Newer vehicles equipped with timing belts can go up to 100,000 miles before requiring replacement. Older vehicles, on the contrary, should be replaced sooner, around 60,000 miles. Most technicians would advise that if the water pump goes out in your car, it’s best to replace the timing belt at the same time and vice versa. Typically, it’s recommended as most often the belt is removed in order to access and replace the water pump.


Mar 26, 2024 — SCP-6805 is an extra-dimensional building that exists in a self-contained pocket universe. Formerly the Universe 6000 equivalent to Site 19.

Instructions for use: Select source type, input distance from source to substrate and Select Material (if not available in menu, manually input Material Density in kg/m3).

Instructions for use: Input the Crucible Liner Volume, Select Material (if not available in menu, manually input Material Density in g/cm3), and input fill rate %.

The camshaft in the engine controls the valves to let fuel and air in and out. At the same time, the crankshaft moves the pistons up and down. This is called mechanical timing and the synchrony of these functions is imperative. If the mechanical timing is off, damage could occur to the valves, pistons, engine, or other components. The purpose of the timing belt or chain is to ensure the harmonization by keeping each turning at the precise rate.


E-beam evaporation is preferred for depositing aluminum oxide films as the material is rated excellent for this method. We recommend evaporating from a FABMATE® or tungsten crucible liner or directly from the copper hearth.

We estimate a deposition rate of 2-5 angstroms per second when the evaporation temperature is at ~2,100°C. A partial pressure of O2 at 1 X 10-5 Torr is recommended. It is important to note that evaporation temperatures likely exceed the temperatures reasonable to evaporate via resistive heating.

The timing chain functions in the same way that a timing belt does. The difference between the two is simply the material and location. One is constructed of metal and the other, a reinforced rubber. Though timing chains were used first, belts were introduced into vehicles in the 1960s. Belts are quieter and because of their material, less expensive to produce. Timing chains are housed within the engine and receive lubrication from engine oil and can last a long time, while timing belts are located outside of the engine and tend to dry out and crack. Within the last few years, however, more vehicle manufacturers have integrated timing chains back into some vehicles with vast improvements such as a reduction in noise and vibrations, different then a timing belt not all water pumps are driven by the timing chain. Check your owner’s manual to determine what kind of timing operation your vehicle utilizes as they may vary from year to year and by an auto manufacturer.

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If thermal evaporation is the only option, we would recommend a tungsten dimple boat such as our EVS8B005W. The lifetime of the boat will be limited, as the aluminum oxide will eventually start to react with the boat during the evaporation process. Achieving high enough temperatures to evaporate from a crucible or alumina-coated source are likely in excess of those temperatures deemed reasonable in a vacuum chamber or limited by the power supply.

2.125 inches is equal to 2.125 inches x 25.4 = 53.975 mm. The result is the following: 2.125 inches = 53.975 mm. Definition of inch. An inch (symbol: in) ...

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This calculator is for estimation purposes only. The estimated mass is that needed to produce a desired film thickness (1 micron in this case) on a flat substrate at a point directly above the source, accounting for the approximate plume distribution of the selected source type. It does not account for any expected nonuniformity in thickness over a larger substrate area. More complex geometries, e.g. those with offset and/or tilted sources, may have higher material requirements. The estimated mass is for the film deposition only; additional margin should be included to account for loss during ramp-up, burn-in, stabilisation and ramp-down.

Al2O3molar mass

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The fill rate above assumes that the material is fully melted and does not take into account packing density. It should be noted that the crucible liner may need to be loaded multiple times, pre-melted, and topped off in order to achieve the final desired melt level/fill rate. When loading the crucible, do not load more than 80% of the height of the crucible liner.

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Another alternative is to change crystals frequently and ignore the error. The graph below shows the % Error in Rate/Thickness from using the wrong Z Factor. For a crystal with 90% life, the error is negligible for even large errors in the programmed versus actual Z Factor.



Aluminum oxide, or more commonly called alumina, is a chemical compound with a chemical formula of Al2O3. It is generally white or clear in appearance with a melting point of 2,072°C, a vapor pressure of 10-4 Torr at 1,550°C, and a density of 3.97 g/cc. It is most commonly found in nature as the mineral corundum, from which ruby and sapphire are derived. Aluminum oxide is used extensively as an abrasive and is utilized in various industrial applications. It can also be found in paint, cosmetics, and surgical implants. It is evaporated under vacuum to form dielectric films for the semiconductor industry and as a mirror-like protective layer for optical coatings.

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You can prevent the misfortune of having a timing belt or chain go out while you’re driving, by having it replaced by recommendation of the manufacturer. Keep in mind, chain driven vehicles are dependent on oil viscosity. Lighter oils are designed to reach the smallest areas and components of the engine to ensure components are equally lubricated.

Unfortunately, Z Factor and Shear Modulus are not readily available for many materials. In this case, the Z-Factor can also be determined empirically using the following method:

* This is a recommendation based on our experience running these materials in KJLC guns. The ratings are based on unbonded targets and are material specific. Bonded targets should be run at lower powers to prevent bonding failures. Bonded targets should be run at 20 Watts/Square Inch or lower, depending on the material.

Al2O3ionic or covalent

Sales tax is additional. Most cars and light trucks. Service includes up to five (5) quarts of diesel motor oil for passenger cars and up to ten (10) quarts for heavy duty trucks, new oil filter and complimentary digital vehicle inspection. Vehicles requiring special oil or more than the standard amounts of oil may incur additional costs. Cannot be combined with any other coupon, offer or discount. Valid 12/1/2024 to 1/31/2025. Vast code OILM15D

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KJLC recommends a fill rate between 67-75%. Overfilling the crucible will cause the material to spill over and create an electrical short between the liner and the hearth causing the crucible to crack. Placing too little material in the crucible or allowing the melt level to get too low can be detrimental to the process as well. When the melt level is below 30%, the e-beam is likely to strike the bottom or walls of the crucible which immediately results in breakage.

If the timing belt is experiencing trouble the cogs crack and break off, causing the belt to move differently than the pulleys and change the mechanical timing. However, there are no clear-cut warning signs as to when the timing belt will go out. It often happens suddenly without warning, which is why it is recommended to replace this vital component at a certain age and/or mileage. Because the engine is so dependent on the timing belt, the engine will seize, stop running, or experience a significant loss in power. A chain will experience the same issues as well as make a considerable amount of noise.


Because not using a crucible liner is not always an option (especially in shared systems), some customers will use a copper crucible liner and place the material in the copper crucible liner as opposed to placing directly in the hearth. Crucible liners should be stored in a cool, dry place and always handled with gloves or forceps.

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Thermally evaporating aluminum oxide is very difficult due to the high temperature required to heat the material to temperatures hot enough to allow for reasonable deposition rates. The temperature limitations on the evaporation sources currently available also make thermal evaporation challenging. E-beam evaporation or sputtering are the preferred methods for depositing aluminum oxide films.

Another process note is to consider the fill volume in the e-beam application because we find that the melt level of a material in a crucible directly affects the success of the crucible liner. Overfilling the crucible will cause the material to spill over and create an electrical short between the liner and the hearth. The outcome is cracking in the crucible. This is the most common cause of crucible liner failure. Placing too little material in the crucible or allowing the melt level to get too low can be detrimental to the process as well. When the melt level is below 30%, the e-beam is likely to strike the bottom or walls of the crucible which immediately results in breakage. Our recommendation is to fill the crucible between 2/3 and 3/4 full to prevent these difficulties.

Whether your timing belt or chain is approaching the time for replacement, your engine needs repair, or an oil change is needed, Sun Auto Service is here for you. Our ASE Certified Technicians are the experts in engine care. We’re proud of our A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau and know that you will be impressed with the professionalism of our Service Consultants and Technicians. We take the anxiety out of engine repairs with same day service (in most cases) and guarantee our work in writing. Schedule an appointment for your next oil change or engine service with Sun Auto Service today!

Sweep the e-beam at low power to fully melt the material and avoid hole drilling. We estimate a deposition rate of 2-5 angstroms per second when the evaporation temperature is at ~2,100°C. A partial pressure of O2 at 1 X 10-5 Torr is recommended. The material should be replaced when it becomes dark or black.

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Everything within your vehicle’s engine works with precision to produce a smooth and functional operation. In order to guarantee this specific timing, the timing chain or belt works with the camshaft and crankshaft to keep the motion of the valves and pistons working in perfect synchrony. While the timing belt and chain are used to produce the same action, there is a slight difference between the two.