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Timing chain vs timing beltreddit

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A timing chain is similar to the rubber belt version, except that it is made out of all metal components. A timing chain has an appearance which is remarkably similar to a bicycle chain, except it’s less greasy, larger, and more durable.

Timing chain vs timing beltpros and cons

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The first rubber timing belts were utilized by a car manufacturer called Pontiac, and this was way back in the 1960’s. These timing belts, while made of rubber, also had some kind of strengthening material built into them in order to ensure that they would be durable enough to stand up to the intense conditions of an internal combustion engine.

Timing belts and chains are engine components which are almost always impossible to see when first opening the hood of a vehicle, and this is because they are shielded from the outside elements by a protective plate within the engine.

The advantages to using the consult are codes are twofold: they are not defined as new or established, and may be used for patients the clinician has seen before, if the requirements for a consult are met.”

A report is required. “The consultant’s opinion and any other services that were ordered or performed must also be communicated by written report to the requesting physician, other qualified health care professional, or other appropriate source.”


Timing chainlifespan

In 1988, founder Betsy Nicoletti started a Medical Services Organization for a rural hospital, supporting physician practice. She has been a self-employed consultant since 1998. She estimates that in the last 20 years her audience members number over 28,400 at in person events and webinars. She has had 2,500 meetings with clinical providers and reviewed over 43,000 medical notes. She knows what questions need answers and developed this resource to answer those questions.

When CMS stopped paying for consults, it said it still recognized the concept of consults, but paid for them using different categories of codes. For an inpatient service, use the initial hospital services codes (99221—99223). If the documentation doesn’t support the lowest level initial hospital care code, use a subsequent hospital care code (99231—99233). Don’t make the mistake of always using subsequent care codes, even if the patient is known to the physician.

Rocks, sand, ice, mud, and any other outside particles are things that should never be allowed into the timing components of the engine simply because if the timing is disrupted in any way, this can be catastrophic for the engine.

Timing chain vs timing beltsound

Some examples of material types that can be integrated into a rubber timing belt include Kevlar or fiberglass; both of these materials serve to add considerable strength to the belt. That said, a broken timing belt is usually quite serious so replacing it according to the car manufacturer’s stated interval is something that shouldn’t be ignored.

Without a timing belt or chain, it would be impossible to run an internal combustion engine because the parts would not be moving in the correct formation. Now that basics of engine timing have been covered, it is time to consider the differences between a timing chain and a timing belt.

Important of Engine TimingGiven that an internal combustion engine has many moving parts that are functioning in unison to ensure that power is given to the drive train, proper timing of the internal components is crucial for maintaining engine functionality.

When reporting a consultation code follow CPT rules. The statement that I recommend is “I am seeing this patient at the request of Dr. Patel for my evaluation of new onset a-fib.”  At the end of the note, indicate that a copy of the report is being returned to the requesting clinician. In a shared medical record, this can be done electronically.

Timing beltorchainlist

Medicare stopped recognizing and paying consult codes, but consults are still requested and provided to inpatients every day. The question is, how should they be billed?

Physicians may bill initial hospital care service codes (99221-99223), for services that were reported with CPT® consultation codes (99241 – 99255) prior to January 1, 2010, when the furnished service and documentation meet the minimum key component work and/or medical necessity requirements.

The manufacturer recommended life span for a timing belt is usually around 60,000 to 100,000 miles, though this number can be more or less depending on the specific make and model of the vehicle. Check your owner’s manual for the exact replacement interval.

How will clinicians know if the payer recognizes consults? They won’t know. Most groups suggest that their clinicians continue to select and document consults (when the service is a consult) whether or not they know if the payer recognizes consults or not. They set up an edit in their system so that consult codes can be reviewed and cross walked to the appropriate code, depending on the payer.

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In the inpatient hospital setting and the nursing facility setting, physicians (and qualified nonphysician practitioners where permitted) may bill the most appropriate initial hospital care code (99221-99223), subsequent hospital care code (99231 and 99232), initial nursing facility care code (99304-99306), or subsequent nursing facility care code (99307-99310) that reflects the services the physician or practitioner furnished.

Timing chainorbeltchecker

A physician or other qualified health care professional consultant may initiate diagnostic and/or therapeutic services at the same or subsequent visit.”

Many commercial insurance companies still recognize consults. Neglecting to bill consults when the carrier pays them results in lost revenue.

CPT goes on to say that if the consultation is initiated by a patient or family member or other appropriate source, do not use consult codes.  The list of professionals who are “other appropriate sources” according to CPT includes non-clinical social workers, educators, lawyers or insurance companies. However, if your payer still recognizes consults, they will likely require the NPI of a requesting clinician. You likely will not get paid for a consult requested by one of these professionals.

Timing belt vs timing chaincost

When you look in your book, notice that CPT has entirely removed the concept of transfer of care. There is no longer a notation that says you cannot bill a consult for a transfer of care.

Subsequent hospital care codes could potentially meet the component work and medical necessity requirements to be reported for an E/M service that could be described by CPT® consultation code 99251 or 99252. A/B MACs (B) shall not find fault in cases where the medical record appropriately demonstrates that the work and medical necessity requirements are met for reporting a subsequent hospital care code (under the level selected), even though the reported code is for the provider’s first E/M service to the inpatient during the hospital stay.

What should a consulting physician bill when seeing a hospitalized Medicare patient? An initial hospital service or a subsequent hospital visit?

While not every timing chain will last this long, they do tend to last longer than rubber timing belts. One of the only negative aspects of having a timing chain is that it is heavier, so if the chain breaks while driving, the damage to the engine is likely to be catastrophic.

One of the best aspects of having a timing chain versus a timing belt in an internal combustion engine is that a chain is almost always more durable and has the potential to last the entire life of the vehicle. A timing chain failure is much less common than a timing belt failure.

For office and outpatient services, use new and established patient visit codes (99202—99215), depending on whether the patient is new or established to the physician, following the CPT rule for new and established patient visits.  Use these codes for consultations for patients in observation as well, because observation is an outpatient service.

Timing belt chainreplacement cost

If the documentation supports an initial hospital service, use codes 99221-99223, initial hospital care codes.  According to CPT®, these codes are used for new or established patients. While we think of them and even talk about them as “admission” codes, CPT® doesn’t use that word.

From 2023 CPT: “A consultation is a type of evaluation and management service provided at the request of another physician, other qualified health care professional, or appropriate source to recommend care for a specific condition or problem.

If the documentation doesn’t have a detailed history and detailed exam, then bill a subsequent hospital visit, rather than the initial hospital care services. But, the correct category of code is initial hospital care. The citation from the Medicare Claims Processing Manual is at the end of this Q&A.

Physicians may report a subsequent hospital care CPT® code for services that were reported as CPT® consultation codes (99241 – 99255) prior to January 1, 2010, where the medical record appropriately demonstrates that the work and medical necessity requirements are met for reporting a subsequent hospital care code (under the level selected), even though the reported code is for the provider’s first E/M service to the inpatient during the hospital stay.

Unless you drive a Tesla or other electric vehicle, your car or truck has either a timing belt or timing chain (not both). So what’s the difference between the two? Keep reading to better understand the timing belt vs timing chain comparison.


Before making this comparison, it’s good to have a bit of background information about why mechanical engine timing is so critical for proper functioning of a standard internal combustion engine.

First, CMS stopped recognizing consult codes in 2010. Outpatient consultations (99241—99245) and inpatient consultations (99251—99255) were still active CPT® codes, and depending on where you are in the country, are recognized by a payer two, or many payers.