Frontwheel bearing purpose

If you notice these symptoms during your test drive, it can’t hurt to physically inspect each wheel hub assembly on the vehicle. To do this:

Sometimes when your tire hits a pothole, curb, or another large obstacle hard enough, your wheel bearing gets damaged. The bearing either breaks or becomes weaker, leading to eventual failure. Is your car driving differently after hitting a pothole or something else? Your wheel hub assembly may have taken a beating and need inspection.

Average life ofwheelbearings

As the rotation of the wheel bearing produces high friction, the rolling elements must be lubricated. Lubricants such as lubricating grease or lubricating oil are used for this purpose. Without lubrication, the bearing cannot function. Most wheel bearings used in modern passenger cars are designed to be totally maintenance-free. This is because they are filled with grease which will provide sufficient lubrication for the rolling elements for the entire service life of the wheel bearing. Elaborately designed seals ensure that neither water nor dirt can get into the wheel bearing. Seals for modern wheel bearings often feature integrated magnetic pulse generators which generate the speed signal for the ABS system in the wheel speed sensor.

How to tell whichwheel bearingis bad while driving

Like all the components under the car, wheel hubs are continually exposed to water, dirt, dust, and other contaminants. They will corrode over time. Cars that live in cold climates are subject to salt and magnesium chloride. If you drive in the rain, some water may splash on the components in the undercarriage. But your wheel hubs get bathed in water. Wheel hubs are very exposed to the elements, so corrosion may cause problems sooner than it would for other components under the car.

The wheel hub’s job is to connect the axle and wheel and to allow the wheel to spin smoothly. Most of the time a vehicle is traveling in a straight line, which puts only minimal stress on the wheel bearing. If your vehicle is out of alignment and pulling, you have to constantly turn slightly to keep the car going straight. Then the bearing is under the added stress of a slight turn all the time. This causes the bearing to wear faster.

Wheel bearings are designed and dimensioned to withstand high loads and high levels of environmental stress. Strong radial (e.g. caused by potholes) and axial (e.g. caused by bumping into kerbs) impacts are the biggest enemies of wheel bearings. Extreme cornering also reduces the service life of wheel bearings due to the occurrence of high axial lateral forces. So that damage can be detected at an early stage, the garage will check wheel bearings during regular service and maintenance work.

Badwheel bearingsymptoms

Wheel bearingnoise


Don’t forget to check the other components under the car! Worn ball joints and tie rod ends can cause symptoms like those caused by a bad wheel bearing.

Frontwheel bearingnoise symptoms

Wheel bearings guide and support shafts and axles. They are part of the chassis, guide the wheels and absorb axial and radial forces. Radial forces are longitudinal forces produced as a result of rotation. They are applied to the wheel bearing at a right angle to the longitudinal axis. Axial forces, on the other hand, are forces that act on the wheel bearing in the direction of the longitudinal axis. They are produced during cornering, for example. The axial forces produced during cornering expose wheel bearings to particular stress.

If you’re looking for the key to reducing comebacks, it’s to use high-quality replacement parts. Installing a quality part means that there’s a low chance the customer will come back.

In modern passenger cars, two types of wheel bearing are used in accordance with requirements: taper roller bearings and ball bearings. The versions of these bearings that are used vary according to application and load. Essentially, wheel bearings consist of an outer ring and an inner ringthe rolling elements a ball cage enclosing the rolling elements. Depending on the design of the bearing, the rolling elements ball or roll-shaped. They roll back and forth on the raceways of the two rings.Their task is to transfer the force acting on the bearing from one bearing ring to the other.

In the early stages of bearing failure, you may hear the failure before you can feel it using techniques listed above. Another way to determine if the wheel bearing is failing is to measure the runout of the hub. Runout is a measurement of the amount of play in the wheel bearing. You need a dial gauge to precisely measure runout. The rule of thumb is that if the hub’s runout exceeds .004″, the bearing has failed.


Wheel bearingreplacement cost

Whether you’re testing your own car or a customer’s car, you want to be able to detect the most common signs of a failing wheel hub assembly or a bad wheel bearing:

Wheel bearing purposeexplained

Wheel bearings guide and support shafts and axles. They are part of the chassis, guide the wheels and absorb axial and radial forces. Radial forces are longitudinal forces produced as a result of rotation. They are applied to the wheel bearing at a right angle to the longitudinal axis.

Loud metallic rolling noises are a sign of faulty wheel bearings. To avoid major damage to or the complete failure of the wheel bearing, the vehicle should be taken to a garage immediately. In the event of a faulty wheel bearing, it is always advisable to check the other axle bearing also, as it is likely that both wheel bearings will have been exposed to approximately the same load and have the same service life.

At GMB, we build premium wheel bearing and hub assemblies that fit all of the criteria listed above. You can’t go wrong with a GMB wheel hub assembly. Please contact us for more information about our world-class wheel bearing and hub assemblies.

No one likes comebacks, but they happen sometimes. You can reduce the number of comebacks your shop gets after a wheel hub assembly replacement with the three tips listed here.

Good wheel hub assemblies are built like tanks. But sometimes they break or wear out, like any other part on a car. What causes wheel bearings to go bad though? There are three common causes of bearing failure: impacts, contamination, or improper alignment.

Wheel bearings are components that are relevant to safety. They are responsible for stable driving behaviour and, depending on design, supply the wheel speed information for the ABS system. In the event of a fault, therefore, the ABS can also be taken out of service. If emergency braking was required, this would increase stopping distances and impair the steerability of the vehicle.

Wheel bearings are designed to minimise the friction produced by the rotation of the wheels. As such they make an important contribution to fuel economy and the reduction of CO2 emissions. These are important present and future objectives for the automotive industry. Whilst the lubricant selected is a very important factor, the integration of other components associated with the wheel bearing also has an important role to play in modern bearing units. The integration of the ABS sensors, for example, and modern connections to the axle shaft reduce the weight at the axle, thereby contributing to fuel economy.