Does anyone have any tools or strategies to assess less common languages? I wonder if there are easily-understood checklists that volunteers can use to assess student work?

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North Dakota joins more than half of the nation in awarding a Seal of Biliteracy. The NDSB is established to recognize students and provide an identifier of this accomplishment for employers and post-secondary institutions. The NDSB serves to inspire the implementation of biliteracy programs and pathways of language development in districts across the state and help districts demonstrate value in diversity/culture.

The South Dakota Department of Education is offering a Silver and Gold Seal of Biliteracy. The requirements for obtaining the seals can be found in the SD Seal of Biliteracy Implementation Guide below. Students who qualify will receive a physical seal that can be affixed to their high school diplomas as well as an identifier on the student's transcript. Participation in this program is voluntary for school districts.

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The North Dakota Department of Public Instruction (NDDPI) is proud to announce the implementation of the North Dakota Seal of Biliteracy (NDSB) award program. The NDSB is an award presented to graduating students who have demonstrated proficiency in a language in addition to English.

The NDSB is awarded by the NDDPI according to the specific criteria presented in the attached guidance document. Each student will receive a physical foil seal on their high school diploma, a certificate from the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and an identifier on the student's eTranscript. School district participation in the program is completely voluntary.

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Source: The provisions of this §74.14 adopted to be effective July 8, 2014, 39 TexReg 5149; amended to be effective August 22, 2016, 41 TexReg 5040.

Please review the attached documents and determine how this program could be implemented in the district. Additional information is available on the NDDPI website.