This site displays a prototype of a “Web 2.0” version of the daily Federal Register. It is not an official legal edition of the Federal Register, and does not replace the official print version or the official electronic version on GPO’s

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The documents posted on this site are XML renditions of published Federal Register documents. Each document posted on the site includes a link to the corresponding official PDF file on This prototype edition of the daily Federal Register on will remain an unofficial informational resource until the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (ACFR) issues a regulation granting it official legal status. For complete information about, and access to, our official publications and services, go to About the Federal Register on NARA's

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The OFR/GPO partnership is committed to presenting accurate and reliable regulatory information on with the objective of establishing the XML-based Federal Register as an ACFR-sanctioned publication in the future. While every effort has been made to ensure that the material on is accurately displayed, consistent with the official SGML-based PDF version on, those relying on it for legal research should verify their results against an official edition of the Federal Register. Until the ACFR grants it official status, the XML rendition of the daily Federal Register on does not provide legal notice to the public or judicial notice to the courts.

Enter a search term or FR citation e.g. 88 FR 382 30 FR 7878 2024-13208 USDA 09/05/24 RULE 0503-AA39 SORN

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Somos la refaccionaria virtual más grande de Latino América con más de 400,000 productos y más de un millón de aplicaciones con los más altos estándares de calidad a su disposición.

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