We ship within the United States of America and to Canada. (Shipments to Canada require additional lead time. More info)

62207 is classified as a "non-unique", also known as a Standard ZIP Code. Its primary purpose is for normal street, apartment, and business mailbox delivery. Carriers will deliver mail to this region through vehicles, walking routes, and other means. It may also have PO Boxes located at the USPS facility.

62207 is a part of the St. Louis, MO-IL Core-Based Statistical Area (CBSA) and it's CBSA code is 41180. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) defines this as a Metro area. Statistical Areas are defined as either Micropolitan (at least 10,000 but less than 50,000 people) or Metropolitan (50,000+ people). See more Geography & Statistical Areas.

Median Age: The Median Age of all people from the 2020 Census. Median age is the middle age of the population. Half the population is older than the average age and half is younger. Median Age can relate how young or old a geographic region is compared to others. 34.1

Wiley Equipment sells Vehicle Service Equipment. Air, Lube, Lift WE do it ALL. Whether its Oil Pumps, Reels, Air Compressors, Automotive Lifts or even Diesel Exhaust Fluid Equipment we have it. Representing numerous manufactures such as Alemite, Lincoln Industrial, Balcrank, American Lube, CEMB, Challenger, Champion, Devon, Graco, Norco Jacks, Bendpak, Liquidynamics, National Spencer, Piusi, and more.

62207 is in the Central (GMT -06:00) timezone and does observe daylight saving time. It has 2 Area Codes providing telephone service, including 618 and 730.

The Map above shows the boundaries and what geography it covers. More Demographics are available below, including charts for population by race, population by gender, population over time, house value, income over time, and much more. Local Public, Private, and Post Secondary Schools shows which schools are nearby.

Alemite’s clear grease gun tube lets you see exactly what type of grease is in the cartridge, providing confidence that you are using the specified lubricant for the job. Other clear tube benefits:

ZIP Code 62207 is located in the city of East Saint Louis, Illinois and covers 6.201 square miles of land area. It is also located within Saint Clair County.

The 62207 ZIP Code is home to 69 businesses, employing 950 people. That is an average of 13.8 employees per business. Annual payroll for these businesses is $41,828,000. See Other Demographics.

ZIP Code 62207 is part of 2 school districts, including: East St. Louis School District 189 (Grades PK thru 12) and Cahokia Community Unit School District 187 (Grades Pre-Kindergarten thru 12th). There are 2 public schools and 1 private schools with a mailing address in the 62207 ZIP Code. ZIP Code 62207 also has 6 universities, colleges or post secondary education institutions nearby which would be a short commute to.

Male Median Age: The Median Age of all Males from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. The Male Median Age is the actual average from the 2020 Census. Median Age is the average age of the population. Half of the population is older and the other half is younger. This is self-reported by individuals when asked about their sex at birth. 33.3

According to the 2020 U.S. Census, there are 7,045 people in 2,822 households. ZIP-Codes.com estimates that the current population is 6,820. It has a population density of 1,136.1 people per square mile.

Female Median Age: The Median Age of all Females from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. The Female Median Age is the actual average from the 2020 Census. Median Age is the average age of the population. Half of the population is older and the other half is younger. This is self-reported by individuals when asked about their sex at birth. 34.6