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Enveloping schema involves children covering, hiding, concealing, and camouflaging objects–or themselves–with different materials. According to Laura England, children exploring this schema often, “show an interest in dressing up or wrapping themselves in blankets, as well as wrapping or concealing objects in fabric, paper or play dough.”1
So many materials support such play: wading pools, straw bales, grass clippings, plywood, logs, large hollow blocks, tents, and blankets to name a few.
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Enveloping schema play may also lead to objects being encased in paper mache. Or they may paint a delightful picture of their trip to the zoo and then cover it completely with purple paint. Or they may smear their palms with glue, wait for it to dry, and peel it off.
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Providing materials kids can use to camouflage, hide, and conceal themselves supports enveloping play. One of the reasons kids enjoy this type of play is that it allows them to feel cozy and secure.
See how this child is enveloping each paver with a different color of chalk? This is another example of enveloping schema play. Covering their hands, faces, fingernails, toenails, or arms in paint or marker is another example.
All the toy cars or plastic dinosaurs may end up wrapped in aluminum foil, tissue paper, newspaper, or construction paper.
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Jeff Johnson is an early learning trainer, podcaster, and author who founded Explorations Early Learning, Playvolution HQ, and Play Haven.
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You may also notice kids engaged in enveloping schema play become truly interested in wrapping things. Play themes like Getting Ready For The Birthday Party or Preparing For Christmas may work their way into dramatic play. Or your process art center may turn into a wrapping center.
Kids interested in enveloping schema play may also devote lots of time to dress up play. Sunglasses to hide their eyes. Layers, and layers of clothing to conceal their bodies. Hat’s, often pulled down low over their eyes, to cover their heads. Or earmuffs to cover their ears.
Supporting this enveloping schema play is as simple as sprinkling your play environment with a varied collection of items that can be used for enveloping, along with plenty of items that can be concealed. Beyond that, if the kids are trusted, allowed to self-direct, have plenty of time, and feel safe and secure, exploration and learning will happen.