Bestskateboard bearings

Many incorrectly assume that your wheels determine your bearing size. In reality, the size of the axles on your skates determine which size bearings you need. Axles are commonly available in two sizes, 7mm (9/32) or 8mm (5/16). Most current skates are manufactured with an 8mm axle because 8mm bearings and locknuts are more common and readily available.  If you are unsure which size axles are on your skates, you can tell by checking the bearings you currently have to see if they are 7mm or 8mm.

Make sure to only press the center ring of the bearing. If you press the bearing on the side, it may bend it and then it will not roll well.

Skateboardbearing size 608

Cleaning and lubricating are not the same thing. There are bearing cleaners and bearing lubricators-please beware of the difference. © All rights reserved.  |  Sitemap  |  design by efelle  |  Customer ID:

Skateboard bearings measurementsinches

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You will need 2 bearings per wheel. Therefore quad skates take 16 bearings. Inline skates with 4 wheels each take 16 bearings. Inline Skates with 5 wheels each take 20 bearings.

Are allskateboard bearingsthe same size

Skateboard bearings measurementsreddit

In a perfect world you should clean your bearings every time you use your skates, but taking the bearings apart and cleaning them is a time consuming and dirty task. So the best way to tell if your bearings need cleaning, is to flip your skates and spin the wheels. Note how freely they spin, and listen for any interesting noises. Crunching and/or grinding means there is dirt or debris and the bearings need to be cleaned. Chirping and/or squeaking noises probably means you should lubricate the bearings.

Those measurements refer to the inner diameter of the bearing and the size of the axle it is going on. Most the new skates use 8mm axles so the standard 8mm bearings would be needed. 7mm axles are sometimes found on older models and high end skates, so they would need 7mm bearings.  High-end plates like Labeda Proline, Sure-Grip Power-Trac, Sure-Grip Snyder and Roll Line still use an 7mm axle. 7mm axels are fully machined which provides tighter tolerances, meaning less play or wiggle of the bearing on the axle. 8mm axles have lower tolerance, which will allow more play (or wiggle) of the bearing on the axle.

This is an acronym for Annular Bearing Engineers' Committee. This committee determines the ratings for each bearing.The ABEC rating system includes grades 1,3,5,7, and 9. The number determines how much "roll" the bearings has. The higher the number, the longer it will take your wheel to stop spinning after you stop pushing.

The bearings help the wheels move freely on the skate. Generally, the higher "rated" the bearing the better the bearing. However, most non-professional or non-competitive skaters will not need anything above standard skate wheel bearings.

Skateboardbearing size chart


The benefits of ceramic bearings are that they do not rust. They are self cleaning, much lighter than metal bearings, and are durable. They also can withstand higher speeds & acceleration capability. There is less heat friction, and they have a higher spin rate.

Skateboard bearings measurementschart

Lubricating: Once your bearings are cleaned correctly, it is recommended to apply lubrication to your bearings. The heavier the lubricant (such as Bones Speed Cream) the longer it will last and you won't have to clean and lube your bearings as often.

If you lube your bearings first it will trap the dirt and particles and make it really hard to clean those bits out. Those particles are what destroy bearings. Do not use WD-40 or anything like that. They leave behind a film that actually collects dirt and dust. Orange 409 cleaner will clean your bearings. Spray the bearings and use newspaper (not rags, they will leave lint behind). Clean them until no more dirt is expelled. Do not rinse with water. Just let the bearings air dry and proceed to lubricating.