We often find ourselves wanting to convert a fraction like 80/64 into a decimal because it allows you to represent the fraction in a way that can be easily understood.

Timing chain or beltchecker

What is the service life of a timing chain and how does having a chain drive cam benefit from a belt drive cam and vice-versa?

Timing belt or chainlist

Both fractions and decimal numbers have a place in math though, because fractions are easy to multiply, can express larger decimal numbers easier, and it's important to learn and understand how to convert both from fraction to decimal, and from decimal to fraction.

Belts are quieter but are often less obviously worn before they break (chains stretch and loosen, belts tend to stay tight without damaged belt teeth up until the moment they snap). Timing belts are also less complicated (chains require an oil bath). Chains are generally stronger, so vehicles with timing chains often drive more than just the cam with the timing chain. Due to stretch, when you change a chain you MUST replace all the timing gears, as the teeth will wear to match the chain stretch. While not necessary on a belt driven system, a failed gear will cause a belt failure and, depending on your engine, could be very bad, so it's generally recommended to replace all idlers and gears in a belt system, too.

Each article will show you, step-by-step, how to convert a fraction into a decimal and will help students to really learn and understand this process.

Timing beltvstiming chainpros and cons

The simplest method is obviously to use a calculator. It's quick, and easy. To show a fraction as a decimal you divide the top number of the fraction (the numerator) by the bottom number (the denominator) and the result is the fraction as a decimal.

There's a good section on the TDI Club's FAQ about timing belts, as that's what Volkswagon uses on all their turbo diesels. A belt breaking on a TDI is catastrophic. As far as I know, most cars use chains and compression ratios low enough that there's no risk of piston heads smashing into an open valve should the chain break. You can't retrofit a belt system to use a chain, you wouldn't want to do the reverse, but I have seen people replace belts and chains with direct gear drives.

The amount of damage caused by a belt breaking vs a chain breaking entirely depends on the type of engine. Engines with really high compression ratios (performance cars that require high-octane fuel, diesels, etc) tend to have the valves and piston heads move such that they could come into contact if the cam stops opening and closing the valves. When a piston head smashes into a valve, you ruin the head, valve, and potentially other cylinders if pieces of shattered valve travel through the air intake system to the other cylinders.

I own a 2013 Volkswagen Golf TDI. Just recently, I drove a one year NEWER 2014, VW, with a 2.5, 5 cylinder Sportwagon. The 2.0 TDI, and the 2.5 Gas Engine, get the SAME Fuel mileage in town. Its the TDI that saves fuel on the freeway. Yes, the 2.5 Gas engine has the timing chain, and will last the lifetime of the car. The TDI is economical on the freeway, but its HIGHER cost in the beginning, @ purchase, and it's timing belt maintenance/replacement, is why I am going to trade my diesel in, for the gas engine with its timing chain, very soon.

In your daily life you will find yourself working with decimals much more frequently than fractions, and this teaches your brain to understand decimal numbers.

I think we covered this before, but I can't find it... Timing chains have much greater service lives at the expense of slightly more noise and friction, as well as a lot more damage if they break (but odds of breakage are much less than a belt).

Timing beltvstiming chaincost

Converting a fraction to its decimal format is a very simple and easy thing to do. In this article, we'll show you exactly how to convert the fraction 80/64 to a decimal and give you lots and lots of examples to help you.

Timing chainlifespan

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I may not be 100% accurate but I think belts have expected lift time of 60k-100k and at 100k they should definitely be changed.

Toyotatiming belt or chain

What is 80/64 as a Decimal Number?. WorksheetGenius.com. Retrieved from http://worksheetgenius.com/calc/fraction-as-decimal/80-64-as-decimal/.

They have been known to break but as Brian mentioned, that's very rare. I've also heard of a more common failure mode with chains where over time the metal stretches which alters the timing, so although everything runs, your car becomes de-tuned and to fix it, requires a chain replacement.

If you want to continue learning about how to convert fractions to decimals, take a look at the quick calculations and random calculations in the sidebar to the right of this blog post.

Timing chainreplacement

Like most math problems, converting fractions to decimals is something that will get much easier for you the more you practice the problems and the more you practice, the more you understand.

Timing chainreplacement cost

Another benefit to showing 80/64 as a decimal is as a comparison. It's very easy to compare two decimal numbers and see which is greater and which is smaller, but when you have fractions with different numerators and denominators it is not always immediately clear when you compare then.

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We have listed some of the most common fractions in the quick calculation section, and a selection of completely random fractions as well, to help you work through a number of problems.

Whether you are a student, a parent, or a teacher, you can create your own fractions to decimals worksheets using our fractions to decimals worksheet generator. This completely free tool will let you create completely randomized, differentiated, fraction to decimal problems to help you with your learning and understanding of fractions.

"What is 80/64 as a Decimal Number?". WorksheetGenius.com. Accessed on January 3, 2025. http://worksheetgenius.com/calc/fraction-as-decimal/80-64-as-decimal/.

So, if you need to do any form of common arithmetic like addition, subtraction, division, or multiplication, converting 80/64 into a decimal is a good way to perform those calculations.

There are other methods for converting fractions into a decimal version but it's very unlikely you will ever use something that is not a simple calculator or a long division method.

In the end: The chain is a stronger, longer lasting product, that is harder to diagnose and harder to replace. When and if it breaks, it will break catastrophically without as much warning. The belt is more regularly replaced and is more telling when it is near its end of life. It is usually easier/faster to replace. Balance between Durability / Maintenance / Costs

"What is 80/64 as a Decimal Number?". WorksheetGenius.com, http://worksheetgenius.com/calc/fraction-as-decimal/80-64-as-decimal/. Accessed 3 January, 2025