I have some old graphite from Pinewood Derby cars in Cub Scouts. It was used to make the wheels spin faster and more smoothly. Do you think I could use it as bearing lube? Also, is that what Dry Play lube is? Just graphite powder?

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Graphite is good but not by itself i use griphite powder work it in for awhile then clean it out with electrical contact cleaner and it works great by i also use a substance known as dry molly which is much more like terrapin dry play

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When you use graphite there can be no liquid lube in the bearing or moisture either. make sure they are clean and dry first.

Yes, clean the bearing like anything else. You may need to wash the whole yoyo w/soap & water. Rinse and dry thoroughly.

I know people that tried it a few years back. It works. The primary affect is that it turns your string black. Basically it’s messy to use.

Tire bearingfailure symptoms

Not sure what the terrapin dry play stuff is made of but I am curious to find out if graphite works. If you go ahead with it, do let us know how it goes.

I was VERY pessimistic about the Terrapin Dry Lube, but I bought it and have found it to be awesome. I purchased some bulk “C” sized bearings and used the Terrapin Dry Lube and have had wonderful results. It’s pathetically simple to apply, and thus far have no complaints about it at all. For the $5.00 you will spend, it’s definitely worth trying. Nobody was more surprised than me.

Tire bearingreplacement

I have some old graphite from Pinewood Derby cars in Cub Scouts. It was used to make the wheels spin faster and more smoothly. Do you think I could use it as bearing lube? Also, is that what Dry Play lube is? Just graphite powder?

graphite powder can be used to lubricate metal. So yes, it would work. to quote a store that sells graphite lubricant, " Enlarge Image Extra-fine dry graphite powder in a small (.21oz) tube for convenient lubricating of metal, wood or plastic. Excellent on lock mechanisms, firearms action parts (recoil, bolt & trigger mechanisms), fishing reels, skate boards, roller blade wheels, pinewood derby cars, bicycles, tools, hinges, etc." seeing as how skate boards, roller blades, and bikes use bearings (and I think fishing reels and derby cars too, but I’m not actually sure) you should be fine using it for a yoyo. Not sure if it will make it responsive though.

Front wheelbearingnoise symptoms

Ok, I’ll try it on a Crucial Grooved bearing this weekend. And if I don’t like it, can I clean it like I normally would, using mineral spirits?

Tire bearingsymptoms

Yes, it will still be messy. It’s a very small particle that is difficult to contain. But don’t take our word for it. Try it.

graphite works, it isn’t all that great and it’s exceptionally messy… it tends to get on your yoyo, your string, your hands, and just about everything else.

After you apply put the bearing on a dowel rod or something and spin it for a while and work it in really well before u play it. This will help significantly in the breakin process.

Yes, clean the bearing like anything else. You may need to wash the whole yoyo w/soap & water. Rinse and dry thoroughly. That’s the best cleanup for graphite.

Just make sure you clean your bearing first with acetone, then apply a very small drop after the dry lube to loosen it up. It will make your day !!!