The Symptoms and Signs of a Bad Wheel Hub Assembly - car hub bearing
Wheel hub assemblies are some of the toughest and hardest working components of your vehicle. On an HGV they’re asked to cope with considerable weight and workload on a daily basis so they’re built to last. While they will give you thousands of miles of trouble-free service, as with everything, they will be subject to deterioration over time.
Types ofcam and followerpdf
A rumbling or growling noise can be indicative of a bad bearing. It can be particularly prominent when the vehicle is moving in a straight line, getting worse when the vehicle turns slightly at a speed of 15-50mph.
This professional service didn't just save me over £800 on service exchanged or new parts it also got me back on the road without disruption to my loading while the truck was parked up for the weekend so as previously mentioned the down time was zero. This company was first class!
Just like to say thank you for the fantastic levels of service and response times you continue to provide. 3 hubs being done while we wait. Brilliant.
Cam and followerDiagram
Absolutely fantastic company to deal with. Went out of their way to help out even on a bank holiday weekend opening up especially for me. Would 100% recommend.
CV Hubs & Bearings is committed to providing the highest standard of wheel hub parts to the commercial vehicle industry. If you require replacement parts such as wheel hub and wheel bearings, then browse our range of products available to purchase directly from our website.
A Cam Follower is a specialized type of roller designed to follow the curvature of a cam or track and to translate or communicate machine motion or load. By rolling, versus sliding, Cam Followers provide less wear and tear on equipment components than other types of followers as PCI Cam Follower assemblies are manufactured with a full complement of needle roller bearings and are engineered to offer proven toughness under heavy radial loads. PCI Cam Followers feature a case-hardened roller body with a thick outer section to provide endurance under shock loads. Choose from stud type or yoke type in plain or crowned roller body profiles with black oxide coating on all surfaces.
Cam and followerexamples
Uneven tyre wear can indicate that the wheel bearing is well on the road to failure. Usually, noises and other signs will appear first, but if these are ignored, tyre wear can be an indication that the wheel hub assembly needs urgent attention. A worn wheel bearing will make the wheel loose which causes the tyre to wear out unevenly.
If you suspect that your wheel hub is failing because of any of the above indicators it’s important to have it checked as soon as possible. Catastrophic failure can lead to serious and costly accidents. Replacing a wheel hub assembly is a relatively simple procedure and it shouldn’t be put off.
P.O. Box 115 Alpena, MI 49707, USA Toll Free: (800) 323-0966 Load Bearing Roller Assemblies: (989) 358-6148 Conveyor Components: (989) 358-6149 Email PCI
Cam and FollowerVEX
Stud Type Cam Followers provide efficient cantilever mounting. The screwdriver slot in the integral stud provides adequate installation torque for most applications.
Cam and followerin real life
Eventually, a wheel hub assembly will begin to show signs of deterioration which, if left to continue, will only get worse. While outright failure is rare, it’s important to be alert to some of the warning signs. The timeframe in which damage can occur is generally linked to driving conditions with noise being a classic sign of a faulty wheel hub bearing.
If you feel some looseness in the steering it may indicate that a wheel bearing is failing. When a bearing wears down it starts to become loose within the wheel hub and spindle. This, in turn, can make the steering wheel feel loose.
A thick roller body profile and full complement needle bearings featuring ∞Infinity Roller™ Technology give PCI Cam Followers unparalleled radial performance.
PCI precision carbon steel yoke shafts are carefully designed and machined to tight tolerances to ensure optimum fit and dependable performance with Yoke Type Load Bearing Roller Assemblies.
Stud Type Cam Followers provide efficient cantilever mounting. The hex socket in the integral stud provides additional installation torque for use with self-locking nuts and blind hole mounting, plus allows for easier installation than the alternate screwdriver slot.
Cam and followerPDF
If you hear grinding noises when the vehicle is in motion it can indicate that a wheel hub assembly is damaged. If the noise is normally heard when turning or when there is a shift in load, it might indicate roller or raceway damage.
Wheel vibration or wobble is usually indicative of a worn or damaged tyre, wheel or suspension component or severe chassis misalignment. It can also occur when lug nuts are not properly torqued or may indicate the loss of clamp. It can indicate a bearing with extreme mechanical damage.
If you are looking to replace your wheel hub assembly yourself it’s important to ensure you have the correct and most professional parts available to you.
Cam and followermechanism
Yoke Type rollers provide higher load carrying capability by utilizing a double shear mounting arrangement thereby eliminating stud capacity limitations. Can be used with PCI Heavy Duty Yoke Shafts for efficient design & installation practices.
Types ofcam and follower
Crowned Cam Followers have a spherical body profile and are used to reduce the effects of misalignment by better distributing load over the body and internal bearing elements. Crowned rollers are also used in rotary applications to minimize scrubbing or skidding.
Some of the first signs that a wheel hub assembly is failing will be noises. This is why it’s important to remain attuned to any unusual and persistent noises and to act on them. It could save you money and hassle in the long run.
Plain/Cylindrical Cam Followers effectively carry radial loads. For heavy side loads, Plain Cam Followers can be positioned vertically to act as side guides.
When bearings are worn they become loose leading to excessive runout. This then causes the brakes to pull or pulsate. A corroded or pitted bearing that transmits the vibration through the steering can cause pulling to one side. The vehicle will pull to the side of the failed wheel bearing.