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Dealer distributor
Consumers have the right under REACH and the Biocidal Products Regulation to ask if the articles you sell to them contain substances of very high concern above a certain concentration. This also applies to those which have been treated with biocides.
HPC Follow us ! CONTACT Engrenages HPC SARL 27 chemin des Peupliers - Bât N 69570 Dardilly Lyon - France Tel.: +33(0)4 37 496 496 Fax.: +33(0)4 37 490 055 Limited liability company, Issued Capital of 76,224 Euros N°382 911 907 RCS (Registered in Lyon), Company Classification APE 4669B VAT Registration: FR 41 382 911 907 THE HPC GROUP Engrenages HPC HPC Ct Meca Terms + Conditons of Sale Cancellation request Legal information Cookies PRODUCTS Mechanical drive components Power transmission components Linear guidance parts Gears and sprockets Precision gears Conveyors and housing All HPC Products OUR SERVICES Catalogues Non standard products Press center Technical files Competitors area CAD files FR EN Ct Meca S.r.l. Catalogues CAD files 2D/3D Non standard Technical files Exhibitions calendar Engrenages HPC Our products Mechanical drive components Power transmission components Linear guidance parts Gears and sprockets Precision gears Conveyors and housing By continuing to use this site, you are deemed to have accepted our use of cookies for statistical tracking purposes. If you do not wish us to use cookies for this purpose, click here..
As a supplier of hazardous products, you have to ensure that they are labelled and packaged correctly. The label should contain:
These are substances identified under REACH which have serious and often irreversible effects on human health and the environment. You have a duty to provide customers with sufficient information to allow the safe use of the article, including as a minimum, the name of the dangerous substance.
Before you place on the market a substance, mixture or article, you first have to make sure that it is legally on the EEA market. Check if it complies with the conditions described in the section ‘Manufacturer" or "Importer" and contact your supplier.
Typical examples of products to which the consumer "right to ask" applies are clothing, furniture, household utensils, sports equipment or other items for daily use.
Distributor in business
In this way, you can help manufacturers and importers to understand how their substances are used and to register some or all of the uses you have made known to them.
Consumers have the right to ask about dangerous substances in articles. The right to ask gives information to consumers on the safe use of chemicals and motivates them and manufacturers to make safer choices.
The Support section provides tools and practical guidance to companies which have responsibilities under the EU chemicals legislation.
When a product (a chemical substance or mixture), is identified as hazardous, it has to be labelled and packaged according to the requirements of the CLP Regulation.
This means complying with the requirements of CLP. Important changes were introduced as of 1 June 2015, including new pictograms and hazard statements.
The main instrument for this communication is the safety data sheet, which may be extended to include exposure scenarios for each identified use.
You are a distributor under REACH and CLP if you source a chemical substance or a mixture within the EEA, store it and then place it on the market for someone else (also under your own brand without changing its chemical composition in any way.
This is unique source of information on the chemicals manufactured and imported in Europe. It covers their hazardous properties, classification and labelling, and information on how to use them safely.
This is the responsibility of manufacturers, formulators and importers and distributors. If you re-label or re-package such products to include your own brand, you also take the same responsibility.
You act as a bridge between suppliers and their customers and are essential for passing information throughout the supply chain. You have information about the hazards of substances in your portfolio, which you can turn into a business advantage by selecting safer products and raising your brand reputation.
Be aware that that there are additional labelling and packaging requirements for treated articles defined in the Biocidal Products Regulation.
ECHA organises consultations to get feedback from all interested parties and to gather the widest possible range of scientific information for the regulatory processes
Be aware that the labelling and packaging of biocidal products and articles treated with them have to comply both with CLP and other specific requirements.
The law recognises the role you play between manufacturers and customers in enabling communication about chemical safety in the supply chain. Your active involvement is required to protect people and the environment from chemical risks.
You must answer their request free of charge within 45 days. You are required to provide sufficient information and advice on how to use the article safely or information on the biocidal treatment of the treated article. Contact your supplier for any additional information you may need.
Until 1 June 2017, you are allowed to sell mixtures labelled in the old way if you can provide evidence that they have been in the supply chain since before the legal deadline for the changeover on 1 June 2015.