Which flux type are our motors - radial or axial flux? - motor radial
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- In the “Action” dropdown menu, choose “Send Hex Code” or “Send Escape Sequence”. The correct choice depends on your shell and iTerm2’s version, but “Send Hex Code” is more universally applicable for this action.
1. Open iTerm2 preferences2. Go to Profiles > Colors3. Import the downloaded color profile you want, or all.4. Select the color profile
1. Open iTerm2 Preferences: You can do this by clicking on iTerm2 in the menu bar (while iTerm2 is focused) and then selecting Preferences, or you can press Cmd + , (comma) as a shortcut.
- If you choose “Send Escape Sequence”, you might need to enter a sequence like d for backward delete. However, this is less common for deleting a word backward compared to using hex codes or control characters.
- For the “Keyboard Shortcut” field, press Option + Backspace. This might show up as ⌥←Delete or similar, depending on your keyboard.
2. Go to Profiles: In the Preferences window, click on the Profiles tab. This is where you can configure settings that are specific to each profile. If you haven’t created a custom profile yet, you’ll be modifying the Default profile.
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- For “Send Hex Code”, you will typically enter the hex code for deleting the word to the left of the cursor. This can vary based on the shell you are using, but a common sequence is 0x1b 0x08 (which represents Esc + Backspace). However, for deleting a word, a more appropriate sequence is often 0x17 which corresponds to the ^W control character in many Unix shells that deletes the word before the cursor. If “Send Hex Code” doesn’t work as expected, try “Send Escape Sequence”.
- To jump left (previous word) with Option + Left Arrow: — For the input box that says “Keyboard Shortcut”, press Option + Left Arrow. — From the “Action” dropdown, select “Send Escape Sequence”. — In the input box that appears, type b (because the escape sequence for moving to the previous word in many shells like bash and zsh is Esc-b). - To jump right (next word) with Option + Right Arrow: — For the input box that says “Keyboard Shortcut”, press Option + Right Arrow. — From the “Action” dropdown, select “Send Escape Sequence”. — In the input box that appears, type f (because the escape sequence for moving to the next word in many shells is Esc-f).
Now that it’s installed, open the ”~/.zshrc” file with your preferred editor and change the value of “ZSH_THEME” as shown below: