Kenny, this is the rear... removing everything appears to be a huge job, so I'm hoping to find a way to get the CV out, still attached to the bearing assembly.

Solid axlesuspension

Although IRS systems are commonly associated with off-road vehicles, their benefits extend to performance cars as well. It is because of their ability to seamlessly handle cornering and manoeuvring.

Car off, raise both rear tires by jacking up the rear diff. Front wheels chaulked. Car in neutral and ebrake off. Spin rear wheel on one side and listen. Go to other side and spin and listen.

Independent rear suspension is a result of complex engineering. The IRS system comprises a large number of moving components. Putting all of them together exactly according to the required specification can be a painstaking process. If you want to learn more about different types of car suspension and their maintenance, read here.

Bestindependent rear suspension off road

Unlike other designs, the bushings or ball joints in this independent rear suspension are not restricted to horizontal axes. This flexibility allows for the fine-tuning of geometry to achieve desired performance outcomes.


Dial indicator and a magnet base, specs should be in the manual. It highly doubt it would get loud without being worn out of spec.

Agreed. Also, diff noises usually change depending on the load on the diff, so if you're cruising on the highway in 5th and go from full throttle to no throttle, a diff will sound a lot different but a wheel bearing noise won't change much at all.

Independent rear suspension off roadkit


An independent rear suspension system has more complex components to maintain compared to solid axle configurations. Due to the increased number of moving parts, independent rear suspension systems are inherently more prone to mechanical failures. Therefore, these systems require frequent maintenance and care.

Something about laying under it on jack stands while driving is a little bit frightening to me. The idea had crossed my mind though.

Yeah, most likely the bearings. Wheel bearing noise will typically change during a 'lane change' type maneuver, diff noise won't.

Independent rear suspension off roadfor sale

Analysing independent rear suspension from different practicality and performance criteria, we have compiled this pros and cons list.

I then use a big bearing puller to push the axle out if its not cooperating. But that usually only happens with northern transplant subies.

The dual wishbone independent rear suspension features a configuration that utilises a pair of joints at both ends of the wishbone-shaped arm. It results in a more H-shaped configuration when viewed from above.

Worn wheel bearings usually cause play in the wheel. If the noise changes while on the brakes in neutral, that's a good sign that it's not something in the diff.

Independent rear suspension off roadpros and cons

So for various reasons, I'm finally tackling this job. The passenger side is almost fully apart, but the driver's side is being stubborn. The axle shaft is stuck in the hub. I'm debating if I should just pull the CV axle too, and load the whole mama in my press to get it apart. My google abilities are lacking; there are tons of instructions for front CV axles but very little for the rears. Haynes says I need to remove the rear diff to get the axles out. Huh, really??

Unlike a rigid-axle suspension system, the independent rear suspension has a lower unsprung weight. This results in less amount of pull against in response to steering and improves the vehicle’s cornering performance.


In an IRS system, the movement of each rear wheel remains unaffected by the other. This allows the vehicle to maintain traction even in situations where a solid axle vehicle loses contact with the surface. This is why independent rear suspension is often considered an important part of off-road modifications.

Often installed in different types of off-roading vehicles, the IRS systems effectively mitigate the jolt caused by a single wheel encountering a bump or pothole. The impact is contained within the affected wheel and is not transferred throughout the system via the axle. This configuration ensures a smoother travelling experience, particularly for passengers in the backseat. Note that the sudden impact by a pothole, curb or other types of collision often causes bad wheel alignment.

Independent rear suspension off roadprice

Ive done really rusty hubs with an air chisel to separate it from the knuckle, this will likely screw up the mating surface and you'll need to draw file it back flat though.

Vehicles equipped with independent rear suspension often underperform in terms of straight-line driving. When each rear wheel spins independently, it becomes more prone to losing contact with the pavement.

solidrearaxle vsindependent rear suspensionoff-road

This results in a detrimental loss of traction during straight-line driving. Moreover, in the case of a rear-wheel drive configuration, this can even lead to reduced driving power.

All these factors collectively increase the production costs of independent suspension systems and the vehicles that have them. Moreover, in such intricate configurations, regular lubrication of the car’s steering and suspension parts becomes crucial to ensure longevity.

Axle nut is off; caliper, bracket and rotor - off. ABS sensor is removed. I don't know what long bolt you're talking about, but the four 14mm holding the bearing assembly are also out. I got the passenger side apart using a puller to push the axle through - but the driver side is being rather stubborn.

Day 2 update: I ended up removing the entire rear suspension arm (which was surprisingly straightforward and easy to do), and popped the CV out of the diff. I have the whole thing precariously positioned in my 12 ton Harbor Freight press, sitting in my driveway, loaded. I tried using a FWD hub puller from autozone to push the axle out, tried the air hammer, tried my ball-pein hammer with a drift - then all of the above with and without liberal coats of PB Blaster and / or heat from my propane torch. I peen'ed over the head of the CV shaft so bad that I couldn't get the nut back on. While I hate destroying stuff, this battle might be lost. Is it dumb to drill out the cv shaft with the hope it will relieve pressure inside the hub? Another thought is to take it to a shop with a larger press. Eventually it will let go - I think!

When you swap in a new wheel bearing (assuming that's the noise you're hearing), make sure to check the grease in the new unit and ideally, repack it with known good grease. That should extend its life a bit more.

Independent suspensionvs solid axle

These were some of the major pros and cons of independent rear suspension. The IRS system may be complex and costly but it offers smooth rides on different types of road surfaces.

Moreover, it maximises tyre performance as the thread makes contact with the road across a larger surface area. This, in turn, promotes even wear of the tyre and extends its overall lifespan. You can also check tyre tread depth with a coin to determine its condition.

For stability and reinforcement, the upper strut mount is bolted into the inner fender reinforcement, ensuring a sturdy connection. The suspension system features dual lower control arms on each side to enhance control and manoeuvrability. It extends from the chassis to the lower end of the spindle.

I was thinking Impreza even though you stated Legacy. With the Impreza you have to remove a long bolt for the lower arms so you can pull the hub off the axle.

Among the many different types of vehicle suspension systems, the MacPherson strut is known for its sturdiness. This independent suspension system utilises a configuration where the coil springs are mounted on the rear struts. This design incorporates a lower spring seat positioned on the strut. Meanwhile, the upper spring seat is securely placed on the upper strut mount.

Independent rear suspension is a suspension configuration typically found in off-road and high-performance vehicles. Allowing each rear wheel to move independently enhances the vehicle’s drivability on uneven roads. Unlike the solid axle suspension, the independent rear suspension provides more control and flexibility while cruising.

Anyways on the Legacy I really dont have any secrets or anything. After unbolting the 4 bolts on the hub I just give a liberal dousing with ATF/acetone (or your poison of choice) and a slidehammer with adapter.

Car in question is a 2001 Subaru Legacy sedan with 140k miles. There's a loud woomp woomp woomp noise audible inside the car, and is definitely something in the rear. Front wheel bearings were done within the year. How can I tell if its the bearings in the diff or the axles?

Here we’ll explore the types and some noteworthy pros and cons of independent rear suspension. This analysis will help gain a better understanding of how the suspension system impacts the overall dynamics and driving experience of a vehicle.

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Pop ball joint and tie rod, pull out on knuckle with weak hand while hammering on it with the air chisel fitted with a dull pointed driver. That's what the dimple in the end is for!

This arrangement provides structural support and helps maintain proper alignment. The lower end of each strut is firmly bolted to the spindle, ensuring a secure attachment.