The most common causes of grinding sounds in your car - what would cause a grinding noise when driving
How long is 60 daysin months
15,552,000 with only months with 30 days 2592000 * 6 = 15552000 60 seconds in a minute. 60 minutes in an hour = 3,600 seconds in an hour 24 hours in a day = 86,400 seconds in a day February has 28 days, or 2,419,200 seconds Months with 30 days have 2,592,000 seconds Months with 31 days have 2,678,400 seconds
yes there are 60 days in two months.Because in one month there is 30,sometimes. ____________________________ 60 days is APPROXIMATELY two months. Depending on the months, it could two months plus a day, or two months MINUS one day.
I assume you mean months which about 2 months are in 60 days. If not 60 days are in 2 months. Then maybe its in 3 months in a half