Which skateboard bearings should you buy? (Hint: ABEC isn't ... - size of a skateboard bearing
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Took it to a local mechanic for diagnosis. They tell me it's the front right wheel bearing. Odd, I just changed it 6 months ago due to an ABS issue. Maybe I didn't get the torque right on the axle nut and it wore out quickly? Got a lemon from RockAuto? I ordered a replacement and installed it. No change in the sound.
Return to mechanic. He can't get the vehicle in but suggests maybe it's the front left. Well now I have my 6 month old hub assembly that is perfectly fine, so I install it on the left. Again, no change in the sound.
2011 GMC Terrain (FWD, 100k miles) is making a "wub wub wub" that speeds and slows with wheel speed. (No I'm not listening to dubstep)