Timing Belt Change - how to take off timing belt
PGSuper and PGSplice also report the station, offset, and roadway elevation of each bearing and of the BCL. The software uses the equations shown in the figure below to determine the BCL location relative to the work point.
The figure below shows a section view cut along the bearing line. Note that bearing spacing is laid out along the bearing line from the BCL location as shown in the figure. From this, there are a couple of observations that should be noted:
The figure below shows section cuts normal to and along the girderline. Equations are shown for computing the elevation of the BCL and for a bearing B1 located a distance BL from the BCL.
PGSuper and PGSplice can provide an accurate computation of bearing seat elevations and other bearing geometry information based on input bridge geometry. The figures in the section describe how bearing locations are computed.
NOTE: Three dimensional girder locations are based on the "Work Point" (or WP) location which is at the top centerline of the girder section as shown in the figures below. This convention is different that some other software programs and may be different than your agency's definition. If this is the case you may need to adjust girder spacing to meet your requirements.