Yeah, the going rate for good labor is $150-$250/hour these days. And they'll want to use their own parts unless you already have a great relationship with the shop.

Rearwheel bearing hubassemblytorque specs



Frontwheel bearing hubassemblytorque specspdf

HomeBuickPark AvenueDrivetrainWheel Bearing SPONSORED LINKS Torque specs for the front wheel axle nut/wheel bearing hub needed? MGSIL MEMBER2002 BUICK PARK AVENUE150,000 MILES What are the torque specs for the front wheel (axle nut/wheel bearing hub to knuckle/caliper mounting bolt and tie rod end bolt)? In ft/lbs. Sunday, July 23rd, 2023 AT 12:37 PM 3 Replies KEN L MASTER CERTIFIED MECHANIC48,505 POSTS Sure, here is the information you have requested: Tighten the wheel drive shaft spindle nut to 160 Nm (118 ft. Lbs.). Tie Rod to Knuckle Nut 55 ft. Lbs. Tie Rod Lock Nut 47 ft. Lbs. Check out the images (below). Please let us know if you need anything else to get the problem fixed. Images (Click to make bigger) SPONSORED LINKS Was this answer helpful?YesNo Monday, July 24th, 2023 AT 1:12 PM MGSIL MEMBER20 POSTS Thank you. What about the wheel bearing bolts? Do you have the torque specs for those 3 bolts? Was this answer helpful?YesNo Monday, July 24th, 2023 AT 1:58 PM KEN L MASTER CERTIFIED MECHANIC48,505 POSTS Tighten the wheel bearing/hub retaining bolts to 95 Nm (70 ft. Lbs.). Was this answer helpful?YesNo+1 Tuesday, July 25th, 2023 AT 6:35 PM Please login or register to post a reply. Related Wheel Bearing Content2000 Buick Park Avenue Wheel BearingDrive Train Axles Bearings Problem 2000 Buick Park Avenue 6 Cyl Automatic 145000 Miles How To Fix A Wheel BearlingAsked by PARKAVE · 1 ANSWER2000BUICK PARK AVENUEVIDEOWheel Bearing Pack - All CarsInstructional repair videoGUIDEWheel Bearings RepackThis guide is for servicing (repacking) singular wheel bearings (not bearing hubs), this style of bearing are used on olds cars and trailers. Setting up (preload) these...Hoist To Take Out A Transmission?Do U Need A Hoist To Take Out A Transmission In A 97 Buick Park AvenueAsked by Jeremy1234567 · 9 ANSWERS2 IMAGES1997BUICK PARK AVENUE1993 Buick Park Avenue Transmission IssueMy Dad Was Driving His Park Ave And The Transmission Just Went Out, So He Parked It On The Side Street. 2days Laters After It Snowed Real...Asked by jilla · 4 ANSWERS1993BUICK PARK AVENUE1995 Buick Park Avenue Is The Trany Bad Or Do I Have...Transmission Problem 1995 Buick Park Avenue 6 Cyl Front Wheel Drive I Can Put It In1st And It Will Go And Shift All The Way Through...Asked by Deedubb · 1 ANSWER1995BUICK PARK AVENUE1994 Buick Park Avenue My TransmitionTransmission Problem 1994 Buick Park Avenue 6 Cyl Front Wheel Drive Automatic 160ooo Miles My Car When I Turn It Run It Takes About...Asked by PAGAN · 1 ANSWER1994BUICK PARK AVENUEVIEW MORE Sponsored links Ask a Car Question. It's Free!SPONSORED LINKSWheel Bearing Pack - All CarsWheel Bearings and Seal ReplacementAxle Bearing CV Bearing Replacement Online car repair manuals Contact• Help• About• Privacy Policy• Terms & Conditions © 1999 - 2024 2CarPros, Inc.

Sigh. It really needs ball joints too, and I don't really have an extra $1,000 to just drop on something like this. I guess some late night wrenching is in order.

Wheel bearing hub torque specspdf

My 2002 Silverado needs new front wheel bearings... badly. I have been planning to do them myself, but some general wrenching fatigue, lack of appropriate Torx bits, and a severe lack of time have kept me form doing the job. I've been "one weekend away" from fixing it for about a month and a half, and I'm starting to think of farming it out to someone else to do the job. I haven't been to a mechanic in forever though. I already have the parts, what should I expect to pay for labor?

Wheel bearing torquechart


The average cost for a Chevrolet Silverado 2500 HD wheel bearing replacement is between $384 and $489. Labor costs are estimated between $179 and $226 while parts are priced between $205 and $263. This range does not include taxes and fees, and does not factor in your specific model year or unique location.

Isn't labor generally, roughly, about, approximately 80-100 dollars an hour at an indy shop? I feel like that is the range i have heard tossed around. So I suppose whatever book time is times that if you are supplying the parts. Sorry this reply isn't of more value.

Most mechanics won't let you use your own parts now a days. So that may be problematic as well. I'd say about $450 plus parts. They will will want to replace the whole hub and not just the bearing. So $250-$300 for the hub.