What 2/5* gem should I get with my 40 telluric pearls for my ... - gem 40
1" - 3/4" Trade Size. Galvanized Steel 100/box. Reducing washers are used to reduce the size of knockout holes in electrical boxes.
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I have a 2010 toyota corolla. Car makes a humming sound and I believe its the wheel bearing that is the issue. The cost to replace either is roughly equivalent, though from a DIY perspective replacing the assembly seems easier for me to do without having to press the bearing out (I dont have those tools and would have to bring it to a shop). From reading online, some opinions is that aftermarket knuckles may not be reliable. I'm curious what the community's opinion is about whether I should just replace the bearing or the entire knuckle hub assembly. One mechanic referred me to something like this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B093SMH23P/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
EDIT: Thanks for all the replies! I'm still learning, but it seems like replacing the knuckle is an easier home DIY for me without having to purchase all the tools to remove the bearing since it is pressed in. It seems the concern is about quality of the knuckle replacement, since some are sub $100 and unclear what the quality is. If I did it all myself it would cost me roughly $250 for the part and a few extra tools, and would be a good experience to gain since I haven't worked on suspension parts before. Appreciate continued input