WheelBearingpacking tool

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A grinding or scraping noise is no different, not only will this problem be annoying and hard to put up with, it may be the cause of nerves due to the potential bill you could be faced with.

How to packwheel bearings onatrailer

The term packing your bearing means that all of the gaps you see between the needles have to be stuffed full of grease or packed full of grease. That’s what someone means when they tell you that you need to pack your bearing.

The Dark Horse team sees a lot of trailers come through our doors. Having worked in the ranching and rodeo industry for quite a while we understand the importance of a well maintained high quality trailer to haul your loads. Therefore, we help our clients get up to speed and make sure they are pulling and transporting trailers that are safe and will get the job done.

How to greasewheel bearings onatruck

How to greasewheel bearings without removing

If you only hear the scraping noise when turning corners it could be due to a number of different things, but the most common cause is worn wheel bearings.

When we hear the scraping noise at first, our mind will immediately think it’s something to do with the brakes and this may be caused by worn pads or loose rotors. It could even be a sign of wheel misalignment.

How to greasewheel bearingswith a greasegun

Packing bearingswith greaseby hand

We explain it below, but to make it easier watch the video of our head welder explaining the proper way to pack a bearing.

Take a palm full of grease and gently put pressure down and slide the bearing across your palm, picking up the lubricant along the way. You just repeat this on every part of the bearing. You’ll begin to notice that there is not rattling occurring in your bearing.

How to grease awheelbearinghub

Once you have the grease packed into the bearing you’ll want to lock the inside ring from turning and begin to turn the outside bearing so you are pushing that grease all over those needles. Once you have the bearing completely packed and the grease is poking out of the top, then you can take your grease and rub it all over to get residual grease for your trailer hub and give you proper bearing lubrication.


If you’re hearing a loud scraping or grinding noise when you’re changing gears then this is an indication of a worn clutch or potentially one that needs an adjustment. Make sure you get this one checked out as soon as possible because it could be doing some serious damage to the vehicle.

This is an old school packing method. You’ll see how the bearing is angular. You want to pack the grease from the wide side until the grease comes out through the narrow opening at the top.

How to grease awheelbearing

It can be difficult to confirm where exactly the problem is coming from when you’re not mechanically minded and this is why we always recommend you take your car to a professional. The sooner you get the problem looked at, the more money you can save. Get quotes from reputable mechanics in your area today with MyCarNeedsA.com!

When running the car’s air conditioning, you may notice this scraping noise which is coming from the air conditioning compressors.

When looking at a bearing you can see the steel needles rolling around while the center stays put. When your wheels are going the needles are spinning constantly. Therefore, they need to be well lubricated.

One common question we get a lot is when we tell clients they need to pack their trailer bearings properly. So, how does someone properly pack a trailer bearing?

It’s normal to immediately assume the scraping noise is coming from your brakes but that’s not always the case, it could be telling you the water pump is damaged. The water pump prevents your car from overheating so it’s best to get this one checked out as soon as you can.

We have said it before and we will say it again, when your car is making an unusual noise this is how it’s telling you something is up. Unfortunately, they can’t tell us exactly what the problem is so we just have to listen and be aware of what noises are normal, and not so normal.

Have you noticed the scraping noise occurs when you’re driving? One of the more difficult issues to diagnose, you need to try to decipher whether it’s coming from the front or rear of the car.