Water Turbine | Definition, Types, Characteristics, & ... - hydraulische turbine
Over the past couple months I have been hearing a low rubbing/grinding noise in my truck whenever I am turning at very low speeds. Usually it is when I am going through parking lots or turning through drive ways. I can also feel it slightly in the steering column.
Blue poolball
On a break, you still have to call your ball and pocket, correct or incorrect (Looks like in the old days like this went either way)?
Pool Balls
If it isn’t the steering, you should hear it when you are stopped. Start the truck and turn the steering wheel lock to lock several times and see if you hear the sound. If not, look somewhere else. Are the wheels and tires OEM? I’m just trying to cover other possibilities. Larger shoes could rub on the fenders when you turn. You don’t turn the wheels nearly as far at higher speeds.
What about rail (not getting a rail) fouls, after contact? Ball behind headstring, and do they count as -1 fouls? Or just trun the ball over and continue?
I took it into a mechanic who told me not to worry about it until it gets too bad, which was not the answer I would have liked. But I would like to get this resolved before my Labor Day travel plans.
Rang my bell when I saw that, too! @the_same_mountainbik identified the right track. Start with the power steering pump itself, then the drive belt that turns the pump. Then the idler pulleys for the serpentine belt that drives most everything. Then the rest of the accessories. Noises can be tricky.
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Green poolball
You might also pop the hood, have a friend turn the wheel, and see if you can tell where it’s originating from. It could be the power steering pump. The pump is only under any significant load when turning, and more load at full turn.
Been playing a lot of 14-1 straight pool for a change (after watching The Hustler). it's fun (and frustrating)! But a couple of situations have come up, and we're curious (because you just don't see this game very often, the pros never have our little-people problems!)
And what about combo's. I know you are supposed to only call your target and pocket, all others get counted if any additional balls go down. What if you miss your called ball but are trying a combo? Foul or no foul?
Ho Wow old is your Sonoma, what engine and transmission, and how many miles are on it? This information is important to determine if there are any defects peculiar to the Sonoma configured as yours is. Age and miles will also indicate whether the power steering or suspension should be considered.
Shooter re-racks (leaves his last, and adds 14 balls to the table) and the object ball is across the pile from the cue-ball (no easy shot). Is the shooter allowed to call, say the opposite corner ball for instance (typically corner) out of the pile, and try the combo (thru 4 balls in the pile) shot, as long as he calls the ball and pocket? Basically abandoning his last ball (I know strategically this is bad)? So if you know you will not be able to make the last ball after re-rack, My son's thinking is why not just take the single one out there, and re-rack 15?
Do all fouls return the cue-ball to behind the head-string? If so, and the only other ball to shoot is behind the head-string does the cue-ball have to leave and come back?
Limited slip differentials can do that as the diff clutches begin to wear out. Or just from lack of use. Good idea to at least check the fluid level in the rear differential.
With this sound I figured it could be any number of things from power steer, to wheel bearings, to brake or caliper issues.
Thanks guys! Sorry for the simple questions, but I have no pool room to ask them in, and my son and I have really been having fun with this, in addition to the 8, 9, and 10 ball games...