UCP204-20, 20mm 2-Bolt Pillow Block (0624) - 204 bearing
This project is maintained by The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The source code is available at github.com/cfpb/design-manual
The 25/75 image and text component is used to draw the user’s eye to key information and navigation links, and aid comprehension by pairing content with illustration/imagery.
As a work of the United States Government, source code released by the CFPB is in the public domain by default within the United States. View our full source code policy.
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These standards reflect our latest thinking and are just beginning to be incorporated into the CFPB's most recent projects. See these standards in practice in eRegs, Consumer Response, and HMDA.
When used in conjunction with half width link blob, it can help create a hierarchy of child pages or other content on the page, or can help feature a particular link over others.