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As a pioneer organization and a confident brand that is based on quality and customer orientation, we have altered contradictions into teamwork, mutual trust, and organizational engagement, and we try hard to be a learning organization.
As a pioneer brand in the Iranian steel industry, from the supply level of raw materials to communication with costumers¸ Foolad Kaveh Tikmeh-Dash is honored to, constantly, redefine the word “quality” as the main and fundamental pillar of the company. This is the policy that leads to brand excellence.
By supplying high-quality products, which are based on the current Iranian and global standards, being responsible towards the needs of customers, and making them assured about our products, we desire to be the best steel industry in the Middle East.
As a member of the state steel supply chain and to fulfill its duty towards this chain, the company has focused its development policies on improving the business environment and strengthening the steel ecosystem of the country by establishing a smelting unit to produce and supply the required steel billets.
The word quality in any consumer’s view is always associated with the product. While Foolad Kaveh Tikmeh-Dash Company defines “quality” as the value that the SFK brand organization is based on. Such a definition is exactly the one that has constructed the whole company. The above-stated word, which is the core of the policies of the company, has been included in the major components of the company such as administration and production sections, and it is also the exact justification for the brilliance of the products under SFK brands.
As a part of steel supply chain in the country, and based on our approach for creating added value and participating in increasing the national GDP in the industry sector, we have defined sustainable employment, meeting the needs of construction projects and earning foreign currency through export as our main assignment and we are taking steps to achieve these goals.
SFK Steel Industries Production Complex: Next of Tikmedash No. 63 powerhouse, before Tikmedash, 12th Km of the old Bostan Abad Rd., Bostan Abad.
Considering the wide range of regional, national, and international customers as well as other valuable customers of “Foolad Kaveh Tikmeh-Dash” Company, this company constantly improves the quality of its products and maintains the amount of production to meet the needs and reduces the total price as the main foundations of its commercial system charter and has always prioritized customer satisfaction and fair trade over profitability.
“Foolad Kaveh Tikmeh-Dash” Company started its work about fifteen years ago in the steel field with lofty goals such as creating employment, providing domestic needs, and earning foreign currency through exports. The policy and perspective of the group have been formulated from the very beginning with an expert view on social responsibilities. The internal work policies of the company are based on respect for expertise, responsibility, and protection of human resources, and as a result of this approach, the possibility of progress and meritocracy has been provided for all job categories. Generally, all such cooperation has formed the valuable human capital of “Foolad Kaveh Tikmeh-Dash” Company, and the company is committed to the personal and professional development of its employees.
Address of factory: Next of Tikmedash No. 63 powerhouse, before Tikmedash, 12th Km of the old Bostan Abad Rd., Bostan Abad.
By having the most effective approaches towards workers and customers for the last 15 years, Foolad Kaveh Tikmeh-Dash Company has managed to earn a reputation and a good position for the SFK brand in the region. Our purpose is to bring this brand among the top 10 Iranian steel brands through the upcoming decade.
As the only owner of the specialized steel industry town in north-west Iran, “Foolad Kaveh Tikmeh-Dash” Company has always considered itself committed to protecting the environment by taking preventive measures such as installing control devices, refining and reducing pollutants, as well as making conscious efforts in the field of optimizing the consumption of non-renewable energy resources and protecting the environment.
Motivated workers pave the way toward achieving organizational goals. Accordingly, we pay huge attention to investing in their future as well as training them and promoting their skills. Also, we endeavor to preserve and improve our valuable human resources to convert them into human capital, by the end of the second decade of the operation of the company.