WHEEL BEARINGS AND HUBS 101: WHAT YOU NEED ... - hub bearing front
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Technical SpecificationsType Bearing Bore Type Round Configuration One Material High Carbon Chrome Steel Cage Material Nylon Limiting Speed - Oil 2500 RPMLimiting Speed - Grease 630 RPMPrecision ISO Class 5 Weight 0.551 lb0.250 kgDynamic Load Rating 32000 lbf143000 NStatic Load Rating 103000 lbf460000 NOperating Temperature Range -40 to 250 F-40 to 120 CDimensional SpecificationsThrust Cylindrical Roller Bearing - Type 812, 813 - Dimensionsd 3.1496 in80.000 mmd1 (-0.2/-0.5) 4.5276 in115.000 mmD 4.5276 in115.000 mmD1 3.2283 in82.000 mmT 1.1024 in28.000 mmr 0.0394 in1.000 mmda min 3.1496 in80.000 mmDb max 5.5118 in140.000 mmras max 0.4331 in11.000 mm
Overgreasing causes bearings to run hot, which reduces grease life, according to Chris Decker, a grease formulator for ExxonMobile.
To accurately determine regreasing schedules, Decker says equipment managers should consult their OEMs or operator manuals. In the absence of that, managers can work with their grease supplier to evaluate five factors:
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In an informational video (below), Decker highlights infrared images to show how hot bearings can run with too much grease.
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