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Naturalization through active-duty service in the Armed Forces during World War I, World War II, Korean hostilities, Vietnam hostilities, or other periods of military hostilities.
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Children born outside the United States and residing permanently in the United States; conditions under which citizenship automatically acquired; determinations of name and birth date.
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The tables below show INA sections and their corresponding U.S. Code section. To ensure accuracy, USCIS links to the official U.S. Code prepared by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives.
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Prohibition upon the naturalization of persons opposed to government or law, or who favor totalitarian forms of government.
Posthumous citizenship through death while on active-duty service in armed forces during World War I, World War II, the Korean hostilities, the Vietnam hostilities, or in other periods of military hostilities.
Record of admission for permanent residence in the case of certain aliens who entered the United States prior to January 1, 1972.
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Certificate of nationality issued by Secretary of State for person not a naturalized citizen of United States for use in proceedings of a foreign state.
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The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) was enacted in 1952. The INA collected many provisions and reorganized the structure of immigration law. The INA has been amended many times over the years and contains many of the most important provisions of immigration law.
Bringing in aliens subject to denial of admission on a health-related ground; persons liable; clearance papers; exceptions; "person" defined.
The INA is contained in the United States Code (U.S.C.). The U.S. Code is a collection of all the laws of the United States. Title 8 of the U.S. Code covers "Aliens and Nationality."
Cancellation of certificates issued by Attorney General, the Commissioner or a Deputy Commissioner; action not to affect citizenship status.