Section 584 of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1988, as contained in section 101(e) of Public Law 100–202, referred to in subsec. (a)(2)(A)(v), is section 101(e) [title V, § 584] of Pub. L. 100–202, Dec. 22, 1987, 101 Stat. 1329–183, which is set out as an Amerasian Immigration note under section 1101 of this title.

An alien who on August 22, 1996, is lawfully residing in any State and is receiving benefits under such program on August 22, 1996, shall continue to be eligible to receive such benefits until January 1, 1997.

2002—Subsec. (a)(2)(F). Pub. L. 107–171, § 4401(a), added cl. (i), substituted “(ii) in the case” for “(II) in the case”, and struck out former cls. (i) and (ii)(I) which read as follows:

1998—Subsec. (a)(2)(A). Pub. L. 105–185, § 503, struck out cl. (i) designation and heading after subpar. (A) heading, substituted “programs described in paragraph (3)” for “program described in paragraph (3)(A)” in introductory provisions, redesignated subcls. (I) to (V) as cls. (i) to (v), respectively, and realigned their margins, and struck out heading and text of former cl. (ii) which related to eligibility of certain aliens for the food stamp program.

Pub. L. 110–234 and Pub. L. 110–246 made identical amendments to this section. The amendments by Pub. L. 110–234 were repealed by section 4(a) of Pub. L. 110–246.

Subsec. (b)(2)(A)(ii)(III). Pub. L. 105–33, § 5562, substituted “section 243(h) of such Act (as in effect immediately before the effective date of section 307 of division C of Public Law 104–208) or section 241(b)(3) of such Act (as amended by section 305(a) of division C of Public Law 104–208)” for “section 243(h) of such Act”.

Not later than March 31, 1997, the Commissioner of Social Security shall notify an individual described in subclause (I) of the provisions of this clause.

Subsection (a)(2)(A)(i)(V) of this section, referred to in subsec. (b)(2)(A)(i)(V), (ii)(V), was redesignated section 1612(a)(2)(A)(v) of this title by Pub. L. 105–185, title V, § 503(2), (3), June 23, 1998, 112 Stat. 578.

1997—Subsec. (a)(2)(A). Pub. L. 105–33, § 5302(a), amended heading and text of subpar. (A) generally. Prior to amendment, text read as follows: “Paragraph (1) shall not apply to an alien until 5 years after the date—

Subsec. (a)(2)(A)(i)(III). Pub. L. 105–33, § 5562, substituted “section 243(h) of such Act (as in effect immediately before the effective date of section 307 of division C of Public Law 104–208) or section 241(b)(3) of such Act (as amended by section 305(a) of division C of Public Law 104–208)” for “section 243(h) of such Act”.

This chapter, referred to in subsecs. (a)(3) and (b)(3), was in the original “this title” meaning title IV of Pub. L. 104–193, Aug. 22, 1996, 110 Stat. 2260, which enacted this chapter, section 1183a of this title, and sections 611a and 1437y of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare, amended section 1383 of this title, sections 32 and 6213 of Title 26, Internal Revenue Code, and sections 1436a and 1471 of Title 42, and enacted provisions set out as notes under section 1183a of this title and section 32 of Title 26. For complete classification of title IV to the Code, see Tables.

The provisions of this subsection and the redetermination under subclause (I), shall only apply with respect to the benefits of an individual described in subclause (I) for months beginning on or after September 30, 1998.

Subsec. (a)(2)(A)(ii)(III). Pub. L. 105–33, § 5562, substituted “section 243(h) of such Act (as in effect immediately before the effective date of section 307 of division C of Public Law 104–208) or section 241(b)(3) of such Act (as amended by section 305(a) of division C of Public Law 104–208)” for “section 243(h) of such Act”.

“(i) An alien who is admitted to the United States as a refugee under section 207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act until 5 years after the date of an alien’s entry into the United States.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law and except as provided in section 1613 of this title and paragraph (2), a State is authorized to determine the eligibility of an alien who is a qualified alien (as defined in section 1641 of this title) for any designated Federal program (as defined in paragraph (3)).

Subsec. (b)(2)(A). Pub. L. 105–33, § 5302(b), amended heading and text of subpar. (A) generally. Prior to amendment, text read as follows:

References to the food stamp program established under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008, formerly known as the Food Stamp Act of 1977, considered to refer to the supplemental nutrition assistance program established under that Act, see section 4002(c) of Pub. L. 110–246, set out as a note under section 2012 of Title 7, Agriculture.

With respect to eligibility for benefits for the program defined in paragraph (3)(C) (relating to the medicaid program), section 1611(a) of this title and paragraph (1) shall not apply to any individual described in subsection (a)(2)(G).

The Immigration and Nationality Act, referred to in subsecs. (a)(2)(B)(i) and (b)(2)(B)(i), is act June 27, 1952, ch. 477, 66 Stat. 163, which is classified principally to chapter 12 (§ 1101 et seq.) of this title. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 1101 of this title and Tables.

Section 212(b) of Public Law 93–66, referred to in subsec. (a)(3)(A), is set out as a note under section 1382 of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare.

Amendment by section 4401(b)(1) of Pub. L. 107–171 effective Oct. 1, 2003, see section 4401(b)(3) of Pub. L. 107–171, set out as a note under section 2014 of Title 7, Agriculture.

Amendment by section 4115(c)(2)(D) of Pub. L. 110–246 effective Oct. 1, 2008, see section 4407 of Pub. L. 110–246, set out as a note under section 1161 of Title 2, The Congress.

Section 243 of such Act and section 243 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, referred to in subsecs. (a)(2)(A)(iii), (M)(i)(III)(dd) and (b)(2)(A)(i)(III), (ii)(III), are section 243 of act June 27, 1952, which is classified to section 1253 of this title. Section 1253 of this title was amended generally by Pub. L. 104–208, div. C, title III, § 307(a), Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 3009–612, and, as so amended, no longer contains a subsec. (h). For effective date of section 307 of Pub. L. 104–208, see section 309 of Pub. L. 104–208, set out as an Effective Date of 1996 Amendments note under section 1101 of this title.

An alien who is receiving benefits under the program defined in subsection (a)(3)(A) (relating to the supplemental security income program) shall be eligible for medical assistance under a State plan under title XIX of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.) under the same terms and conditions that apply to other recipients of benefits under the program defined in such subsection.

The provisions of this subsection and the recertification under subclause (I) shall only apply with respect to the eligibility of an alien for a program for months beginning on or after the date of recertification, if on August 22, 1996, the alien is lawfully residing in any State and is receiving benefits under such program on August 22, 1996.

With respect to any redetermination under subclause (I), the Commissioner of Social Security shall apply the eligibility criteria for new applicants for benefits under such program.

With respect to any recertification under subclause (I), the State agency shall apply the eligibility criteria for applicants for benefits under such program.

Pub. L. 104–208, div. C, title V, § 510, Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 3009–673, provided that the amendment made by section 510 is effective as if included in the enactment of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, Pub. L. 104–193.

Amendment by sections 5562 and 5563 of Pub. L. 105–33 effective as if included in the enactment of title IV of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, Pub. L. 104–193, see section 5582 of Pub. L. 105–33, set out as a note under section 1367 of this title.

With respect to eligibility for benefits for the specified Federal program described in paragraph (3)(B), paragraph (1) shall not apply to any individual who is under 18 years of age.

Subsec. (a)(2)(C)(i). Pub. L. 105–33, § 5563(c), inserted “, 1101, or 1301, or as described in section 107” after “section 101”.

A qualified alien or victim of trafficking described in subclause (I) or (II) who has not attained age 18 shall not be required to furnish to the Commissioner of Social Security a declaration described in item (aa) as a condition of being eligible for the specified Federal program described in paragraph (3)(A) for an additional 2-year period in accordance with this clause.

Pub. L. 105–33, § 5563(a), inserted “and who fulfills the minimum active-duty service requirements of section 5303A(d) of title 38” after “alienage”.

With respect to eligibility for benefits for any designated Federal program, paragraph (1) shall not apply to any individual who lawfully resides in 1 of the 50 States or the District of Columbia in accordance with the Compacts of Free Association between the Government of the United States and the Governments of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau and shall not apply, at the option of the Governor of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, or American Samoa as communicated to the Secretary of Health and Human Services in writing, to any individual who lawfully resides in the respective territory in accordance with such Compacts.

Subject to clause (ii), beginning on September 30, 2008, any qualified alien (as defined in section 1641(b) of this title) or victim of trafficking in persons (as defined in section 7105(b)(1)(C) of title 22 or as granted status under section 101(a)(15)(T)(ii) of the Immigration and Nationality Act [8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(T)(ii)]) rendered ineligible for the specified Federal program described in paragraph (3)(A) during the period beginning on August 22, 1996, and ending on September 30, 2008, solely by reason of the termination of the 7-year period described in subparagraph (A) shall be eligible for such program for an additional 2-year period in accordance with this clause, if such qualified alien or victim of trafficking meets all other eligibility factors under title XVI of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 1381 et seq.], furnishes to the Commissioner of Social Security the declaration required under subclause (IV) (if applicable), and is described in subclause (III).

Pub. L. 105–18, § 6005(a)(2), substituted “September 30, 1997,” for “the date of the redetermination with respect to such individual”.

Subsec. (a)(2)(F)(ii). Pub. L. 105–185, § 504(2), designated existing provisions as subcl. (I), inserted “in the case of the specified Federal program described in paragraph (3)(A),” before “is blind”, substituted “; and” for period at end, and added subcl. (II).

The program of block grants to States for social services under title XX of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 1397 et seq.].

The Food Stamp Act of 1977, referred to in subsec. (a)(2)(D)(ii)(I), (F)(ii), (3)(B), subsequently renamed the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008, is Pub. L. 88–525, Aug. 31, 1964, 78 Stat. 703, which is classified generally to chapter 51 (§ 2011 et seq.) of Title 7, Agriculture. Section 3(l) of the Act, which defined “supplemental nutrition assistance program”, was classified to section 2012(l) of Title 7, prior to repeal by Pub. L. 113–79, title IV, § 4030(a)(3), Feb. 7, 2014, 128 Stat. 813. Such term is now defined in section 2012(t) of Title 7. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 2011 of Title 7 and Tables.

With respect to eligibility for benefits for the program defined in paragraph (3)(A) (relating to the supplemental security income program), paragraph (1) shall not apply to an alien who is lawfully residing in the United States and who was receiving such benefits on August 22, 1996.

The supplemental security income program under title XVI of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 1381 et seq.], including supplementary payments pursuant to an agreement for Federal administration under section 1616(a) of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 1382e(a)] and payments pursuant to an agreement entered into under section 212(b) of Public Law 93–66.

Subsec. (a)(2)(G). Pub. L. 105–185, § 505, substituted “Exception” for “SSI exception” in subpar. heading and “specified Federal programs described in paragraph (3)” for “program defined in paragraph (3)(A) (relating to the supplemental security income program)” in introductory provisions.

Amendment by section 4401(a) of Pub. L. 107–171 effective Oct. 1, 2002, except as otherwise provided, see section 4405 of Pub. L. 107–171, set out as an Effective Date note under section 1161 of Title 2, The Congress.

Benefits paid to a qualified alien or victim described in subclause (II) shall be paid prospectively over the duration of the qualified alien’s or victim’s renewed eligibility.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law and except as provided in paragraph (2), an alien who is a qualified alien (as defined in section 1641 of this title) is not eligible for any specified Federal program (as defined in paragraph (3)).

1996—Subsec. (a)(2)(D)(ii)(I). Pub. L. 104–208 amended subcl. (I) generally. Prior to amendment, subcl. (I) read as follows: “With respect to the specified Federal program described in paragraph (3)(B), during the period beginning on August 22, 1996, and ending on the date which is 1 year after August 22, 1996, the State agency shall, at the time of the recertification, recertify the eligibility of any individual who is receiving benefits under such program as of August 22, 1996, and whose eligibility for such benefits may terminate by reason of the provisions of this subsection.”

Subsec. (a)(2)(C)(iii). Pub. L. 105–33, § 5563(b), inserted before period at end “or the unremarried surviving spouse of an individual described in clause (i) or (ii) who is deceased if the marriage fulfills the requirements of section 1304 of title 38”.

Section 501(e) of the Refugee Education Assistance Act of 1980, referred to in subsecs. (a)(2)(A)(iv), (M)(i)(III)(cc) and (b)(2)(A)(i)(IV), (ii)(IV), is section 501(e) of Pub. L. 96–422, which is set out in a note under section 1522 of this title.

“(ii)(I) in the case of the specified Federal program described in paragraph (3)(A), is blind or disabled, as defined in section 1614(a)(2) or 1614(a)(3) of the Social Security Act; and”.

For purposes of subclauses (I) and (II), the declaration required under this subclause of a qualified alien or victim of trafficking described in either such subclause is a declaration under penalty of perjury stating that the alien or victim has made a good faith effort to pursue United States citizenship, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security. The Commissioner of Social Security shall develop criteria as needed, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, for consideration of such declarations.

The 9th proviso under migration and refugee assistance in title II of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1989, Public Law 100–461, referred to in subsec. (a)(2)(A)(v), is contained in Pub. L. 100–461, title II, Oct. 1, 1988, 102 Stat. 2268–15, which is set out as an Amerasian Immigration note under section 1101 of this title.

With respect to eligibility for benefits for the specified program described in paragraph (3)(A), paragraph (1) shall not apply during fiscal years 2009 through 2011 to an alien described in one of clauses (i) through (v) of subparagraph (A) or a victim of trafficking in persons (as defined in section 7105(b)(1)(C) of title 22 or as granted status under section 101(a)(15)(T)(ii) of the Immigration and Nationality Act [8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(T)(ii)]), if such alien or victim (including any such alien or victim rendered ineligible for the specified Federal program described in paragraph (3)(A) during the period beginning on August 22, 1996, and ending on September 30, 2008, solely by reason of the termination of the 7-year period described in subparagraph (A)) has filed an application for naturalization that is pending before the Secretary of Homeland Security or a United States district court based on section 336(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act [8 U.S.C. 1447(b)], or has been approved for naturalization but not yet sworn in as a United States citizen, and the Commissioner of Social Security has verified, through procedures established in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, that such application is pending or has been approved.

Subsec. (b)(2)(C)(i). Pub. L. 105–33, § 5563(c), inserted “, 1101, or 1301, or as described in section 107” after “section 101”.

Subject to clause (ii), with respect to eligibility for benefits under subparagraph (A) for the specified Federal program described in paragraph (3)(A) of qualified aliens (as defined in section 1641(b) of this title) and victims of trafficking in persons (as defined in section 7105(b)(1)(C) of title 22 or as granted status under section 101(a)(15)(T)(ii) of the Immigration and Nationality Act [8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(T)(ii)]), the 7-year period described in subparagraph (A) shall be deemed to be a 9-year period during fiscal years 2009 through 2011 in the case of such a qualified alien or victim of trafficking who furnishes to the Commissioner of Social Security the declaration required under subclause (IV) (if applicable) and is described in subclause (III).

“(iii) An alien whose deportation is being withheld under section 243(h) of such Act until 5 years after such withholding.”

With respect to the specified Federal program described in paragraph (3)(A), during the period beginning on August 22, 1996, and ending on September 30, 1998, the Commissioner of Social Security shall redetermine the eligibility of any individual who is receiving benefits under such program as of August 22, 1996, and whose eligibility for such benefits may terminate by reason of the provisions of this subsection.

With respect to eligibility for benefits for any specified Federal program, paragraph (1) shall not apply to any individual who lawfully resides in the United States in accordance with section 141 of the Compacts of Free Association between the Government of the United States and the Governments of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau.

With respect to eligibility for benefits for the specified Federal program described in paragraph (3)(B), paragraph (1) shall not apply to any qualified alien who has resided in the United States with a status within the meaning of the term “qualified alien” for a period of 5 years or more beginning on the date of the alien’s entry into the United States.

Subsec. (b)(2)(G). Pub. L. 118–42, § 209(f)(1)(B), substituted “Exception for” for “Medicaid exception for” in heading and “any designated Federal program” for “the designated Federal program defined in paragraph (3)(C) (relating to the Medicaid program)” in text.

Subsec. (a)(2)(F). Pub. L. 105–185, § 504(1), substituted “specified Federal programs described in paragraph (3)” for “program defined in paragraph (3)(A) (relating to the supplemental security income program)” in introductory provisions.

With respect to the specified Federal program described in paragraph (3)(B), ineligibility under paragraph (1) shall not apply until April 1, 1997, to an alien who received benefits under such program on August 22, 1996, unless such alien is determined to be ineligible to receive such benefits under the Food Stamp Act of 1977 [1] [7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.]. The State agency shall recertify the eligibility of all such aliens during the period beginning April 1, 1997, and ending August 22, 1997.

Subsec. (b)(2)(C)(iii). Pub. L. 105–33, § 5563(b), inserted before period at end “or the unremarried surviving spouse of an individual described in clause (i) or (ii) who is deceased if the marriage fulfills the requirements of section 1304 of title 38”.

Pub. L. 105–33, § 5563(a), inserted “and who fulfills the minimum active-duty service requirements of section 5303A(d) of title 38” after “alienage”.

The Social Security Act, referred to in subsecs. (a)(2)(B)(ii)(I), (M)(i)(II), (3)(A) and (b)(2)(B)(ii)(I), (F), (3), is act Aug. 14, 1935, ch. 531, 49 Stat. 620. Titles II, XVI, XIX, and XX of the Act are classified generally to subchapters II (§ 401 et seq.), XVI (§ 1381 et seq.), XIX (§ 1396 et seq.) and XX (§ 1397 et seq.), respectively, of chapter 7 of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare. Part A of title IV of the Act is classified generally to part A (§ 601 et seq.) of subchapter IV of chapter 7 of Title 42. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see section 1305 of Title 42 and Tables.

Amendment of this section and repeal of Pub. L. 110–234 by Pub. L. 110–246 effective May 22, 2008, the date of enactment of Pub. L. 110–234, except as otherwise provided, see section 4 of Pub. L. 110–246, set out as an Effective Date note under section 8701 of Title 7, Agriculture.

Subsec. (b)(2)(A)(i)(III). Pub. L. 105–33, § 5562, substituted “section 243(h) of such Act (as in effect immediately before the effective date of section 307 of division C of Public Law 104–208) or section 241(b)(3) of such Act (as amended by section 305(a) of division C of Public Law 104–208)” for “section 243(h) of such Act”.

A State plan approved under title XIX of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.], other than medical assistance described in section 1611(b)(1)(A) of this title.

The program of block grants to States for temporary assistance for needy families under part A of title IV of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 601 et seq.].