Tim23 antibody (11123-1-AP) - 11123
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CCI manufactures various types of cements like Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC), Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) of varying grades viz 33, 43,53 and 53S(special grade cement for manufacture of sleepers for Indian Railways) grades. Under strict quality control with the brand name of CCI Cement.
To emerge as sustainable cement company committed to contribute to the economy and to enhance value for the stakeholders.
CCI is at present having three operating units with a installed capacity of 14.46 lakh MT per annum. In line with the advancement in cement technology CCI had been adopting the latest one with one million tonne plants at Tandur. Bokajan unit at Assam is under expansion.
Cement Corporation of India Limited (CCI) was incorporated as a Company wholly owned by Government of India on 18th January 1965 with the principal objective of achieving self sufficiency in cement production. The authorised and paid-up capital of the company is Rs. 900 crores and Rs. 811.41 crores respectively.
For maintaining the ecological balance CCI is launching massive tree plantation drives from time to time at all units and in surrounding areas.
To augment the wealth creation for the Company, inspiring employees in delivering an improved product and to aim for diversification in related fields.
CCI with a strong & skilled work-force has always encouraged balanced regional growth with most of its factories located in underdeveloped/backward areas. CCI has also been contributing to the development of areas around factories by adopting nearby villages and providing the basic facilities like school, health center, drinking water etc.