Note that DFARS doesn't apply to the copper or aluminum alloys we sell. It's a common practice of machine shops to include a "DFARS Required" statement on all purchase orders. If DFARS doesn't apply to the purchase, we may ask for an exception before the purchase order is accepted.

DFARS compliantcountries 2024


In our industry, the supply and fabrication of metals, we're concerned with two specific clauses that provide rules about what's considered a "specialty metal", how specialty metals are used, and which countries those metals must be melted in.  These clauses are 252.225-7008  "Restriction on Acquisition of Specialty Metals" and 252.225-7009  "Restriction on Acquisition of Certain Articles Containing Specialty Metals".

What isDFARS compliant material

That makes paying more for domestic titanium a little easier to swallow when you're tempted to maximize profits by using Chinese titanium.


Common signs include noise (grinding, humming), vibration, uneven tire wear, and ABS failure. Q: How often should wheel bearings be inspected?

The clause lists both base and alloying elements and what quantity of these elements can be incorporated into steel and the other "specialty" metals. Unless you have an ASTM or AMS specification or a mill test report in front of you, however, it can be confusing as to what specific alloys it applies to. You could read the clause whenever you need to buy an alloy, or you can use this list as a general guideline to the DFARS compliant alloys M. Vincent & Associates sells.

ISOVALERAMIDE; 3-Methylbutanamide; 541-46-8 ... MW: 101.150 g/mol MF: C5H11NO IUPAC name: 3-methylbutanamide Create Date: 2005-03-26 CID: 10930.

This rubber type also has high tensile strength and is abrasion-resistant. Since SBR has many of the characteristics of natural rubber, it can be used as a ...

What countries are notDFARS compliant

DFARS materialcountries

Car Wheel Bearings - Shop Car Wheel Bearings at India's Best Online Shopping ... ART IFACT 100 Pieces of 8mm Silver Bearing Ball - Use is Cycle Ball Bearing Wheel ...


The Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement, better known as "DFARS", is an enormous and far-reaching document. As part of the even larger 'Federal Acquisition Regulations' it covers things like how a Department of Defense purchasing contract is written, negotiated, awarded, and paid for. It's an important set of guidelines designed to protect the political interests of the United States. DFARS is aimed at keeping money and quality control in the hands of our friends, and away from threats to US interests.

Sometimes it seems like this clause can get in the way of fulfilling your customer's order or finding the lowest price on metals. At that point you're probably viewing it as 'government red tape' and wondering why it is even important.

*Note: 252.225-7014 "Preference for domestic specialty metals" has been discountinued and it's number marked as "Reserved" in the DFARs document.

DFARSspecialty metals

Sep 4, 2024 — Wheel bearings cost about $100 each, with labor around $100 per hour, so you are looking at roughly $600 in total. If you can remove the ...

Our automatic lubrication system design services include complete lubrication system engineering and design.

Our DFARS relevant alloys are melted in the United States, Germany, Sweden, France, Italy, Slovenia, and the United Kingdom. We do not purchase materials from China or other countries that are not on the list of qualifying countries. We feel that this insures that our customers get the best quality alloys. It means that when you buy from us, you can rest assured that you'll receive materials that won't come back to haunt you later.

The purpose of the specialty metals clause, (and the spirit of its forefather, the "Buy American Act") is to insure that in the worst of times we have an adequate industrial base to make the defense of our country, and our allies, a reality.

202373 — Strength and Durability. Stainless steel generally has a higher strength than chrome because of iron, nickel, and other high-strength materials ...

This is military dune buggy, a DPV Desert Patrol Vehicle, used by the Navy SEALs and other forces that need a quick and light vehicle.

3585-8CN500 INS H-C 1/2-13UNC S/L.

Oil Seal, Drive Axle Shaft Seal, Axle Seals, Drive Motor Seal, Seal Oil; Description: Sportage. 2.0l. Fwd. Right. Front drive motor. Rear drive motor.