a. Posts that use [A] pouches to send Form DS-156, Nonimmigrant Visa Application, and Form DS-157, Supplemental Nonimmigrant Visa Application, records to the Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) must ensure each package is appropriately addressed and that the pouch tag and the airway bill (consignee section) read as follows:

(2)  Communications are considered at least SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED when they specifically identify items being sent by pouch (e.g., “passports” or “Ambassador Smith’s letter of July 6”).

e. Pouch tags must contain the address in paragraph a of this section, so that pouches destined for KCC are not delivered by the carrier to SA-32.  Pouches for KCC must be double tagged with the same address on both tags.

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a. The Department does not accept responsibility for lost or damaged items sent via pouch.  All items sent by diplomatic pouch are sent at the risk of the sender.

a. Only items categorized as UNCLASSIFIED or SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED may be transported in [A] pouches.  Items in [A] pouches may be barcoded for tracking purposes.

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(2)  At posts abroad, unclassified and classified items may be opened only in the presence of, and with the consent of, the originator or addressee.  If consent is refused, the item will not be accepted for pouch transmission and will be returned to the originator.  If neither originator nor addressee is physically present at post, the PCO may open suspect items in the presence of one witness;

(1)  Classified or unclassified mail room staff may intercept any letter, flat, parcel, or nonconveyable that is improperly prepared or otherwise considered questionable for pouch transmission.  Mail room staff may request the PCO to open the item to determine if it is eligible for pouch transmission;

b. Use Unclassified Controlled Air Pouch (UCAP) when additional safeguards are necessary as determined by the originator.  To send SBU via UCAP, the originator should do the following:

a. Disclosure of pouch contents, regardless of nature or classification, to any person except U.S. Government employees or contractors with proper security clearance and a need to know, violates the security of the pouch.  Never disclose or discuss pouch contents with foreign officials.

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(4)  In the Department, the PCO is authorized, in the presence of one witness, to open suspect items without the presence or the consent of the addressee or originator.  For classified items, a reasonable attempt will be made to contact the originator before opening the item; and

a. When the vault/classified pouch room or mail room at a post receives an item with a registry number, whether Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration, or any scannable barcode such as a commercial carrier registry number, the staff must enter that item into the Integrated Logistical Management System Diplomatic Pouch and Mail (ILMS DPM) for both the classified and unclassified channels.

c.  For airline and routing charges, Dulles International Airport (IAD) should remain the final destination airport.  All pouch shipments destined to KCC must be dispatched on a separate airway bill.  Address the airway bill and consign the shipment to KCC in Williamsburg, KY, as shown above.  Do not send regular [A] pouch shipments to A/LM/PMP/DPM/UPM at SA-32 on the same airway bill as shipments destined to KCC.

c.  Items transported in [C] pouches marked “VIA DCS” or “VIA Defense Courier Service” are handled as TOP SECRET items.  See 14 FAH-4 H-260 for DCS procedures.  The Department is charged an additional fee to use the DCS system, which is absorbed by the Courier Division for some Department customers and is charged back to the sender for some Department programs and non-Department customers (see 14 FAM 727, subparagraph c(2)).

b. Post management must make certain that local procedures are in place to ensure the safekeeping of pouches and other property while under control of the PCO.

c.  Appropriate receipts should be kept on file in accordance with the Records Management Handbook's subchapter 5 FAH-4 H-310, Department/Field Offices/Posts.  Proof of handling is necessary to resolve tracking issues.

a. Classified or administratively controlled items processed by the Department’s Internal Mail and Messenger Service (IMMS) or diplomatic pouch service must display only classification or administratively controlled indicators recognized by the Department, as follows:

b. KCC is an authorized pouch receiving facility for NIV records only.  KCC is authorized to receive and open these unclassified diplomatic pouches, remove the contents, maintain a record of the invoices, and return empty pouches to A/LM/PMP/DPM/UPM at SA-32.

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b. At domestic mail facilities for outgoing classified pouch, the PCO takes the following action:  Items found to have prohibited material will be returned to the originator in the same manner in which they were delivered.

c.  Data entry may be done at the time the pouch is being closed using the “Quick Pouch Build” process or may be done in advance of pouch day using the “Add/Modify Acct Items” process.

(3)  Enter the employee association into ILMS DPM as an “agency” and HBMS pouches assigned to the employee association as the sender.  The ILMS DPM system will track weight of outgoing pouches;

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(2)  Items addressed to and from the same person and the same address cannot be returned or forwarded.  The PCO sends an email to the post requesting the addressee to make arrangements to have the item returned to a valid domestic address in the same manner in which it was delivered.  If forwarding instructions are not received within 10 working days, the item will be turned over to building security guards.  At the end of a 30-day holding period, Diplomatic Security personnel will list each item to be disposed of on Form DS-1882, Domestic Property Excess (see 14 FAH-1 H-722), and fax that form to A/LM/PMP/PM to coordinate pick-up of the property.

(3)  At posts abroad, the PCO will make a reasonable effort to obtain disposition instructions from the appropriate person.  The cost for the return or disposal of items will be paid for by the originator or the addressee.  When disposition instructions or payment cannot be obtained, items will be turned over to the custody of the regional security office (RSO).  At the end of a 30-day holding period, the RSO will list each item to be disposed of on Form SF-120, Report of Excess Personal Property, and give the form and item to the general services office (GSO) for disposal;

(1)  Attach barcode-readable Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration, to the front of the package.  Mark the package and the form “SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED”;

Policy on homeward-bound mail service (HBMS) is set forth in 14 FAM 745 and is only available for posts without MPS/DPO facilities.  Persons wishing to use HBMS will:

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(1)  Attach barcode-readable Form DS-0007 to the front of the package and place “UNCLASSIFIED - VIA CONTROLLED AIR POUCH” prominently on the front and back of the package and on barcode-readable Form DS-0007;

(1)  If items have USPS postage and a valid return address, they are returned to sender via USPS and an e-mail is sent to post.  For all other material, the PCO sends an email to posts informing the addressee that the parcel is being held pending disposition instructions and receipt of funds for return; and

(5)  In the Department the Diplomatic Pouch and Mail Division (A/LM/PMP/DPM) will make a reasonable effort to obtain disposition instructions from the appropriate person.  The cost for the return or disposal of items will be paid for by the originator or the addressee.  When disposition instructions or payment cannot be obtained, items will be turned over to building security guards.  At the end of a 30-day holding period, DS personnel will list each item to be disposed of on Form DS-1882, Domestic Property Excess (see 14 FAH-1 H-722), and fax that form to the Business Analysis Division (A/LM/PMP/PM) to coordinate pick-up of the property.

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a. Each authorized user of the pouch who sends letters, flats, parcels, and nonconveyables automatically consents to an inspection by the pouch control officer (PCO).

b. The registry form used by the Department for official items is barcode-readable Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration.  Use only one registry number per item.  Ordering information for Form DS-0007 is found on the A/LM/PMP/DPM website.

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b. Unclassified files may be sent by unclassified pouch, by air or sea cargo, or from border posts by truck.  Files may not be sent by military post office or diplomatic post office, since these systems are not protected under Article 27 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.  Classified files must be sent by classified pouch.

a. Official mail:  In unclassified pouches, senders may register any official item for any reason using Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration.  Registered items can be tracked but are still sent at the risk of the sender.  Locally produced barcode-readable registry number labels may be used as an alternative to Form DS-0007 for official items.

b. Information required by ILMS DPM for registered items is the registry number, classification, sending agency, and weight of the item in kilograms.

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(1)  Communications are considered UNCLASSIFIED when pouch contents are discussed in a general way (e.g., by registry number or by referring only to “items” or “material”); and

b. Items not marked with one of the above indicators are assumed to be unclassified.  Items showing no classification but marked in a way that indicates they might be classified or administratively controlled (e.g., “By Courier,” “NOFORN”) will not be accepted for pouch transmission.

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(4)  In the event that the item is bound for an international address, affix sufficient postage and the appropriate customs form to the outside of the package (see USPS Customs Forms); and place a note on the outside instructing SA-32 to place the item into the USPS mail stream, not into any ongoing pouch;

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(2)  Deliver the package to the vault/classified pouch room (at post) or your servicing mail room at the Department for processing; and

c.  Each envelope, package, or other outer cover (including collective cover) of official material originated by any Federal agency for transport by diplomatic pouch must be marked with the highest security classification or administrative control designation of the material it contains.

d. Pouches must be retrieved from the airport as soon as possible after arrival and opened only by authorized personnel in a controlled secure environment.

d. ILMS DPM posts do not have to establish a unique unclassified series as the system generates invoices based on specific business units.  KCC’s business unit is “VOKCC.”  ILMS DPM posts can check shipment status in ILMS DPM.

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b. Items transported in [C] pouches may be categorized as SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED, Sensitivity Warrants Courier Handling, CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, or TOP SECRET.  Items in [C] pouches must be registered in accordance with 14 FAH-4 H-222.1:

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a. Posts abroad should notify the Records Service Center (A/GIS/IPS-RSC) of plans to ship records by unclassified e-mail addressed to RetiredRecords@state.gov.  Prior to shipment, include a copy of the completed Form DS-693, Records Retirement Transmittal, in the first box of records.  Label the top of the box with the address below and the post’s name.  Seal the box with a strong, clear tape.

(2)  UNCLASSIFIED or SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED items may be transported by classified pouch under certain conditions and must be barcoded.  See 14 FAH-4 H-213.2.

To send items to the White House by either classified or unclassified pouch, double-wrap the item (see 14 FAH-4 H-322.2).  Address the inner wrapper to the White House.  Address the outer wrapper to the Executive Secretariat (S/ES), marking the White House as the final destination.  Register the item using Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration (see 14 FAH-4 H‑222.1).

c.  To reduce the risk of damage, employees must ensure that parcels are packed well enough to withstand rough handling and storage.  PCOs must ensure pouches are properly packed to minimize possible damage to contents.

(6)  Provide appropriate amount of empty pouch bags for the employee association.  Official pouch material has priority when stock is low.

d. Classified documents must be transmitted via classified Diplomatic Pouch under courier receipt Form DS-0007, which can now be generated in ILMS for the registration of official items.  Users can generate DS-0007 forms and registry numbers in bulk or at the individual level.  From the Diplomatic Pouch and Mail website, users can access the bulk print DS-0007s page to print up to 200 DS-0007 forms and/or address labels.  ILMS will automatically assign a unique registry number to the item and generate DS-0007s in PDF form, labels or both.

b. Personal mail:  Locally produced barcode-readable registry number labels may be used for personal items.   Do not use Form DS-0007 for personal items.