Hu-Friedy has a wide variety of resources on instrument reprocessing, infection prevention and IMS. Now you can find them in one place.

Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-7149-A's hostile disposition towards the Foundation and its propensity for weaponizing SCP-7149-B's properties against personnel interacting with it, the object has been relegated to solitary confinement in Site-55's humanoid containment wing. Personnel affected by SCP-7149-B are to report to the SCP-7149 project lead before consuming their next meal.

SCP-7149: It's obvious. You're gonna put on a tough guy act and ask me about my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals from the internet. I'm not gonna answer. You're going to threaten me with something. I'm not gonna budge.

Filename: nixon.jpg Name: Richard Nixon presidential portrait Author: Department of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations. U.S. Army Audiovisual Center. (ca. 1974 - 05/15/1984) License: Public Domain Source Link: Link


[SCP-7149 is seated with its hands cuffed behind its back in the interrogation chamber. Researcher Alces enters and takes a seat across from SCP-7149.]

Hu-Friedy has a wide variety of resources on instrument reprocessing, infection prevention and IMS. Now you can find them in one place.

For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.

Addendum: The following is an interview carried out with SCP-7149-A upon being contained and prior to the discovery of SCP-7149-B.

SCP-7149-A is Henry Evanson, a 27-year-old male who possesses minor ontokinetic properties from Durango, Colorado, United States. SCP-7149-A was a member of GoI-5869 (Gamers Against Weed), and utilized the handle "australiumrules" in relevant chatrooms until they were captured by the Foundation.

Foundation-employed cannibals affected by SCP-7149-B have confirmed that this effect additionally translates to the taste of their food; it apparently becoming flavored similar to human flesh. Non-ritualistic cannibals1 report that SCP-7149-B-affected foodstuffs tastes similar to pork.

SCP-7149-B is a phrase, which when directed by SCP-7149-A towards another human, will result in the affected individual’s next meal becoming genetically identical to Richard Nixon. This effect extends to all foodstuffs, regardless of whether it is meat or plant-based. Foodstuffs affected by SCP-7149-B will still appear identical to their unaltered versions.