V-Ring Seal - v-ring seal
Frontwheel bearingnoise symptoms
Replacing all of your car’s wheel bearings might cost an eye-watering sum, but it’s guaranteed to be a lot cheaper than repairing the damage should a bearing fail.
Guo Y, Keller J, LaCava W (2012a) Combined effects of gravity, bending moment, bearing clearance, and input torque on wind turbine planetary gear load sharing. NREL/CP-5000-55968
Milburn A (2011) Wind turbine gearbox wear and failure modes and detection methods. NREL Wind Turbine Condition Monitoring Workshop
The cost of a wheel bearing replacement in the UK is roughly £150-£300, dependent on the make and model of your car and a mechanic’s labour costs. The good news is that you don’t need to replace all wheel bearings at once if the other three remain in a safe and serviceable condition.
Straffelini G, Molinari A, Marcupuscas T (2000) Identification of rolling-sliding damage mechanisms in porous alloys. Metall Mater Trans A 31:3091–3099
International Organization for Standardization (2005) Wind turbines part 1: design requirements, IEC 61400-1:2005. ISO, Geneva
Alemayehu FM, Osire SE (2015) Probabilistic performance of helical compound planetary system in wind turbine. ASME J Comput Nonlinear Dyn 10:1–12
How tocheck forbad wheel bearing
Osman T, Velex P (2011) A model for the simulation of the interactions between dynamic tooth loads and contact fatigue in spur gears. Tribol Int 46:84–96
Houser DR, Bolze VM, Graber JM (1996) A comparison of predicted and measured dynamic and static transmission error for spur and helical gear sets. In: SEM 14th international modal analysis conference, Dearborn
Barbieri M, Scagliarini G, Bonori G, Pellicano F, Bertccchi G (2008) Optimization methods for spur gear dynamics. In: Proceedings of EUROMECH nonlinear dynamics conference, Saint Petersburg
Once you’ve performed this basic wheel bearing test, you should have a better idea of where the problem is. Then, it’s a case of diagnosing the front or rear wheel on the side in question.
Ziegler P, Eberhard P (2009) An elastic multibody model for the simulation of impacts on gear wheels. In: Proceedings of ECCOMAS thematic conference on multibody dynamics, Warsaw
Wheel bearingreplacement cost
Lee CH, Bae DS, Song JS (2012) Multibody approach of gear transmission error dynamics. In: Proceedings of Asian conference on multibody dynamics, Shanghai
Bad wheel bearing
Qin D, Wang J, Lin TC (2009) Flexible multibody dynamics modeling of a horizontal wind turbine drivetrain system. ASME J Comput Nonlinear Dyn 131:1–8
What doesa bad wheel bearingsound like
Parker RG, Agashe V, Vijayakar SM (2000) Dynamic response of a planetary gear system using a finite element/contact mechanics model. ASME J Mech Des 122:305–311
Need to recap the signs of a failing wheel bearing? Here are the symptoms to watch out for while you’re driving, particularly when turning corners:
Palermo A, Mundo D, Hadjit R, Desmet W (2013) Multibody element for spur and helical gear meshing based on detailed three-dimensional contact calculations. Mech Mach Theory 62:13–30
Choi Y, Liu CR (2006b) Rolling contact fatigue life of finish hard machined surfaces, part 2. Experimental verification. Wear 261:492–499
Guo Y, LaCava W, Xing Y, Moan T (2012b) Determining wind turbine gearbox model complexity using measurement validation and cost comparison. NREL/CP-5000-54545
Jiang B, Zheng X, Wang M (1993) Calculation for rolling contact fatigue life and strength of case-hardened gear materials by computer. J Test Eval 21:9–13
Hu W, Choi KK, Cho H (2016b) Reliability-based design optimization of wind turbine blades for fatigue life under dynamic wind load uncertainty. Struct Multidiscip Optim 54:953–970
Crossland B (1970) The effect of pressure on the fatigue of metals. In: Pugh H (ed) Mechanical Behaviour of Materials Under Pressure. Elsevier, London, pp 299–354
Li H, Terao A, Sugiyama H (2015) Application of tabular contact search method to multibody gear dynamics simulation with tooth surface imperfections. IMechE J Multibody Dyn 229:274–290
Zhang Y, Litvin FL, Maruyama N, Takeda R, Sugimoto M (1994) Computerized analysis of meshing and contact of gear real tooth surfaces. ASME J Mech Des 116:738–744
Oyague F (2009) Gearbox modeling and load simulation of a baseline 750-kW wind turbine using State-of-the-Art simulation code. NREL/TP-500-41160
Maatar M, Velex P (1997) Quasi-static and dynamic analysis of narrow-faced helical gears with profile and lead modifications. ASME Mech Des 119:474–480
Continuing to drive on a bad wheel bearing can lead to extensive and critical damage which will be significantly more expensive to repair than a simple bearing re-grease and service. And in the worst cases, the damage from a faulty bearing that goes untreated can prove impossible to fix, particularly if it contributes to corrosion of surrounding components and the axle.
As you’ll know from our car maintenance glossary, bearings allow the wheels to turn freely without generating huge amounts of heat. If a bearing were to fail, the wheel can seize up altogether, resulting in catastrophic damage and the potential for a serious incident. Indeed, in the very worst-case scenario, a failed bearing can cause the wheel to rip away from the car entirely.
Hu W, Choi KK, Zhupanska O, Buchholz J (2016a) Integrating variable wind load, aerodynamic, and structural analyses towards accurate fatigue life prediction in composite wind turbine blades. Struct Multidiscip Optim 53:375–394
If you suspect you have a wheel bearing fault but aren’t sure which side of the vehicle is affected, there’s a safe and simple test you can use to check. Our step-by-step guide below can take you through how it’s done…
Muljadi E, Butterfield CP (2000) Pitch-controlled variable-speed wind turbine generation. Technical Report NREL/CP-500-27143
A gearbox is often used in a wind turbine to increase the rotational speed from a low-speed main shaft to a high-speed shaft connecting with an electrical generator. Gears in wind turbine gearbox are subjected to severe cyclic loading due to variable wind loads that are stochastic in nature. Thus, the failure rate of gearbox system is reported to be relatively higher than the other wind turbine components. It is known in wind energy industry that improving reliability of gearbox designs is one of the key points to reduce wind turbine downtime and to make wind energy competitive as compared to fossil fuels. However, a wind turbine is a complex multi-physics system involving random wind loads, rotor blade aerodynamics, gear dynamics, electrical generator, and control systems. How to get an accurate prediction of the gearbox lifetime is a challenging issue. Furthermore, although some studies about wind turbine gear failure modes are carried out, limited studies have been carried out regarding design optimization including the reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) of the gear system considering wind load and manufacturing uncertainties.
Peeters JLM, Vandepitte D, Sas P (2005) Analysis of internal drive train dynamics in a wind turbine. Wind Energy 9:141–161
Sheng S, McDade M, Errichello R (2011) Wind turbine gearbox failure modes-a brief. In: Proceedings of ASME/STLE 2011 international joint tribology conference, Los Angeles
Suspect that your car is suffering from a faulty wheel bearing? Our guide can help you check and diagnose the problem, and decide if and when it’s still safe to drive.
In order to address the essential and challenging issue on design optimization of wind turbine gearbox under wind load and gear manufacturing uncertainties, three contributions have been made in this chapter: (1) development of an efficient numerical procedure for gear dynamics simulation of complex multibody gear system based on the multivariable tabular contact search algorithm to account for detailed gear tooth contact geometry with profile modifications or surface imperfections; (2) development of an integrated multibody dynamics computational framework for deterministic design optimization (DDO) and RBDO of the wind turbine gearbox using the gear dynamics simulation method developed in (1) and incorporating pitting gear tooth contact fatigue model, a dynamic wind load uncertainty model, and a wind turbine aerodynamic model using FAST; and (3) development of the DDO and RBDO of a wind turbine gearbox to minimize total weight while ensuring 20-year lifetime considering dynamic wind load and gear manufacturing uncertainties.
Helsen J, Vanhollebeke F, Marrantb B, Vandepitte D, Desmet W (2011) Multibody modelling of varying complexity for modal behaviour analysis of wind turbine gearboxes. Renew Energy 36:3098–3113
Ghribi D, Bruyere J, Velex P, Octrue M, Mohamed H (2012) Robust optimization of gear tooth modifications using a genetic algorithm. In: Condition monitoring of machinery in non-stationary operations. Springer, Berlin, pp 589–597
Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA
Li H, Sugiyama H, Cho H, Choi KK, Gaul NJ (2016) Numerical procedure for design optimization of wind turbine drivetrain using multibody gear dynamics simulation considering wind load uncertainty. In: Proceedings of the ASME 2016 IDETC & CIE conference, Charlotte, DETC2016-59654
Given the damage that can occur as a result of a failed wheel bearing, not to mention the dangers, this further reinforces the importance of getting those bearings checked and repaired the moment you realise there’s a problem.
Velex P, Bruyere J, Houser DR (2011) Some analytical results on transmission errors in narrow-faced spur and helical gears: influence of profile modifications. ASME J Mech Des 133:1–11
Vanhollebeke F, Peeters P, Helsen J, Lorenzo ED, Manzato S, Peeters J, Vandepitte D, Desmet W (2015) Large scale validation of a flexible multibody wind turbine gearbox model. ASME J Comput Nonlinear Dyn 10:1–12
You can still drive with a bad wheel bearing, but we wouldn’t recommend it for long distances. Keep your mileage to a minimum and look out for worsening symptoms of a wheel bearing fault; we cover the symptoms to check for later in this guide.
Sainsot P, Velex P (2004) Contribution of gear body to tooth deflections- a new bi-dimensional analytical formula. ASME J Mech Des 126:748–752
Ebrahimi S, Eberhard P (2006) Rigid-elastic modeling of meshing gear wheels in multibody systems. Multibody Sys Dyn 16:55–71
Confident in car maintenance DIY? Lubricate and service your car’s wheel bearings with Holts Multi-Purpose Lithium Grease. Trusted by professionals, it reduces friction and wear in all moving parts, even those that work under extreme pressure. For more top tips and advice, read the Holts blog or visit our help and advice centre.
Tavakoli MS, Houser DR (1986) Optimum profile modifications for the minimization of static transmission errors of spur gears. ASME J Mech Trans Auto Des 108:86–94
How to tellwhichwheel bearing is badin the front
Choi Y, Liu CR (2006a) Rolling contact fatigue life of finish hard machined surfaces, part 1. Model development. Wear 261:485–491
Sundaresan S, Ishii K, Houser DR (1991) A procedure using manufacturing variance to design gears with minimum transmission error. ASME J Mech Des 113:318–324
Guo Y, Bergua R, Dam JV, Jove J, Campbell J (2015) Improving wind turbine drivetrain designs to minimize the impacts of non-torque loads. Wind Energy 18:2199–2222
Dong W, Xing Y, Moan T, Gao Z (2013) Time domain-based gear contact fatigue analysis of a wind turbine drivetrain under dynamic conditions. Int J Fatigue 48:133–146
Glodez G, Flasker J, Ren Z (1997) A new model for the numerical determination of pitting resistance of gear teeth flanks. Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct 20(1):71–83
If you’re aware that there’s an issue with your car’s wheel bearing, it’s best to take it straight to a mechanic for a full diagnosis and repair. Often, it may just be a case of relubricating the ball bearings within the assembly before repacking them, which is significantly simpler to put right than the alternative.
Li, H. (2018). Gearbox of Wind Turbine. In: Hu, W. (eds) Advanced Wind Turbine Technology. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-78166-2_3
Kato M, Deng G, Inoue K, Takatsu N (1993) Evaluation of the strength of carburized spur gear teeth based on fracture mechanics. Bull Japan Soc Mech Eng Ser C 36:233–234
Aydin E (2013) Determination of best drive train technology for future onshore wind turbines as a function of the output power. Master Thesis, Eindhoven Technical University
Sansalvador RL, Jauregui JC (1993) Practical optimization of helical gears using computer software. Gear Technol 10:16–21
Spitas V, Spitas C (2007) Optimizing involute gear design for maximum bending strength and equivalent pitting resistance. Proc IMechE 221:479–488
Vijayakar S (1991) A combined surface integral and finite element solution for a three-dimensional contact problem. Int J Numer Methods Eng 31:525–545
Mohammadpour M, Theodossiades S, Rahnejat H (2014) Multiphysics investigations on the dynamics of differential hypoid gears. ASME J Vib Acoust 136:1–3
Typically, wheel bearings have a lifespan of around 85,000 to 100,000 miles, so if your car is approaching these kinds of figures, it’s important to keep an eye on the tell-tale signs of a bearing in decline.
Veers PS, Winterstein SR (1998) Application of measured loads to wind turbine fatigue and reliability analysis. ASME J Solar Energy Eng 120:233–239
Lesmerises A, Crowley D (2013) Effect of different Workscope strategies on wind turbine gearbox life cycle repair costs. Int J Prognos Health Manag 17:1–7
Liu J, Zenner H (2003) Fatigue limit of ductile metals under multiaxial loading. Biaxial Multiaxial Fatigue Fract 31:147–164
To do that, you’ll first need to jack up your car so that both wheels are off the ground. We would strongly recommend using service ramps for this to ensure you can carry out the following checks safely.
Li H, Cho H, Sugiyama H, Choi KK, Gaul NJ (2017) Reliability-based design optimization of wind turbine drivetrain with integrated multibody gear dynamics simulation considering wind load uncertainty. Struct Multidiscip Optim 56:183–201
When the car is elevated and in place, take hold of each wheel in turn and wiggle it backwards and forwards, side to side. If there is any play in the wheel, it feels wobbly or loose, or an unusual noise accompanies some minor movement, then you’ve found the problem wheel.