Rechtssache T-339/05: Urteil des Gerichts erster Instanz vom 12. Juni 2007 — MacLean-Fogg/HABM (LOKTHREAD) (Gemeinschaftsmarke — Anmeldung der Gemeinschaftswortmarke LOKTHREAD — Absolute Eintragungshindernisse — Beschreibender Charakter — Art. 7 Abs. 1 Buchst. c der Verordnung [EG] Nr. 40/94)

What is the ball bearingused for

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How doballbearings work

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Klage gegen die Entscheidung der Ersten Beschwerdekammer des HABM vom 20. Juni 2005 (Sache R 1122/2004–1) über die Anmeldung der Gemeinschaftswortmarke LOKTHREAD

What is the ball bearingmade of

ABl. C 170 vom 21.7.2007, p. 23–24 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)

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Ball bearingdiagram

Ball bearingexamples

Case T-339/05: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 12 June 2007 — MacLean-Fogg v OHIM (LOKTHREAD) (Community trade mark — Application for the Community word mark LOKTHREAD — Absolute grounds for refusal of registration — Descriptive character — Article 7(1)(c) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94)

Simple bearings have been used for thousands of years reducing friction on turning parts like the axles of carts. In the late 1800s and early 1900s advances in machining and production expanded bearing use in all types of machines greatly increasing their life and precision. Bearings reduce friction on turning surfaces and keep them running true. Bearings come in a variety of shapes and sizes (including ball, roller, tapered, and simple friction). Modern bearings are often set in an inner and outer ring (called a race) sometimes with cages (separators) spacing the bearings. Changes to the size, shape, alignment, race, and cage allow for bearings to be used in almost any industry—from industrial turbines and automobiles to household mixers and computer hard drives.

German bearing manufacturers had a long history of manufacturing bearings in Schweinfurt, and their production during World War II made them a target for American bombings. Bearings were a vital component in the tanks, airplanes, machine guns, heavy artillery, and submarines used by the belligerents during the war. In preparing for their invasion of Northern Europe, the Allies sought to gain air superiority by disrupting Germany’s production of warplanes. The Pointblank directive outlined the Allies plans, making fighter aircraft factories the prime target, with bearing factories the second most-vital target.

This is a caged six-ball single row deep groove bearing that was made by Fichtel & Sachs of Schweinfurt, Germany around 1950. The bearing is inscribed “W C 6405B.” German bearing manufacturers had a long history of manufacturing bearings in Schweinfurt, and their production during World War II made them a target for American bombings. The Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association collected bearings for a public relations exhibit during the early 1950s, and donated them to the museum in 1977.

Rechtssache T-339/05: Urteil des Gerichts erster Instanz vom 12. Juni 2007 — MacLean-Fogg/HABM (LOKTHREAD) (Gemeinschaftsmarke — Anmeldung der Gemeinschaftswortmarke LOKTHREAD — Absolute Eintragungshindernisse — Beschreibender Charakter — Art. 7 Abs. 1 Buchst. c der Verordnung [EG] Nr. 40/94)

(Gemeinschaftsmarke - Anmeldung der Gemeinschaftswortmarke LOKTHREAD - Absolute Eintragungshindernisse - Beschreibender Charakter - Art. 7 Abs. 1 Buchst. c der Verordnung [EG] Nr. 40/94)