Wheel bearing noise: what causes it and how to fix it - what does bad bearings sound like
These are not low-profile. Unlike true low profile bearings or bushings, like FLT, these will rub and cause issues in builds where the sector plate or gearbox design calls for low profile.
Ezo bearingsreview
J cage are the strongest type bearings in airsoft application. Crown Cage which comes stock on most AEGs are the weakest and bound to fail post upgrade.
EZObearing catalogue pdf
*** Technician Pro Tip *** Bearings do require proper installation and maintenance. It is recommended to glue or bond the bearings to your gearbox shell. Shim gears properly and use a grease / lubricant in your bearings. It is not advised to run bearings dry. Happy Cheek Clapping.
Low Profile Bearings makes shimming a dream, leaving plenty of room inside the gearbox for precise shimming. As well as less interference with the selector plate in V2 applications.