The alternator, brakes, power steering and water pump and transmission parts that most often make grinding sounds are very important components. Making sure they are in good working order requires professional mechanics with advanced skills and the appropriate tools and equipment to make the necessary repairs. Our automobile repair specialists will quickly and accurately pinpoint the source from which the grinding noise is coming and take the right actions to get rid of it and make sure that those very important components are in good working order.

Most people need their automobile to be repaired as soon as possible. Our team of experienced technicians and our well stocked automobile repair shop with all the latest, most effective, diagnostic and repair equipment, enable us to provide the fast, high-quality, repair services customers want. We can identify and solve the car grinding problem in a flash and make the repairs necessary to have it running safely and delivering optimal performance. When you want car repair done right and right away, we are the company to call.

Axle bearingvs wheelbearing

Brake grinding is a common automotive problem that causes cars to make a grinding sound. We can take care of the brake grinding problem by thoroughly checking the brake pads, rotors and disc brakes in your automobile. We will replace the worn pads, make any needed adjustments to your brakes and machine, repair or replace your rotors if necessary. When our brake service is completed, the grinding noise will be gone, and your car will be able to stop on a dime and improve the safety of its occupants and everyone and everything around it.

Nov 18, 2024 — The range of the cost of labor for a wheel bearing replacement should be approximately $150 to $200, but auto mechanic labor costs can vary ...

Hearing your car make a grinding sound when you start, turn or stop can be very disconcerting. When you hear your car grinding it means something is wrong with one or more of its parts. This can make driving your car unsafe, because you never know when the car part that is making the grinding sound will break or otherwise fail. If you hear a grinding noise coming from your car, your first step should be to determine what is causing it. You can either take it to an auto repair shop to have a thorough diagnostic workup done or, if you are mechanically inclined, you can try to figure it out yourself.


The MityVac MV7300 operates on compressed air to create a powerful venturi vacuum for draining fluids from tanks and reservoirs.

Transmission grinding can also be the problem at times. If you have some experience working on cars, you can investigate to get a better idea of the source of the grinding sound and if it's safe to drive your car to the shop to have it repaired or you need to have it towed. There is a simple 4 step process you can follow that can help you figure out where the grinding sound is coming from and how safe it is to drive the car.

18" x 3" CST C-1488 Tire (S18 / S22 / V11 / MSP / EX.N / RS / Hero / Commander / Master) 5.0 star rating 3 Reviews Regular price $49.00 Sale price $

CV axle Bearingsymptoms

2024111 — The average cost to replace a sealed wheel hub bearing is around $350 per wheel. However, depending on the make and model, the shop labor rate ...

Choose from our selection of ceramic bearings, including ball bearings, roller bearings, and more. In stock and ready to ship.

Two failed CV joints for me caused more vibration on the first than the second but both occasionally vibrated at speed. The joint that vibrated more had more damage when inspected.

You said you replaced the transmission VS. replacing only the bad bearing in the tranny. Was this more cost effective because of labor involved or was there another factor?

CV axle bearingreplacement

Order Skf Single Row Ball Bearing, Shielded, 62092Z at Great prices & free shipping on orders over $50 when you sign in or sign up for an account.

Did you check the condion of the transmision fluid to see if it was burnt or discolored? If the bearing has been going bad for 5k miles there may be metal contaminants in the fluid.

CV axle bearingnoise

slowly and carefully in a safe area, step on the brakes and listen carefully. If you hear the grinding sound, you may have worn brake pads or a damaged rotor. Replacing your brake pads and/or machining or replacing your rotor is something we can do quickly, easily and inexpensively at our shop.

Front DriveAxleInner ShaftBearing

Standing in front of your car, locate where the alternator, power steering pump and water pump are in your engine. Check the owner's manual if you need help identifying these parts. Once you have found the parts from which the grinding sound is most likely to come, put one end of the rubber tubing to your ear. Take the other end and put it close to the alternator, the water pump and the power steering pump, one after the other. This can help you pinpoint which one of them is making the grinding noise. Make note of which one the noise is coming from so it can be repaired or replaced.

If the brake pads have plenty of meat left on them and the rotor isn’t scored and if the wheel spins nice and quiet, then I would lean towards the CV joint. It shouldn’t be loose at all.

DON’T!!! listen to the advice you were given. This sounds like a wheel bearing. A failed CV joint is going to make a clicking noise when turning. If you do not hear a clicking noise on turns then it is not a CV joint. If it is a humming or whining noise it is most likely a wheel bearing.

I jacked up the front end of the car and found the outer cv joint is tight. The inner joint seems loose but it seems like the play is in the differential out put shaft. Considering the noise it sure seems like the bering in the transmission. Does anyone know how much this may cost to repair at a shop???Thanks


CCC Parts Item #: SPI170-28-37 ; Vendor Part #: 170-28-37 ...

Brakes, wheel bearings and transmission grinding are serious issues that are safest if handled by specially trained, experienced, auto repair technicians like the members of our team.

Here is how to check. Drive straight ahead until you hear the noise. Try some right turns and left turns. If the noise gets louder when turning, it’s a wheel bearing.

The Transmision fluid looks normal. It is a bit dark but it has 25k miles on it. There are no signs of metal particles.

While it is possible to save some money by attempting to address brake grinding or any of the other causes of the grinding sound in your car for yourself, unless you are properly trained and have the right tools and equipment, to protect your safety and the safety of others in your car and on the roads, it is best to bring your car to a reputable auto mobile repair shop like our to have the repairs done professionally.

hi, i want to find out if your problem has been fixed, I’m experiencing the same problem like you does. what was the solution?

If it is the CV axle I am leaning towards repairing that myself in my driveway. If it is a bearing in the Tranny it has to go to the shop for repair.

Since the original post was 15 years ago, it is not likely you will hear back. You would be better off starting a new thread and Describing your specific issue.


We stand behind our work. The replacement parts we use have manufacturer's warranties and we guarantee the quality, effectiveness and accuracy of our work. Superior customer service is our goal and we go the extra mile to ensure your car is safe, sounds great and delivers tiptop performance. Call us today.

One way to differentiate a differential carrier bearing problem from a wheel bearing problem is to unload the transmission while rolling at a speed where the noise is most noticed. Lift the throttle pedal or shift the transmission to neutral. If the noise changes significantly, then the problem could be in the differential bearings although it is unlikely with your transmission design. If the noise remains, reengage the transmission and do a couple of lane changes (observe safety). If the noise gets worse making a lane change to the left it probably is the right wheel bearing. Diagnosing wheel bearings can be deceptive when the weight is off the tires and not spinning fast IMHO.

During the early stage of failure, a bearing can be quiet with no load as when you turn the wheel with the car on a jack, yet become noisy with the car’s weight on the bearing.

If the noise is from the right, then that seems more like a wheel bearing as the trans is on the driver side (left). You can try driving by a high curb on either side with the windows open to hear the reflected noise to try to confirm the source. You can do this with a bridge too.

If the noise is not coming from the alternator, power steering pump or water pump, the next step is to take a short test drive to see when the grinding sound occurs. Driving

Details. All CeramicSpeed Bearings are hand-built in Denmark. Super-smooth CeramicSpeed grade 3 Silicone Nitride balls are matched (within microns) with ...

In order to safely and accurately determine why your car is making a grinding sound when you start, turn or stop, you need the right tools, training and technology. At our auto repair shop, we have a wide range of top of the line tools designed to fit and fix every part or system in your car. We also have well-trained, highly skilled, experienced, auto repair technicians with the expertise to repair or replace the part that's making the grinding sound. We also have the latest diagnostic machines and technology that can quickly and accurately identify the cause and location of the grinding sound in your car.

To get an idea where the grinding sound in your car is coming from, follow this simple four step diagnostic process. All you will need is a two- or three-foot piece of rubber hose or some other firm, hollow tube.

If the source of the grinding sound is not the brakes, there is one more simple test you can perform. Continuing to drive slowly and carefully, make a right turn and then a left turn. Should you hear the grinding noise when making these turns, the wheel bearings is probably the problem area. This is a major safety issue that you should have one of our professional mechanics address immediately.


CVjoint and wheelbearingreplacement cost

I have a noise as I drive coming from the front right section of the car. No vibration and the car tracks fine. The noise reminds me of a bad wheel bearing or a tire problem. The faster you go the more noticable it gets. I rotated the tires and the noise did not move. The wheel in question spins fine, seems tight and there is no signs of over heating of the brake. The CV joint half shaft does seem a bit loose. But as I recall, a failing CV joints makes clicking sounds on corners. This does not happen. Everything else in that area seems tight and ok. Any comments or ideas?

what kind of car? I had the same noise and it turned out the trans bearings were going bad. Honda (accord) replaced the trans and the noise went away. I tried to rotate tires, spare tire, etc. but the noise was at 30MPH and higher until high speeds when road noise overpowered the bearing noise. That’s what was wrong with my car. Not saying you have the same problem but just food for thought.

Open and prop up the hood of the car. Start the car. Does the grinding noise begin right away? Is it constant as long as the car is running? If the grinding sound has already started, go to step two.

I have had two CV joint failures so far and in both instances, the steering wheel vibrated occasionally. In only one instance, the CV joint made clicking noises when backing while turning. The damage to the CV joint that vibrated more often and worse when it did and also clicked was far worse than the other.

Getting rid of the grinding noise your car is making doesn't have to be expensive when you come to us for car repair services. We offer quality car repair services at easily affordable prices. Call us for a price quote on the repair services you need, and you will be pleasantly surprised when you hear our prices. We provide high quality, affordable, car care services that can fit into any budget. Price doesn't have to prevent you from getting the quality repairs necessary to get rid of that maddening grinding sound when you get your auto repair services from us.

Browse Part Number 6203-2RS, Deep Groove Ball Bearings (6000, 6200, 6300, 6400) in the The ... Size d,Features,Bearing Type,Outside Diameter D,Outside Ri.


This page shows a map with an overlay of the Zip Code 32306 and those nearby Tallahassee, Florida. (FL). Users can view the boundaries of each Zip Code for ...