What Happens When a Wheel Bearing Goes Out? - what happens when a wheel bearing goes out while driving
Hey Patty, I checked and it looks like, for the GMC Terrain, they’re sold as a wheel bearing & hub assembly, just like the ones in the topmost picture of this article—which typically makes them a bit easier to replace. Currently, Summit Racing carries over a dozen different types, with quite a few in stock, ready to ship. Click here to see the wheel bearing hub assemblies for 2013 GMC Terrain. (Or, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to find a replacement at your friendly local auto parts store too.) … Just remember to order the correct one for the correct wheel–Front or back, driver or Passenger side—as the application can differ a lot, particularly on AWD vs 2WD models. Good luck!
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In testing conducted by CeramicSpeed, its own pulley wheels with ceramic bearings proved the most energy-efficient, consuming 0.033 watts. Or, in other words, this was the amount of energy lost in transmission.
Like Gray and Sollenberger, Brunand says that ceramic bearings offer lower rolling resistance as well as increased lifespan, but he caveats this by saying “that’s on paper” and “not necessarily in real life, considering bearing brands, quality level and riding conditions.”
Lusted after by some and dismissed by others, ceramic bearings either offer valuable watt savings or such a minimal advantage for their price that they’re considered a frivolous investment.
Instead, he says it is better for riders “to work on properly maintaining your bike, transmission, tyre pressure and body position to lower aero drag and save watts, than investing a lot in ceramic bearings.”
That’s a tough question to answer with a definitive mile threshold. We hear tell of wheel bearings lasting the life of the vehicle, like 200,000 miles and up. Conversely, some cars (cough*old Subarus*cough) seem to go through wheel bearings every few years or so.
Do wheel bearings squeakat low speeds
It is then, swings and roundabouts, with brands aware that there are plenty of other cost-effective tactics out there to improve a rider’s speed or efficiency, before chasing any marginal gain, while still wanting to provide consumers with the option to upgrade to ceramic bearings.
The takeaway here is that early detection is important. And narrowing it down to the precise wheel can help save you some time and money in diagnostic costs.
This expectation is what “successfully allows the use of light contact seals and optimised greases that deliver exceptional efficiency plus long lifetime”, Sollenberger says.
The key word above is “listen.” Though you may be able to jack-up your vehicle and check the wheel for movement and play, noise will typically be your first (and best) indicator that you’ve got a wheel bearing on its way out.
It often boils down to both the vehicle and the driving conditions. All-wheel-drive cars put different demands on wheel bearings than, say, front wheel drive cars. Late-model performance cars place stresses on wheel bearings that regular commuter cars don’t. Mud-slinging off-roaders subject their wheel bearings to muck and grit that a street-driven car rarely sees. Make sense?
This will immediately rule out ceramic bearings for the majority of riders, who either don’t seek the marginal savings ceramic bearings might offer, or simply place emphasis elsewhere.
Wheelbearingsqueakwhen turning
Grinding noises from the water pump usually indicate worn bearings. Water pump image. While it's possible to replace the bearings, the seals will likely be ...
Ceramic bearings perform the same function as conventional steel bearings, helping the moving parts of your bike turn with ease (we’ve got a full guide to bike bearings if you want to know more).
Sollenberger says it is possible that brands not using high-quality ceramic balls or adhering to the relevant manufacturing standards (meeting ISO 9001) “will end up with bearings that do not hold up over time, will require heavier grease and seal selection, and overall perform below expectation."
The bottom bracket is one of the most common places to find ceramic bearings, with brands such as CeramicSpeed, C-Bear, Wheels Manufacturing and FSA offering a variety of bottom bracket standards with ceramic bearings, or ceramic bearing kits that replace steel bearings as an upgrade option in existing bottom brackets.
For comparison, the testing showed the least efficient was Shimano Acera – one of Shimano’s cheapest component families, so perhaps not the fairest comparison – which consumed 1.370 watts.
If you turn left, you unload left wheel, sake with right. If you turn left and sound dissapears it means that your left bearing is bad.
Even Brunand, after explaining why Mavic chooses not to offer the bearings in its wheels, points out that riders can upgrade their Mavic wheels to ceramic bearings.
The final stage is slurry polishing, where the bearings are exposed to a polish that removes any further raised sections, and water polishing, which Sollenberger says delivers “the smoothest surface finish and precise sphericity measured within 0.001mm.”
To find out more about the advantages and disadvantages of ceramic bearings compared to conventional steel bearings, I spoke to three industry experts on both sides of the debate, to get their take on whether or not ceramic bearings are a worthwhile investment.
It’s usually pretty easy to determine if the noise is coming from the front or back, given the driver’s seating position and their proximity to the front wheels. The hard part is often determining whether the noise is coming from the left or right (driver or passenger) side of the vehicle.
Once this has taken place, a cooling and pressure release stage is undertaken for the same amount of time to stop the bearings from shattering or becoming brittle.
Many ceramic bearings are, in fact, hybrid bearings, that use ceramic balls inside steel bearing races. They are available across road and off-road disciplines.
Once the bearings are cool, they are then exposed to roughly 30 days of grinding and lapping, a process that eliminates the mould lines and gets them even closer to the desired final size.
“Riders that choose to ride Dura-Ace, Red AXS, and Record/Super Record are doing so to know and show they use the best equipment – and for modern bikes, these builds are not complete without a performance upgrade with quality ceramic bearings.”
Many brands offer hubs or wheels with standard steel bearings or with ceramic bearings. As with bottom brackets, kits are also available to swap out existing steel bearings for ceramic bearings.
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It starts with the fine powder slowly being compressed into an initial ball shape. Then, the powder is exposed to heat and additional compression for around 30 hours to condense the material again closer to the desired final measurements.
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You may also start to feel it through your steering wheel or in your backside seismograph. Again, a wheel bearing’s job is to ensure your wheel spins smoothly. When it doesn’t, you’ll probably start sensing unpleasant vibration and noise throughout the passenger cabin.
Canbad wheel bearingscause squeaking when braking
“Looking at the practical benefits,” he says, “any rider deciding between an Ultegra or Dura-Ace build (or Force vs Red, Chorus vs Record/Super Record) would get more performance for the price by upgrading an Ultegra build with CeramicSpeed components rather than a stock Dura-Ace build.
Very, very good point–we’ve even seen folks pinpoint a trailer bearing that was physically hot to the touch. Heat’s a key byproduct of friction, so it’s often a telltale sign of a bad bearing.
When it comes to cost, Brunand says any potential benefit of ceramic bearings, whether in the lab or on the road, simply can’t be justified.
But given the amount of times it has to keep the wheels spinning really, really fast (and the rain-, dust-, and salt-rich environment it often has to work in), a wheel bearing will eventually wear out. While a failed wheel bearing can be a big problem, the good news is, it’ll probably give you plenty of warning that it’s going bad—you just have to know what to listen for.
Ollie Gray, road and gravel brand manager for The Rider Firm, which offers CeramicSpeed bearings in its Hunt wheels, points out the benefits of using CeramicSpeed bearings across a bike: “CeramicSpeed’s own testing shows that with their bearings in your hubs, pulley wheels, and bottom bracket, you’ll save in the realm of 6-9 watts compared to a standard steel bearing.
Bottom bracket testing by Friction Facts back in 2013 found that the difference in drag between the top steel models and the best ceramic models was just 0.03 watts. Further to that, three of the comparable steel and ceramic bottom brackets posted lower friction values for the steel bearings.
Ollie Gray of Hunt says the cost is a result of working with the best materials and the precise manufacturing process, but he does echo Brunand in encouraging riders to focus elsewhere before chasing any gains.
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For most riders, however, the real-world advantages of ceramic bearings are difficult to stack up against the added expense.
CeramicSpeed has the expectation that its bearings will be serviced once or twice a year, over the course of their lifespan.
Since a wheel bearing is located at or near the wheel, the noise will probably be coming from one corner of your vehicle—provided you’ve only got one bad bearing, of course.
For example, trading low drag for the high durability that comes with robust seals and lubricants that will keep bearings working through the worst weather and the depths of winter.
I also asked for insight into the manufacturing process behind ceramic bearings to give some context into how they are made and what leads to any performance claims.
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How to stop a squeakywheelbearing
A CeramicSpeed bottom bracket, for instance, can cost up to £289.99 / $359.99, making even the very best steel bearing bottom brackets look remarkably affordable.
Also, while ceramic bearings do offer a weight saving (they can weigh 50 per cent less than steel bearings), the reduction in weight is almost completely negligible when viewed in the context of a whole bike.
Ultimately, Sollenberger says these characteristics improve the efficiency and longevity of hybrid ceramic bearings over steel bearings, but lighter lubrication does have consequences.
"It may not sound like a lot, but if you asked any pro rider, they’d tell you 10w can be the difference, certainly in time trial situations or solo breakaways.”
Bad wheelbearing sound
Ultimately, ceramic bearings are an option for riders chasing any potential gain, regardless of cost, as well as those who simply want the best.
But good news there, as there’s an easy test that may help. While it’s not 100% foolproof, if you notice the noise stops while you’re slightly veering left or right, then an opposite side wheel bearing is the likely culprit.
So while at highway speeds, if you can safely(!) rock the steering wheel slightly left and right to shift the vehicle’s weight to each side, it may further help you diagnose where the noise is coming from.
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For riders seeking the advantages that ceramic bearings offer, then, the willingness to service and maintain the bearings is an important factor to consider.
It’s always a challenge to describe a noise in text, but a bad wheel bearing will often start out as a “growl,” sort of like a dull, soft grinding noise. It can also be a whine, a hum, or a soft roar. In some cases, bad wheel bearing noise could even manifest as a clunk or squeak.
Why opt for ceramic headset bearings? Saving watts here isn’t exactly a priority, after all. But the claimed non-corrosive and long-lasting properties of ceramic bearings are what’s important, potentially helping to reduce the frequency of headset servicing and ultimately replacement.
When considering whether the cost of ceramic bearings is worth it, Sollenberger says that any rider could benefit from a bearings upgrade but it depends on other factors such as riding goals and current setup.
Its not serious until it suddenly is. If not addressed it can cause the bearing to overheat and either sieze or your wheel falls off with almost no warning.
Ceramic bearings are used across the bike where reduced friction and improved durability are desired, including in hubs, bottom brackets, pulley wheels and headsets.
But before you point the finger at a wheel bearing, you want to make sure the noise isn’t coming from somewhere else. So here are a few things to consider:
We’ve got a really good article on driveline noises that goes into more detail. Check it out here: Quick Guide to Diagnosing Differential & Driveline Noises
When asked what could constitute a drawback to ceramic bearings, Sollenberger says that “the requirement of maintenance can be a surprise to some users.”
For some, the time (and, potentially, money) spent servicing and maintaining bearings will be justified, but for others, it simply won’t be. Of course, it is worth remembering that servicing any bearings will help them last longer.
Hello Marius, it’s not a turn, per se. It’s a slight, gentle shift (left or right) while you’re moving in a straight line—just enough to take some weight from the other side of the vehicle for a slight moment. When it’s unloaded, the noise may stop and, when it shifts back, it may start back up. … Again, it’s not a 100% scientific diagnostic, but it’s worked for us several times in the past.
That’s because veering like this shifts the weight off the side of the particular offending wheel for a few moments. Now unloaded with less stress, the bearing might shut up for a second and be perfectly content. When the vehicle weight shift returns to normal, the bearing is back to being loaded and it’ll start to whine again (sometimes literally).
Frontwheelbearing noise symptoms
I’m confused at the question – but if you’re asking about handling then yes, a bad wheel bearing can affect the way the car handles and moves—it’s not something you want to drive on, so if you suspect it’s going bad, have it inspected as soon as you can.
Hey Randy, it’s no so much a turn as it is a gentle, momentary veer–enough to unload weight on the opposite side for a fraction of a second. Once the steering wheel returns to neutral, the weight re-centers and the noise returns. Make sense?
“If light contact seals and thin greases were to be used on steel bearings in an attempt to increase efficiency, the exposed steel on steel interface will quickly allow corrosion and deterioration that ruins bearings.”
Paul is the editor of OnAllCylinders. When he's not writing, you'll probably find him fixing oil leaks in a Jeep CJ-5 or roof leaks in an old Corvette ragtop. Thanks to a penchant for vintage Honda motorcycles, he spends the rest of his time fiddling with carburetors and cleaning chain lube off his left pant leg.
But, before we delve into the pros and cons of ceramic bearings and consider whether they are a worthwhile upgrade, let’s establish exactly what ceramic bearings are, where they are used on bikes and why.
Ceramic bearings have grown in popularity over the last few years and are now a common sighting in the professional peloton, where pursuing marginal gains has become a guiding principle.
The noise/vibration might only be noticeable at certain speeds, and it may even go away momentarily depending on chassis movement (more on that in a sec). In any event, it’ll likely get worse as the bearing continues its progression towards complete failure, so it’s good that you catch it as early as possible.
He also says that “The gain of ceramic bearings versus good quality standard bearing is minimal”, and that “Good quality standard bearings are better than poor quality ceramic bearings.”
Ceramic bearings start life as silicon nitride powder, which is then taken through a process called hot isostatic pressing.
Wheelbearing replacement cost
A wheel bearing has a real simple job: It makes sure that your wheel spins freely, without any binding or vibration. A wheel bearing’s goal is to mitigate the effects of friction, which ultimately improves your car’s ability to roll smoothly—all while reducing wear to ensure it’s able to do so for a long time.
“When deciding on spending a few hundred pounds (or dollars) on [improving efficiency by] ~10 watts, then as a rider you have to balance that against where else you might be able to find that additional efficiency, perhaps in the form of a few months with a coach, or some wind tunnel time to improve your position in order to reduce drag.”
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The cost of ceramic bearings versus any potential performance benefit is extreme, especially when stacked up against other factors such as maintenance and the performance of high-quality steel bearings.
The difference between ceramic and steel bearings is, of course, the material. Made from silicon nitride, ceramic bearings are heralded for their reduced rolling resistance, increased hardness and longevity.
“The ceramic balls also insulate the steel races,” says Sollenberger. “Without steel on steel contact, corrosive wear can only occur when contamination is allowed to reside within the bearings for a prolonged amount of time”, he continues.
Also you can check a bad bearing buy taking off the grease caps then taking on a short run. Stop the car and with a thermometer point it at the centre of the bearing both sides of the car.The hottest bearing is the most worn and will give the loudest noises.
Paul Sollenberger, CeramicSpeed’s senior technical & sales education specialist, says the brand’s bearings take between 60 to 70 days to manufacture, depending on the size of the bearing – much longer than a standard steel ball bearing.
However, they are also popular with many amateur riders seeking the ultimate performance upgrade, or riders particularly concerned with efficiency, such as those racing time trials.
However, these potential advantages do come with drawbacks that, for many riders, might make ceramic bearings feel like an unjustified upgrade.
Part of the reason ceramic bearings offer a watt saving advantage is due to the exacting sphericity of the balls, as Sollenberger explains: “Ensuring the sphericity of the balls being equal within the bearing allows the bearings to carry rider loads without stressing the balls or races, and allowing better performance with less lubrication requirements.”
Upgrading pulley wheels (also known as jockey wheels) on the rear derailleur to ceramic bearings is another opportunity to curtail energy loss, as is swapping out standard jockey wheels for oversized pulleys.
He says ceramic bearings are said to be three to five times harder than steel bearings and, as a result, can withstand the force applied to them through chain tension and pedalling for longer.
A wheel bearing is typically composed of a series of small roller bearings arranged in a circle and encased in a durable shell. The assembly is packed in grease and sealed to prevent excessive moisture and grit ingress. Then, the whole thing slips around the vehicle’s axle or spindle, where it can spin right round, baby.