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Welcome to Success Education or SCED! Success Education courses help you learn how to be successful in college and beyond!


Heartland Community College1500 West Raab RoadNormal, Illinois 61761-9446Phone: 309-268-8000Request InformationHeartland Community College PontiacHeartland Community College Lincoln



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Our SCED faculty come from a variety of disciplines including Advising, History, Math, Political Science, English and Reading.


SCED 110: Workplace Success. Workplace Success provides students with the tools to be successful in today’s ever-changing workforce. The course combines theoretical information with practical applications. Students will explore a range of both soft and hard skills necessary to get, keep, and excel on the job. Topics covered include motivation, time management, emotional intelligence, and communication. Leadership styles, technology, and cultural diversity in the workplace will also be addressed. 1 credit hour


SCED 102: Personal Success. This course provides an introduction to academic and personal skills essential for success in college and in life. Topics include personal responsibility, goal setting, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence. Students learn to create success by applying proven principles for active learning, self-motivation, self-management, and interdependence. 1 credit hour

SCED 107: Math Success. This is a course designed to improve students’ success in mathematics. Topics will include: assessing math learning strengths; managing math anxiety, how to understand what you read in a math textbook, how to take effective notes in math class and improving math test scores. 1 credit hour.

SCED 099: Student Success Orientation. This 2.5 hour orientation is available at the beginning of each semester.  The goal of this orientation is to prepare sstudents to be successful at HCC by walking them through Canvas, Navigate, the HCC Website and MyHeartland Tiles. Students will also learn about the many resources HCC available to them.


SCED 101: Career Success. Explore significant personal factors such as values, interests, skills, and personality preferences in order to make informed career and lifestyle choices. Students will research potential careers and use labor market information, decision-making strategies and goal-setting to develop an individual career action plan. 1 credit hour

SCED 100: College Success. A foundational course in active learning strategies and effective study skills that focuses on the learner’s role and responsibility in the learning process. 1 credit hour


SCED 105: Life Success. This course will help students gain awareness of their academic, career and personal selves and facilitate development in each of these areas. Focus will be placed on gaining knowledge of each self, identifying areas of strength and those needing improvement and mastering the tools necessary to achieve growth in these life areas. Students cannot receive credit for both SCED 105 and SCED 100, SCED 101, or SCED 102. 3 credit hours