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An alternator should last around six to 10 years, depending on how much you drive and what kind of car you have. If your vehicle has extra electrical components that are used regularly, your alternator’s life span can be even shorter, though.
The caveat to virtually all auto warranties is that they only cover manufacturing defects (parts that fail for no clear reason). That means your warranty won’t help if your alternator goes bad due to:
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You can potentially drive a short distance with a faulty alternator, but we don’t recommend it. Because this component powers so many different parts of your vehicle, driving with a bad alternator can impact various functions. A faulty alternator often leads to a dead battery, and if left unfixed, it could permanently ruin your battery, too.
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A broken alternator — not to be confused with a failing alternator belt — can be hard to diagnose because many of the symptoms are the same as the symptoms of a faulty battery, and both can be debilitating enough that diagnostic tests are impossible to run without getting a charge first.
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Make sure to save all your paperwork. A replacement alternator — whether it's rebuilt or new, OEM or aftermarket — should have a warranty. Having the receipt and warranty paperwork could save you future expenses.
That’s based on quotes we collected from RepairPal, Kelley Blue Book and several independent local shops in the Atlanta area for alternator swaps in different vehicles.
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Basically, the bad news is that you shouldn’t expect to save any money by fixing your broken alternator. The good news, however, is that you may not have to pay for your alternator replacement at all.
Alternator replacement cost
The main reason why some alternators can be replaced in an hour — while others take a whole day — is placement. Some alternators live right at the top of the engine bay, making them easy to access and, therefore, simple and straightforward to replace.
In our experience, the cost to replace an alternator can vary from $450 to $2,000-plus, depending on what type of car you drive.
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That’s also why taking your vehicle to a specialty shop may drive down your overall cost. Compared with a general shop, a specialty shop may be able to access your alternator faster and charge you fewer labor hours in the process.
When it comes to these three options, there’s no guaranteed correct choice. It’s often best to simply notify your mechanic that you’re looking for a cost-effective option and let them make a professional recommendation.
“Most people think that when you have an older car that's when you need stuff like a warranty and that the dealer coverage is just enough. But then it always seems like as soon as that coverage runs out, something breaks, and then you're left with the whole bag.”
Your car’s alternator converts mechanical energy from your engine into electricity, powering your electronics and charging your battery.
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If you’re not sure whether your vehicle has any of its original warranty left, you can check using your VIN or our guide to every manufacturer’s factory warranties.
The good news is that alternators typically don’t require any regular maintenance, so you’re less likely to have your claim denied on the basis that you missed a recommended service interval.
But others — like on many BMWs — are buried deep inside the engine compartment, requiring the careful removal of several other components in order to access them. This drives up the cost of labor to replace what might otherwise be considered a relatively simple part.
But when your alternator starts to fail, what can you expect in terms of cost? Can you save money by repairing it in lieu of doing a replacement? And will your warranty cover the cost of an alternator replacement?
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Just be aware that extended warranties usually don’t cover preexisting conditions, so you’ll need to buy one before your car starts having problems if you want them covered.
By that point, the cost of labor to repair your alternator would closely match the cost of replacing it. Plus, a repair might be less reliable and probably wouldn’t come with a warranty.
“It really came in handy,” a reviewer from Georgia told us. “My car shut off on my way to work. I ended up needing a new alternator. … I had to pay my deductible, which is only $100. And I got a brand-new alternator out of the box. My car was back on the road within the day.
Your car’s alternator is a device that converts mechanical energy from the engine into electrical energy for the car's electrical systems. Basically, your alternator works with your battery to power the electrical components of your vehicle.
Repairing your vehicle's alternator generally isn’t a cost-effective option compared with replacing it. There are a few reasons for this, but the main one is that repairing something can cost a lot more in terms of labor. For example, your mechanic would have to:
"The make and model of the vehicle can change the price considerably," Devin Purcell, an automotive service technology professor at Fanshawe College in Ontario, Canada, told us. "There are replacement alternators that cost $100 and there are also some that cost $900 to purchase. These are just the parts; labor is another component. Labor ranges from one to eight hours, depending on the model."
After an alternator is replaced, there are tests you can run to see if it’s working correctly, but the simplest way is often to drive your vehicle normally and see if you encounter any problems.
Regardless of the cause, if you’re experiencing issues with your vehicle, it’s important to schedule an inspection with a licensed mechanic. They can test different components of your vehicle and use OBD-II readings to determine what the issue is. You may have to pay for these tests, but they should help you avoid paying for a repair that’s not needed.
In short, you and your wallet are probably better off getting a bad alternator replaced before it leads to more extensive issues. It’s not cheap, but it’s also not the worst car problem you can have. If you’re having problems with your car’s charging system:
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If you want to save money on an alternator replacement, shop around with different mechanics and compare the cost of OEM, remanufactured and aftermarket alternators and decide which is right for you:
2010-2013 Kia Soul Wheel Bearing and Hub Assembly 10012276.
Home Warranty disclosure for New Jersey Residents: The product being offered is a service contract and is separate and distinct from any product or service warranty which may be provided by the home builder or manufacturer.
As long as your plan covers your alternator, the next time it goes bad, you should only have to pay your deductible to get it fixed. Your warranty provider will cover the rest.
I'm assuming its the FL wheel bearing, there is no play at all in it, however i can feel in the housing rumble when i spin it slowly.
Alternator Bearingprice
While the battery is essential for starting your car when it's off, the alternator keeps your car alive when the engine is running. While you're driving around or idling, the alternator powers most of the car's electronic components with direct current (DC) energy and charges your car’s battery.
“To replace an alternator, the bare minimum cost is around $450 plus tax,” according to Sean Kim, an experienced mechanic in the Greater Atlanta area. “It usually takes between one-and-a-half to two hours, so you’re spending $200 to $300 for labor plus at least $200 for a good aftermarket part.”
If your car is new enough to have some factory warranty coverage remaining, the cost of replacing your alternator may be covered.
Alternators can last the life of your vehicle, but that doesn't always happen. General wear and tear, heat, overuse, exposure to water, faulty parts and frayed wires can put your alternator out of commission well before your car heads to the scrapyard.
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Not usually. Alternators don’t often break due to accidents or vandalism, which means the cost to replace this component probably won’t be covered by auto insurance.
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It depends. Base-level coverage might not cover your alternator, but if the warranty covers your car’s electrical system, the alternator is usually included.
Extended warranties, also called vehicle service contracts, cover the cost of unexpected repairs due to malfunctioning or broken parts. On average, bumper-to-bumper extended auto warranties cost around $1,000 per year of coverage, but they can cover anything from a $1,000 alternator replacement to a $4,000 engine replacement.
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Most bumper-to-bumper auto warranties cover alternators because they’re not considered wear-and-tear parts. (Wear-and-tear parts, like windshield wiper blades, are made to wear out over time.)