The part number is still in transition or TTI needs to contact the factory for the current status. Call TTI for help at .

Select products offer a Bulk purchasing option. This allows you to buy in pre-determined quantities smaller than the Standard Package option. These items are loose packed and unreeled.

The ezReel purchasing option allows you to configure your own custom quantity reels. This value added service lets you choose a custom quantity of parts per reel as well as the number of custom quantity reels desired. All ezReel orders are placed onto a standard 7" mini reel with leader and trailer attached. An additional $7.00 per reel charge will be assessed for this service.

Hazardous material content for substances listed in RoHS directive exceed the allowable limits defined in the EU Directive 2011/65/EC and relevant amendments.

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The part number listed has an allowable exemption as defined in the EU Directive 2011/65/EC and relevant amendments,2002/525/EC

Head Office  Thordon Bearings Inc.  3225 Mainway  Burlington, ON  L7M 1A6  Canada  Tel: +1.905.335.1440  Fax: +1.905.335.4033 Contact us

Sorry, but we can't respond to individual comments. If you need assistance, please Contact Us and we will be happy to help.

Standard Package products are offered in full manufacturer standard package quantities denoted by the listed minimum/multiple. This is the most common purchasing option.

The Pb content of the termination material contains less than .1% by weight as referenced in JEDEC JESD97, paragraph 3.5 . Reference document is EU Commission Decision2002/525/EC, Annex II Notes- from ELV Directive2000/53/EC.

The part number is still in transition or TTI needs to contact the factory for the current status. Call TTI for help at .

In Transition This means that our inventory of this part number is presently not RoHS Compliant, however, the manufacturer will be shipping RoHS: Compliant to TTI in the future. This occurs when the manufacturer has decided not to change their part number to indicate RoHS Compliance. Contact TTI to determine the date that the RoHS: Compliant version of this product will be available.

Select products offer a Cut Tape purchasing option. This allows you to buy the product on continuous strips of tape in minimum/multiple quantities smaller than the Standard Package option.

Hazardous material content for substances listed in the RoHS Directive are within the limits defined in EU Directive 2011/65/EC and relevant amendments.

The Pb content of the termination material contains > .1% Pb by weight as referenced in JEDEC JESD97, paragraph 3.5. Reference document is EU Commission Decision2002/525/EC, Annex II Notes- from ELV Directive2000/53/EC.

Thordon's GSS Team operates 24/7 in more than 100 countries. The GSS team can install, commission, service and maintain the full range of Thordon Bearings' environmentally-safe marine, clean power generation and industrial products. Click here for more information.