Vector Fin (Curved) Stabilizers Vs. Straight ... - roll stabilizer fins
B1812 bearingspecs
First you get a roaring sound. Sometimes it sounds like a propeller on an airplane. The pitch and volume will vary with speed. It can also change if you turn the steering wheel to the right or left, i.e during a lane change on the highway.
B1812 bearingreplacement
Next you may begin to notice a vibration at certain speeds and it comes and goes. Eventually when the bearing completely fails, the wheel will wobble really bad. If you can live with this, and you probably can’t, then the wheel could come off.
Edit: before stage three (wheel wobble), you will get an ABS light if you have ABS because the play in the bearing will destroy the wheel speed sensor. BTW, my truck went directly to stage three with only the ABS light coming on just before. No vibration or sounds.