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Standardskateboardsize cm
Your boards life depends on how often or hard you skate, but you’ll want to consider replacing your board once the nose, tail and sides show excessive damage or signs of splitting.
EFPEffective Foot Platform is the area on the topside of your board (between the front and rear trucks) that you stand on to control your board.
Teens and adults usually ride at least a 7.5" width skateboard deck, however younger riders would probably be best suited to a narrow board. Ramp and vert riders would suit a wider board.
ConcaveThe concave is how the wood curves between the nose and tail of your board. Concaves allow for stronger skateboards and provide you with a more controlled ride. The benefit of a concave board over a flat board is that it allows you more foothold and better sliding, drifting and turning.
Skateboardsize calculator
Old SchoolOld school boards usually have flat noses and kicktails. Predominately asymmetrical, old school boards will have a wider nose and are a solid choice for skating pools, ramps or carving up the streets.
KicktailThe kicktall is the upward curve of your nose or tail and is essential for trick skateboarding as it allows you to ollie and helps with sharp turns, pivots, slides and general manoeuvring. Most decks have a kickball on both the nose and tail and come in different angles to suit rider preference.
These noises are typically heard when making sharp turns and can indicate excessive bearing endplay from inadequate clamping. They can also indicate a worn or damaged outer CV-joint. Related Articles - Smart Battery Management - Hydraulic Suspension Bushings - Brake Problems Grinding When in Motion This noise is normally heard when turning or when there is a shift in load. This can suggest a loss of integrity, such as roller or raceway damage, but typically means mechanical damage in a wheel-end system. Knocking or Clunking These noises are normally heard when shifting — either when changing directions or when transitioning from accelerating to coasting. These noises can signal excessive play in the CV-joints or U-joints, or excessive backlash in the differential gears — a condition not generally associated with bearings. Humming, Rumbling or Growling These noises are normally associated with tire, electrical or drivetrain components. If bearing-related, the noise or vibration presents itself when driving in a straight line, but intensifies when slightly turning the steering wheel. Typically, the side opposite the rumbling is the defective side. Wheel Vibration and/or Wobble This associates with severe chassis misalignment or a damaged or worn tire, wheel or suspension component. When related to the hub or bearing, this can indicate a mechanically damaged bearing or improperly torqued lug nuts. Shudder, Shimmy or Vibration at a Constant Speed These sensations associate with worn or damaged suspension components or tires that are out-of balance or out-of-round. It is not normally indicative of hub or bearing damage. Abnormal Side Pull When Brakes are Applied Severe bearing looseness can cause excessive runout, making the brakes pulsate or pull. However, this usually indicates a defective caliper or equalizer and can also be a sign of worn brakes or rotors. The most common cause is a warped rotor due to the caliper not retracting. Uneven Rotor or Brake Pad Wear This normally indicates a bad caliper and/or a bad equalizer, which is not bearing related. The most common cause is a warped rotor due to the caliper not retracting. Severe looseness related to a worn or damaged bearing can cause excessive runout, leading to uneven wear on the brake pads and/or rotor. Abnormal or Uneven Tire Wear The most common causes of abnormal tire wear include worn or damaged suspension components, misalignment and improper tire inflation or selection. Extreme bearing wear or looseness can cause abnormal tire wear, but it is typically related to other failure modes. ABS Failure In extreme cases, too much endplay creates excessive movement that damages internal and external sensors. This indicates a lack or loss of bearing clamp, resulting from severe mechanical break up, external corrosion or damage. Courtesy of Timken Tech Series.
WidthThe most important decision when choosing a skateboard deck is the width, not the length or wheelbase. The width you need will depend on your height, shoe size, type of skatebaording and personal preferences. If you choose a board that is too wide, it can make skateboarding and tricks much more difficult as you’ll have to exert more power. Conversely, if you choose a board that is too narrow, balancing won't feel stable. The average width of a skateboard deck is 7.5"- 8.25”.
In extreme cases, too much endplay creates excessive movement that damages internal and external sensors. This indicates a lack or loss of bearing clamp, resulting from severe mechanical break up, external corrosion or damage.
These sensations associate with worn or damaged suspension components or tires that are out-of balance or out-of-round. It is not normally indicative of hub or bearing damage. Abnormal Side Pull When Brakes are Applied Severe bearing looseness can cause excessive runout, making the brakes pulsate or pull. However, this usually indicates a defective caliper or equalizer and can also be a sign of worn brakes or rotors. The most common cause is a warped rotor due to the caliper not retracting. Uneven Rotor or Brake Pad Wear This normally indicates a bad caliper and/or a bad equalizer, which is not bearing related. The most common cause is a warped rotor due to the caliper not retracting. Severe looseness related to a worn or damaged bearing can cause excessive runout, leading to uneven wear on the brake pads and/or rotor. Abnormal or Uneven Tire Wear The most common causes of abnormal tire wear include worn or damaged suspension components, misalignment and improper tire inflation or selection. Extreme bearing wear or looseness can cause abnormal tire wear, but it is typically related to other failure modes. ABS Failure In extreme cases, too much endplay creates excessive movement that damages internal and external sensors. This indicates a lack or loss of bearing clamp, resulting from severe mechanical break up, external corrosion or damage. Courtesy of Timken Tech Series.
Skateboardsize chart cm
This noise is normally heard when turning or when there is a shift in load. This can suggest a loss of integrity, such as roller or raceway damage, but typically means mechanical damage in a wheel-end system.
Every time a spark plug fires, the spark burns a few molecules of metal off the plug’s electrodes. Over time, this eats away the electrodes and rounds off their sharp edges. The erosion gradually increases the gap between the electrodes, which, in turn, increases the firing voltage required to generate a spark. Eventually, the point is reached where the ignition system fails to produce enough voltage and the plug misfires.
Skateboard decks come in a variety of widths to suit any rider and you can determine the correct width from your size, skateboarding style and personal preferences. We recommend you choose your deck according to the width, not the length or wheelbase.
Standardskateboardsize inches
The most common causes of abnormal tire wear include worn or damaged suspension components, misalignment and improper tire inflation or selection. Extreme bearing wear or looseness can cause abnormal tire wear, but it is typically related to other failure modes.
This associates with severe chassis misalignment or a damaged or worn tire, wheel or suspension component. When related to the hub or bearing, this can indicate a mechanically damaged bearing or improperly torqued lug nuts.
PlyPly are thin layers of wood pressed together to make your skateboard deck. Most skateboards are made from seven plys of wood in a cross-grain pattern to create an incredibly strong board.
These noises are normally heard when shifting — either when changing directions or when transitioning from accelerating to coasting. These noises can signal excessive play in the CV-joints or U-joints, or excessive backlash in the differential gears — a condition not generally associated with bearings.
8.5Skateboard dimensions
Severe bearing looseness can cause excessive runout, making the brakes pulsate or pull. However, this usually indicates a defective caliper or equalizer and can also be a sign of worn brakes or rotors. The most common cause is a warped rotor due to the caliper not retracting.
The skateboard deck is the flat board that you stand on made of either seven-ply wood, bamboo, resin, carbon fibre or plastic. There are four types of board and the board you choose should reflect the type of skateboarding you want to do and your style of skateboarding.
WheelbaseThe distance between your skateboard’s inner mounting holes. Wheelbase determines how far apart your front and back wheels will be and is another factor to consider as it effects how your board performs. You’ll learn with time and experience, what wheelbase is right for you.
LengthSkateboard length is the distance from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. Shortboard length falls between 28"- 32" but only advanced skaters refer to length. Width and wheelbase should be top considerations when building your skateboard, rather than length.
Skateboardsize chart for adults
There are many different concave shapes, with manufacturers creating and tweaking concave regularly, with each concave having its own benefits and trade-offs. Below are the most common concave as a guide to help better understand what impact concave has on your board.
Nose and TailThe nose is the front of the skateboard and the tail is the back. With modern skateboards it can be hard to tell which is which, however the direction of your board graphic is an easy way to tell the two apart. Most skateboard decks will also have a bigger kick on the nose and mellower kick on the tail.
This normally indicates a bad caliper and/or a bad equalizer, which is not bearing related. The most common cause is a warped rotor due to the caliper not retracting. Severe looseness related to a worn or damaged bearing can cause excessive runout, leading to uneven wear on the brake pads and/or rotor.
Standard (Shortboard)This is the most common, standard skateboard deck for street, park and anything else you want to do. If you're looking to skate and learn tricks, the standard board is for you.
Dodge’s RAM 1500 air ride system boosts comfort, aerodynamics, and functionality. Diagnose issues with a scan tool and proper calibration.
CruiserTypically mid-length, versatile, manoeuvrable and usually have a kickball. Cruisers are perfect for cruising the streets.
Type of Skateboarding7.5”+: Street and technical skateboarding.8.0” - 8.25": Pools, ramps, rails, skateparks.8.25"+: Vert, pools, cruising.
Skateboardsize chart
LongboardIf you’re looking for a board aimed at transportation rather than tricks, the longboard might be the right choice for you. Great for speed, downhill riding and long distance.
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These noises are normally associated with tire, electrical or drivetrain components. If bearing-related, the noise or vibration presents itself when driving in a straight line, but intensifies when slightly turning the steering wheel. Typically, the side opposite the rumbling is the defective side.
RailsThe rails are the edges along the length of your skateboard. Different rail shapes will effect how your board rides. There are different specialist rails, however, the most common shape is rounded, which is ideal for flip tricks and general skateboarding.
Diagnosing wheel speed sensors is essential for wheel bearing replacements. Learn about sensor types, tools, and techniques for accurate fixes.