CPT code 00145 is used for anesthesia services provided during vitreoretinal surgery, ensuring accurate procedure documentation and reimbursement.

CPT code 00404 is used for anesthesia services during breast surgery, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement for healthcare providers.

CPT code 00452 is used for anesthesia services during shoulder surgery, helping healthcare providers categorize and manage procedural data.

CPT code 00640 is used to identify anesthesia services provided during spine manipulation procedures for healthcare documentation and reimbursement.

6. Modifier 22 - Increased Procedural Services: This modifier may be used if the complexity of the revision procedure is significantly greater than typically expected, warranting additional reimbursement.

CPT code 00160 is used for anesthesia services during nose or sinus surgery, helping standardize procedures for healthcare providers.

CPT code 00176 is used for anesthesia services during pharyngeal surgery, ensuring accurate service documentation and reimbursement.

7. Modifier 76 - Repeat Procedure by Same Physician: This modifier is relevant if the revision is a repeat of a previously performed procedure on the same toe.

CPT code 00732 is used for anesthesia services during upper gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures, specifically for ERCP.

CPT code 00174 is used for anesthesia services during pharyngeal surgery, helping standardize and streamline healthcare service documentation.

CPT code 00474 is used for anesthesia services during rib surgery, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement for healthcare providers.

CPT code 00537 is used for anesthesia services during cardiac electrophysiology procedures, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement.

CPT code 00214 is used for procedures involving anesthesia during skull drainage, helping standardize and streamline healthcare documentation.

It is essential to select the appropriate modifier(s) based on the specific circumstances of the procedure to ensure accurate billing and reimbursement.

CPT code 00320 is used for anesthesia services related to procedures on the neck organs for patients aged one year or older.

CPT code 00566 is used for anesthesia services during coronary artery bypass grafting without the use of a heart-lung machine.

CPT code 00532 is used for anesthesia services related to vascular access procedures, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement.

CPT code 00190 is used for anesthesia services during surgeries involving the face or skull bones, ensuring accurate procedure documentation.

CPT code 00210 is used for anesthesia services during unspecified cranial surgery, ensuring accurate procedure documentation and reimbursement.

CPT code 00192 is used for anesthesia services during facial bone surgery, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement for healthcare providers.

CPT code 00222 is used for anesthesia services during head nerve surgery, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement for healthcare providers.

CPT code 00350 is used for anesthesia services during neck vessel surgery, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement for healthcare providers.

CPT code 00170 is used for anesthesia services during procedures on the mouth, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement for healthcare providers.

CPT code 28310 is the procedure for the revision of the big toe. This typically involves surgical intervention to correct or improve the function or appearance of the big toe, which may be necessary due to previous surgery, injury, or deformity. The procedure aims to restore normal alignment and function, ensuring better mobility and comfort for the patient.

CPT code 00472 is used for procedures involving anesthesia during chest wall repair, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement.

CPT code 00148 is used for anesthesia services during an eye exam, helping healthcare providers standardize and streamline service documentation.

The CPT code 28310 is reimbursed by Medicare, but it is essential to verify its specific reimbursement status through the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS). The MPFS provides detailed information on the payment rates for services covered by Medicare.

CPT code 00540 is used to identify anesthesia services provided during chest surgery, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement.

CPT code 00126 is used for procedures involving anesthesia during a tympanotomy, which is a surgical incision into the eardrum.

CPT code 00634 is used for anesthesia services provided during chemonucleolysis, a procedure to dissolve herniated disc material.

CPT code 00406 is used for anesthesia services during breast surgery, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement for healthcare providers.

2. Modifier 51 - Multiple Procedures: This modifier is appropriate if the revision of the big toe is performed in conjunction with other surgical procedures on the same day.

CPT code 00620 is used to identify anesthesia services provided during spinal cord surgery, ensuring accurate service documentation and reimbursement.

CPT code 00630 is used for procedures involving anesthesia during spine cord surgery, helping streamline healthcare service documentation.

CPT code 00147 is used to identify the anesthesia service provided during an iridectomy, a surgical procedure involving the eye's iris.

CPT code 00632 is used for anesthesia services related to the removal of nerves, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement for healthcare providers.

CPT code 00172 is used for procedures involving anesthesia during cleft palate repair, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement.

CPT code 00215 is used for anesthesia services during skull repair or fracture procedures, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement.

CPT code 00524 is used for anesthesia services during chest drainage procedures, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement.

CPT code 00580 is used for anesthesia services during heart or lung transplant procedures, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement.

CPT code 00454 is used for anesthesia services during a collar bone biopsy procedure, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement.

Additionally, it is advisable to consult with your local Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) as they can offer region-specific guidance and any potential variations in reimbursement policies.

CPT code 00326 is used for anesthesia services provided to infants under 1 year old during procedures involving the larynx or trachea.

CPT code 00120 is used to identify and categorize anesthesia services provided during ear surgery for streamlined healthcare documentation.

5. Modifier 79 - Unrelated Procedure or Service by the Same Physician During the Postoperative Period: Use this modifier if the revision is unrelated to the initial procedure but occurs during the same postoperative period.

CPT code 00102 is used for anesthesia services during the surgical repair of a cleft lip, ensuring accurate procedure documentation.

4. Modifier 78 - Unplanned Return to the Operating/Procedure Room by the Same Physician Following Initial Procedure for a Related Procedure During the Postoperative Period: This modifier is applicable if the revision is performed due to complications or issues arising from the initial procedure within the postoperative period.

8. Modifier 27 - Multiple Encounters on the Same Date: This modifier can be used if the patient has multiple encounters on the same day, including the revision procedure.

CPT code 00520 is used for anesthesia services during chest procedures, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement for healthcare providers.

CPT code 00211 is used for anesthesia services during cranial surgery to treat a hematoma, ensuring accurate procedure documentation.

CPT code 00541 is used for anesthesia services during procedures involving one lung ventilation, ensuring proper patient care during surgery.

CPT code 00730 is used for anesthesia services during abdominal wall surgery, ensuring accurate procedure documentation and reimbursement.

When billing for the CPT code 28310, which pertains to the revision of the big toe, several modifiers may be applicable depending on the specific circumstances of the procedure. Here is a list of potential modifiers that could be used:

CPT code 00754 is used for anesthesia services during hernia repair procedures, helping standardize and streamline healthcare documentation.

CPT code 00530 is used for anesthesia services during the insertion of a pacemaker, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement.

Boost patient experience and your bottom line by automating patient cost estimates, payer underpayment detection, and contract optimization in one place.

CPT code 00500 is used for anesthesia services provided during esophageal surgery, ensuring accurate procedure documentation and reimbursement.

3. Modifier 58 - Staged or Related Procedure or Service by the Same Physician During the Postoperative Period: This modifier should be used if the revision is part of a staged procedure or if it is a subsequent procedure related to the initial surgery performed within the global period.

CPT code 00740 is used for anesthesia services during procedures that involve visualizing the upper gastrointestinal tract.

CPT code 00124 is used for anesthesia services during an ear examination, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement for healthcare providers.

CPT code 28310 is a medical billing code used for the revision of the big toe, helping healthcare providers accurately document and bill for the procedure.

CPT code 00700 is used to identify anesthesia services for surgical procedures on the abdominal wall, aiding in streamlined healthcare operations.

CPT code 00216 is used for anesthesia services during head vessel surgery, ensuring accurate procedure identification and reimbursement.

CPT code 00450 is used to identify anesthesia services provided during shoulder surgery, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement.

CPT code 00563 is used for anesthesia services during heart surgery with circulatory arrest, ensuring accurate procedure documentation.

CPT code 00622 is used for anesthesia services during the removal of nerves, ensuring accurate procedure documentation and reimbursement.

CPT code 00104 is used to identify anesthesia services provided during electroshock therapy, ensuring standardized communication among healthcare providers.

CPT code 00352 is used for anesthesia services during neck vessel surgery, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement for healthcare providers.

1. Modifier 50 - Bilateral Procedure: Use this modifier if the procedure is performed on both big toes during the same surgical session.

CPT code 00220 is used to describe anesthesia services for intracranial nerve procedures, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement.

CPT code 00162 is used for anesthesia services during nose or sinus surgery, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement for healthcare providers.

CPT code 00212 is used for procedures involving anesthesia during skull drainage, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement.

CPT code 00402 is used for anesthesia services during breast surgery, helping healthcare providers categorize and manage procedural data efficiently.

CPT code 00731 is used for anesthesia services during upper gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures not otherwise specified.

CPT code 00522 is used for procedures involving anesthesia during a biopsy of the chest lining, aiding in accurate medical documentation.

CPT code 00164 is used for anesthesia services during a nose biopsy, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement for healthcare providers.

CPT code 00470 is used for anesthesia services during the surgical removal of a rib, ensuring accurate procedure documentation.

Discover how MD Clarity's RevFind software can enhance your revenue cycle management by accurately reading your contracts and detecting underpayments down to the CPT code level and by individual payer. With RevFind, you can identify discrepancies for specific codes like 28310, ensuring you capture every dollar owed. Schedule a demo today to see how RevFind can optimize your revenue recovery process.

CPT code 00550 is used for anesthesia services during sternal debridement procedures, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement.

CPT code 00218 is used for anesthesia services during specific head surgeries, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement for healthcare providers.

CPT code 00140 is used for anesthesia services during procedures on the eye, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement for healthcare providers.

CPT code 00142 is used to identify and categorize anesthesia services provided during lens surgery for streamlined healthcare documentation.

CPT code 00670 is used for anesthesia services during spinal cord surgery, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement for healthcare providers.

CPT code 00756 is used for anesthesia services during hernia repair procedures, ensuring accurate service documentation and reimbursement.

CPT code 00144 is used for procedures involving anesthesia during a corneal transplant, helping streamline healthcare service documentation.