T-money, suggested that I do push-ups during the break to keep the blood flowing. That rocked. Your breaks are shorter than you remember, but you should eat sometime during every break or else you will crash. When taking FLEs, find out what sustains you best. Don’t eat sugary trash. Eat protein bars and real food. Eat like you would eat if running a marathon, small but consistent so you don’t hit a food coma either. After each section, you want to get in the mental space of feeling relief. You will never have to do that section again. Did the last section not go that well? Don’t let it bleed into the next section. Let it go. You should be getting more and more excited, more and more relaxed as the day progresses. If you feel the opposite, tell yourself to let it go. Let it all go from your head. Your mental appraisal is very important to doing well. In the end, if your computer didn’t malfunction and if you didn’t throw up on yourself, don’t void your test. Even if you don’t feel confident, score it. Don’t spend more than 15 seconds on that page. Let it all go. You did it.
Wheel bearings connect your car’s wheels to axles. They’re steel rings with small, lubricated steel balls inside them that allow the wheels to spin at high speeds with minimal friction. Although rare, faulty bearings can cause an entire wheel to fall off your car while you’re driving.
CARS - When I started CARS I would always run out of time. EVERY TIME. This originally was because I read in the PR books that you should pre-read the questions before the passage. I would read them, then go back to the passage now pressed for time, had to read faster than I was comfortable with because I was behind, then go BACK to the questions (by this time I had already forgotten them) and then because I read the passage too quickly I would need to go BACK to the passage to find the answer again! This was horrible for me in every way.
If you don’t already know about our homie JW, look up the Jack Westin website. I used the daily passages and did them as much as I wanted throughout the 5 months of study. They were great because they’re in the MCAT format and show you the percentage of people who get a question right. So that way you know if you missed an easy question (where 90% get it right) or an impossible question (where less than 20% get it right). If you miss questions that less than 30% get right, don’t even worry about it. It was probably just a bad question. JW also has all of the Khan Academy passages in MCAT form which ROCKS. I would say the JW passages are similar in difficulty to the MCAT (maybe a bit harder) and Khan Academy passages are considerably easier than the real deal. But I’d be curious to hear what others think.
C/P, B/B, P/S: I highlighted everything. Well, not the whole passage, but every important word. Every term. Everything that you think they could possibly test you on. In the same way, when you highlight a ton, it doesn’t catch your eye as much when reviewing the passage, but it does help you locate that term faster. I would also highlight anytime it talked about a correlation/causation/feedback loop/relationship. Anything and everything that you think is important. And of course… I would highlight important phrases in the question and answer stems.
Then I heard from my altius friends that you should try to do a passage in X many minutes. They said to spend more time on the questions to really understand them (their tutors even suggested practicing writing their own questions) to be confident in their choices. This is, I believe, the fundamental reason why most people do poorly on CARS. We are taught to spend time combing the questions and answers, going back to the passage to double-check our answers and identify the specific question type/flavor/subcategory etc. Trust me, my friends. This will only add to hatred of CARS if you try to psychoanalyze the questions.