R188vs 608

R188 Hybrid Ceramic Upgrade Bearing to suit Fidget Spinners, To measure this bearing the outer diameter is 1/2 Inch = 12.7mm. This Bearing has been Ultrasonically treated to remove all factory imperfections, grease & oil. This gives the longest spin time. This bearings has Si3N4 Ceramic Balls, Stainless Steel Rings & Retainer. This is the best combination for the longest spin time. Plaig Bearings are a stronger, more reliable bearing with greater heat resistance and superior life to the standard factory bearings. We stock all other sizes of bearings for RC Cars and also sell Complete Bearing Kits for many popular brands of vehicles. If you can’t find the correct bearing by size or part number please Contact Us. Quantity discounts are listed in the table below, the price is reduced as the quantity is increased Click here for Detailed Bearing Specifications

R188 bearingdimensions


R188 bearingdimensions mm


Plaig Bearings have been put to the test since 2008, with over 500,000 bearings being sold in Australia and across the globe.
