ISO 9934-1:2016 specifies the surface preparation of the part to be tested, magnetization techniques, requirements and application of the detection media, and the recording and interpretation of results. Acceptance criteria are not defined. Additional requirements for the magnetic particle testing of particular items are defined in product standards (see the relevant International Standards or European standards).

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ISO 9934-1:2016 specifies general principles for the magnetic particle testing of ferromagnetic materials. Magnetic particle testing is primarily applicable to the detection of surface-breaking discontinuities, particularly cracks. It can also detect discontinuities just below the surface but its sensitivity diminishes rapidly with depth. ISO 9934-1:2016 specifies the surface preparation of the part to be tested, magnetization techniques, requirements and application of the detection media, and the recording and interpretation of results. Acceptance criteria are not defined. Additional requirements for the magnetic particle testing of particular items are defined in product standards (see the relevant International Standards or European standards). ISO 9934-1:2016 does not apply to the residual magnetization method.

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ISO 9934-1:2016 specifies general principles for the magnetic particle testing of ferromagnetic materials. Magnetic particle testing is primarily applicable to the detection of surface-breaking discontinuities, particularly cracks. It can also detect discontinuities just below the surface but its sensitivity diminishes rapidly with depth.