Modern quantitative methods of risking fault seal properties have established an empirical relationship between the observed sealing behavior of faults and the inferred sand–shale content of the fault zone.[1][2][3][4][5][6]

The example in Figure 4 of an SGR threshold plot for the U.S. Gulf Coast directly assigns fault seal risk based upon the variation in SGR and seal behavior observed in a data set of approximately 160 faults. The plot shows the percent of faults cross sealing for oil as a function of changing SGR. The actual SGR values have been deleted intentionally.

The capacity of a fault to leak or seal hydrocarbons is largely controlled by the smear–gouge ratio (SGR). The SGR is an estimate of the composition of that portion of the fault zone through which leakage or seal must occur. We calculate the SGR by measuring the cumulative shale and sand that has moved past that zone. A fault cross-leaks or dip-leaks if the sand–shale ratio is high in the zone (high SGR). A fault cross-seals or dip-seals if the sand–shale ratio is low in the zone (low SGR).


A plot of SGR vs. throw, taken from the preceding example, is shown in Figure 2. At small throws, very little shale has moved past the fault, the R sand is not completely offset, and the SGR is high. As the throw increases, progressively more shale is moved past the fault and the SGR decreases. At larger throws, a thick sand package begins to move past the fault and the SGR increases.

The first step in quantitative fault seal analysis is determining the detailed sand–shale content of the stratigraphy. A standardized method of sand–shale discrimination is an absolute necessity. Digital logs and log analysis software simplify the process. Routine methods of sand–shale discrimination are a basic part of analysis and most log analysis software.[8]

Several other algorithms for estimating gouge composition exist.[1][2][3][7][6] All have established a relationship between the actual seal behavior and inferred gouge composition.


Daylight Saving: Yes Time Zone: Eastern Area Code: 828 This ZIP code is type "PO Boxes" (consists entirely of PO boxes).

An SGR–throw plot shows the variation in SGR with increasing displacement for only one small area along the fault plane. In practice, SGR is calculated and mapped over the surface of the entire fault plane. Figure 3 shows the variation in SGR for each point along the fault.

Above a specific SGR value, 100% of all faults in the Gulf Coast cross-leak oil. Below a specific SGR value, 100% of the faults cross-seal oil. A narrow transition zone defines the threshold for seal/leak. Separate thresholds exist for cross-seal/-leak, dip-seal/-leak, oil, and gas.

The SGR threshold for a basin is defined by determining the SGR for known sealing and leaking faults in producing fields. The empirical threshold can then be used to assess prospects and plays and well as develop fields. SGR thresholds vary among basins.

ZIP code 28720 covers the town of Chimney Rock, North Carolina, nestled in the Hickory Nut Gorge. The most notable landmark in this area is Chimney Rock State Park, famous for its 315-foot granite monolith that offers stunning views of the surrounding Blue Ridge Mountains. Visitors can also explore Hickory Nut Gorge, Lake Lure, and the charming village of Chimney Rock with its unique shops and restaurants.

Quantitative fault seal analysis lets us predict fault seal behavior. Fault seal behavior is rarely random. Once we understand the pattern of seal behavior in existing fields, we can risk seal behavior in untested prospects.

The portion of the fault analyzed is adjacent to the Rd sand in the hanging wall. The SGR is the ratio of the total sand divided by the total shale that has moved past the fault. The stratigraphy that has moved past this portion of the fault is marked in red. As the throw increases, more of the stratigraphy below the Ru and Rd sands moves past the fault and the SGR changes.

Figure 1 is an example of an SGR calculation for a portion of a fault at progressive throws of 50, 100, and 200 ft. Sands are patterned; shales are black. The black trace is an SP log.

Figure 1 Example of an SGR calculation for a portion of a fault at progressive throws of 50, 100, and 200 ft. Sands are patterned; shales are black. The black trace is an SP log.