Surah Al-Isra - 1-111 - an 17
Every unit is deep cleaned and rebuilt using new spare parts, where applicable, including new bearings, filters, gaskets etc. They are then bench tested for a sustained period and under load to ensure it tests as per manufacturer’s specifications. The units are then spray painted and offered with our full guarantee.
Poor ILSD also slows product development. More importantly it slows the entire process. One poorly planned action, one failure in support and process slow or even halt costing two to ten times the money that implementing a researched and prepared ILSD department or in smaller companies an ILS group of Policies would. And that department or those policies if taken seriously can increase production (and income) 30% or much better while reducing returns and bolstering client confidence; bring them back over and over.
IntegratedLogisticsSupportPlan example
Each of our refurbished pumps has been completely stripped and assessed by one of our own fully qualified pump engineers, who have direct OEM experience and training.
Don’t see the pump you need? Contact us Now! We have a vast array of pump stock on the shelf, many as work in progress units that are not shown here
As part of our 15,000sq ft premises, we have a state of art workshop dedicated to the complete refurbishment of pump units.
IntegratedLogisticsSupportHandbook PDF
I have not addressed this topic before, but I have been formally and quite exceptionally in privately schooled in it throughout life. Many of the failures and inefficiencies I see today are a direct result of not fully understand the title of this article. So this article strives to tie the terms “Logistics” “Support” and “Integrated” to how you most likely use them now; then to get you to think about the impact improving procedure, planning, and estimating geared towards support can have on every cost related to running and maintaining just about anything. Here speed, accuracy, and consistency make or break a company with a product, service, or utility.
We are quality assured to ISO9001:2015 for our pump servicing and repairs. We take pride in every unit that goes through our workshop process and this reflects in the high quality of the pump units offered.
We do this as part of each project management plan, project, and process. But too often I see where the logistics are old, static, and growth restrictive. I think it is time more people look at logistics support as its own process, not just little pieces residing in other parts of the project plan or the production and maintenance policies.
Lets just call Integrated Logistics Support and the division running it ILSD. This is more intensive than the initial logistics of a plan. Initial logistics plans work a lot like the average boxer’s plans in the ring; both tend to disappear the minute you are hit in the mouth. ILSD is the logistics planning that does not just expect to be hit in the mouth but predicts when you are most likely to be hit and depending on when and how has both the logistical alternatives and the resources to put them into play immediately without causing a pause in the ground gained. It is not just expecting problems, the unforeseen delays, and failures. ILSD is the process of evaluating every part and process, gathering data on each, and predicting the occurrence of any related factor that could halt, slow, or reduce the quality of a product or service. In the military these cause people to die, not by the enemy but by our own hand, our shortsightedness. Then how to calculate the minimum personnel, equipment, and every other resource necessary to keep a group of war-fighters, pilots, warships, but just as vital complex business processes on target, on time, and on cost!
In the military I had both special tactics training and was assigned to a major MAC command center. Military Airlift is the logistics support for all military but the Navy.