Start by avoiding the southern foothill base and instead go to the centre and take out a enemy officer. At least rate, Wang Ping will struggle, so after that, go to the north foothill base. The gate should be open, since Wang Ping is attacking. He will have his health in half however, so quickly take out the two officers attacking Wang Ping. After the officers are defeated, capture the north foothill base. Now here comes the difficult part, you must quickly capture the central foothill base and the southern foothill base. If you are to slow, Sima Yi will launch his fire attack on the Shu main camp, lowering ally morale. Also, it must be done quicly to support Target 2. Zhang He should be guarding the southern foothill base, so quickly defeat him first, then capture the central foothill base. Now that the fire attack has been thwarted, Ma Su will order a attack, and all allied officers will advance. You still need to capture one more base to complete Target 2, so go to the center eastern base to capture it.

Guide: This battle is very difficult because of two reasons. One, there is no full restore on the battlefield, so you're going have to build up your renbu slowly, and the other reason is that your allies can die very easily, which will fail Target 3. Not only that, it is a six star stage.

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Guide: Start by taking out the two enemy officers heading toward the allied main camp. Afterwards, Sima Yi will instruct the Wei army to capture the foothill posts. Start by taking out the northwest base so Wang Ping won't be a threat. After that, start by taking out the north foothill post. By this time, your allies should have capture the central foothill post. If not, go and help them. After both foothill posts are taken, Ma Chao and Wei Yan will appear. Quickly take them out before they take down your allies. After the threat is defeated, capture the southern foothill post. With all three foothill posts taken, a cutscene will play with Sima Yi launching a fire attack on the enemy main camp.

Guide: Start by defeating the officer and capture the base in front of you, depending on where you start from the main camp. After it is done, head to the center and the defeat the officer and lower the drawbridge so the main forces can advance, including Wang Yun and Guo Si, who is need for Target 3.

Now that Liu Bei has shown up and the allied morale greatly increase while attacking, focus your attack on the main officers, especially Sima Yi. At the same time, Cao Pi and Zhen Ji will appear to attack. Wang Ping at least rate will be in danger, regardless of the morale, so quickly take Cao Pi and Zhen Ji out. After that, go back to the center and take out the remaining officers. Don't take too long in the center, as Wang Ping will attack Cao Cao alone. He however, will be supported by Liu Bei's forces. Now quickly defeat Cao Cao while watching out for his rockslide attack. If all your allies(including the allied reinforcement led by Liu Bei) all survived, you will get your third and final target.

Feb 4, 2019 — محاسبه وزن میلگرد یا شفت فولادی. برای به دست آوردن وزن هر شاخه میلگرد، یک فرمول وجود دارد. با استفاده از این فرمول می توان وزن هر شاخه میلگرد ...

Like in the last title, battles gradually become more challenging the further a player is during an officer's story. The game also borrows the concept of three-way battles from the Samurai Warriors series.

After that, Ma Su and the other remaining enemy officers should now be leaving their main camp. Make sure you are the one to take out Ma Su while dealing with all other officers.

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Musou Mode in Dynasty Warriors 6 is restricted to 17 different characters (23 in Special). To compensate, each story now contains a total of six stages accompanied by narrative briefings and ten rendered movie scenes featuring a particular officer from beginning to end. Most of the new scenarios are loose adaptations on the novel with plot twists and what-if conclusions that break away from history.

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Targets are mission objectives that reward players with additional experience points upon clearing them. Their completion not only helps level up characters faster, but also unlocks more playable officers in Free Mode. Ideally, players are encouraged to meet these targets to further develop their current officer.

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After Ma Su and other enemy officers are defeated, take out the remaining enemy bases. At the same time, Liu Bei will arrive with Zhao Yun and all other officers. Start by taking out Zhao Yun. Sima Yi will also launch a rockslide on the other enemy forces. Be careful when you fight them, as the rockslide will hurt your allies as well. After all other officers is defeated, simply defeat Liu Bei to win the battle.

At the same time, Sima Yi should activate the barricade in the center, lowering ally morale. Two enemy officers will appear, so quickly defeat them to restore ally morale. If Ma Su is defeated, the allied morale will be greatly decreased, so becareful. Wang Ping should be struggling at the Northwestern base, but he'll withdraw after a while, so don't worry about him for now. After the two enemy officers is defeated, Ma Su will order a total withdraw. However the officers that was attacking Wang Ping will attack, so quickly take them out. After that, while your army is withdrawing, is best to go and take out Cao Ren and Xu Huang quickly. That is because Liu Bei will show up later with his army and launch a full attack at the same time. With allied morale greatly increase, Cao Ren and Xu Huang will be taken out by your allies. Focus on them and you should get Target 1.

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This section contains a list of Free Mode-only characters and how to unlock them. With one or two exceptions, most of these officers are more or less clones in terms of moveset usage while having their own unique skill tree to make up for it.

At this rate, you should get a cutscene of Zhang Jiao. After the cutscene is finished, go and take the northern central base and defeat the surrounding enemy officers. After that, head east and capture the eastern base. Wang Yun and Guo Si should be stuck at the stairs due to the dust, in which He Jin should tell you to break two pots. Now continue to head north. Zhang Man Cheng should activate his trap. Defeat him quickly to make it stop. After that, open the gate after Zhang Man Cheng's initial location. Take out one of the pots in front of you. Now go around the enemy main camp and defeat Zhang Liang, then break the second and last pot. The dust should now stop.

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With the dust gone, Wang Yun and Guo Si should be able to advance to the enemy main camp. Make sure they're alive and in the main camp as you battle Zhang Jiao. Watch out for He Jin's safety as well, as he will attack the enemy main camp as well. After Zhang Jiao is defeated and with them still alive in the enemy main camp, you will get your third and final target.

The higher the difficulty, the more experience points are earned. For further clarification, setting the difficulty level to Hard increases the amount of points earned by 25% per target while Master and Chaos raise the bonus percentage to 50%.

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