DriveshaftflexiblecouplingFord Transit

Power Jacks Christmas & New Year Holiday Opening Times are: Closed from 25th December to 5th January Open for business on the 6th January

You can return unused or defective products up to 30 days from the date of order.  Some product returns may be subject to restocking fees.  Proof of Purchase will be required if we cannot verify your order information.  Unless the product is defective or damaged in transit, the customer is responsible for return shipment costs.

Drive shaftCouplingtypes

All shipments received must be immediately inspected for damage.  If your order shipped on a freight carrier, any damage needs to be noted on the Freight Receipt before signing for the delivery.  An exchange or refund will be provided at no additional cost.  If damage is due to misuse or regular wear of the product, the return will be denied.

If Transmitted Torque (Nm) < Maximum Drive Shaft Torque (Nm) & If Acceptable Angle of Twist (Deg.) for shaft length < Rated Angle of Twist for Drive Shaft (Deg.) then drive shaft diameter selected is acceptable.

Drive shaft coupler symptoms

The selection of coupling type depends on the installation and the type of misalignment. The three main types of misalignment encountered are:-

Check Drive Shaft Critical Speed For the unsupported shaft length calculate the drive shaft critical speed for the support conditions required.

Select Drive Shaft Diameter Select a standard drive shaft from the drive shaft table and check its torque rating and angle of twist rating against the application requirements.

If you need to cancel your order for any reason, please contact us immediately.  If the order is canceled prior to shipping, you will be refunded in full.  Certain products that are manufactured to order cannot be canceled after the manufacturing process has started.