adopts this twentieth day of June of the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven, the following Recommendation, which may be cited as the Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration) Recommendation, 1977:


NSK began its journey manufacturing the first bearings in Japan in 1916, and has since developed into a global organization researching, designing, and manufacturing Motion & Control™ solutions essential for mobility and industrial applications. NSK is the top supplier of bearings in Japan and is the third largest supplier in the world by market share.

2) This new specification can be produced using existing facilities, and NSK plans to offer it to customers without delay in order to introduce it to the market as soon as possible.


1) Optimization of the number of rollers reduces rolling friction, achieving an average 20% reduction in friction over the entire rotation speed range

Tapered roller bearings are frequently used when there are low-rotation speed, high-load conditions on the tire side. Therefore, reducing the amount of friction in the roller bearings can help to increase the efficiency of the power train unit.

UNECER156Interpretation document

3) NSK is also applying the new optimization technique for the number of rollers to existing models of low-friction tapered roller bearings.

Our responsive products and technologies enhance automotive performance and industrial productivity while reducing energy consumption to unprecedented low levels. In the early 1960s, we set our sights outside Japan and have established over 200 business locations in 31 countries alongside a vast network of joint ventures and partnerships in all corners of the world.

1 WLTC: Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Cycles, an international method for measuring fuel economy, which began to be adopted in Japan by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism in 2017. Under the previous method of determining fuel economy values (JC08 cycle), the average fuel consumption was measured as an average over the entire range of low to high vehicle speeds. However, under the WLTC cycle, it is measured at each vehicle speed: in the city, in the suburbs, and on highways.


R155 andR156

Noting the terms of existing international labour Conventions and Recommendations which are relevant and, in particular, the Protection of Workers' Health Recommendation, 1953, the Occupational Health Services Recommendation, 1959, the Radiation Protection Convention and Recommendation, 1960, the Guarding of Machinery Convention and Recommendation, 1963, the Employment Injury Benefits Convention, 1964, the Hygiene (Commerce and Offices) Convention and Recommendation, 1964, the Benzene Convention and Recommendation, 1971, and the Occupational Cancer Convention and Recommendation, 1974, and

NSK has years of expertise related to special crowning technology and cages for lean lubrication conditions to solve problems, such as excessive surface pressure and seizure at the ends of the rollers, and has leveraged  this expertise to optimize the number of rollers.

Tapered roller bearings have been found to be very durable against contamination, and to have a superior service life. Performing new tests, NSK confirmed their actual service life to be even longer than the calculated service life.

Since around 1980, NSK has used various methods to decrease friction in tapered roller bearings. In recent years, the rapid advance of automobile electrification in pursuit of a decarbonized society has increased the need to reduce friction. Moreover, Japan's adoption in 2017 of the WLTC1 (a standard international method for measuring fuel economy), has made it necessary to further improve fuel economy. Therefore, tapered roller bearings also need to deliver low friction across the entire rotation speed range.

Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to working environment: atmospheric pollution, noise and vibration, which is the fourth item on the agenda of the session, and


NSK Ltd. has developed its 7th generation of low-friction tapered roller bearings. This product can help to increase vehicle range through improved fuel/electricity consumption achieved by reducing friction by an average 20% over the entire rotation speed range. NSK aims to achieve annual sales of 15.0 billion yen by 2030 for this product, including existing models.

Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of a Recommendation supplementing the Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration) Convention, 1977,

Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Sixty-third Session on 1 June 1977, and